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Has the ABSA CAPE EPIC lost its appeal or is it just too expensive?


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The whole "team" thing does put me off. You haven't always got a buddy who's up for it or fit enough; too many things can go wrong and then your whole race goes south.

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And also it lost its appeal when it started doing circles with an upward price spiral. The epic is getting old.

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Funny, hey, the Epic lost appeal (to me) when it lost the image of being a long trek from east to west. Now they do loops with the same start and finish (which is an exaggeration). I'd assume the cost must have come down a bit but the entry prices rise and rise. Taht's not very sustainable and the current development is quite interesting.

There are many other stage races, Pioneer Track was mentioned but even doing the Transalp including flights is not more expensive then the Epic. But that was discussed long ago.


Let's see where it goes, perhaps the prices will be changed in the future.

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It also looks like it gets harder and harder. Does it need to be that hard to keep its appeal?

I also preferred the idea of racing from Knysna (or somewhere to the east) and finishing in Cape Town. Feels more like a stage race that way.

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Epic Entries have always been available from December the previous year. Many riders realise by Dec/Jan that they've taken on too much and decide to sell.


If 20% of the entries changes hands afterwards, that would mean that 120 entries gets re-sold. Your best chance is to ask your partner if he doesn't fancy doing it with someone else and let him scout for a substitute for you.


There are a few mercenaries who do not enter for the event and know that a week before the time they'll pick up entries at cost - 50%. You may end up having to go this route.

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i recon its all about the cost. look at the dcm pioneer and jhb 2 c. nice big stage races at more than half the price......

honestly id rather do them.

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I am looking for an entry/ partner but at this stage cant/ don’t need to make the commitment; it’s a big deal in terms of costs (loss of income) and direct expenses.


I would love to do the race just once to experience it - in its category it is the top race in the wold and it’s in my backyard.


The prices of the entries are coming down by the week - we are now at R28k, between the hub and the rider zone there must be about 10 still available at any one time. Surprised there are not more after some of the Attakwas times – usually a big wake up call. Strange that quite a few of the entries are from overseas offers – recession perhaps


I think this year’s route is going to be a big big sort out early on – the time trial has no shade and its rough and relentless. Day two and day three should be equally tough and then there is no time trial to look forward to as a rest day. I won’t be surprised if the attrition rate is very high early on.


Another issue is that of the partner search – such a hit and miss at this stage, if one of the parties pulls out and you have to find someone who you have no clue if they whine or suffer.


I really do feel sorry for those guys that have trained hard and now have to pull out for unforeseen reasons – I do suspect however that the guys still asking for R35000 for an entry might not have done their homework in terms of the race or their training.


Hope to see you on the start line…..

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In 20 years from now you will look back and wont think about the R20k it cost you but about the experience it was. I spoke to a number of riders that said that they would pay R40k for the feeling you get when crossing the finish line. So in 73 days i"ll be able to tell if that is in fact true.

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For me, Epic has a huge appeal and I will do it one day ( find a sponsor to pay the entry ) ,so just the cost is my excuse .


R28000 odd on entry or a new bike each year , i go with new bike.


Pretty much my attitude too - and I am riding a 7 year old bike I'm more than happy with. I think the Epic has more competition now - all the three day races, the CPT - people look at the cost and training time required and opt for a shorter race perhaps.


Then again, wasn't the Epic sold out when entries opened? If so can we say its lost its appeal?

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Me think cost is not estimated in moola, but also time.

Often this is a hidden cost.


Time to attend and complete the event.

Time to train.

Time to recover.


It is a big overall commitment that spans beyond the money factor.


Motivation to attempt such an extreme endurance event is also a big variable.

It takes a lot of courage and 'gees'.

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The epic has turned into nothing more than a dick measuring contest, Would much rather do the DCM Pioneer which is not only a tougher race with a nicer vibe, its almost half the price.


Agree with you 100% on that one Covie.


Alternately save a few extra sheckles and go and do the Trans Alps

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I think it has a lot to do with price and the value you get for that price.... Compared to events such as Sani2c where you get amazing value for your entry in kit, manicured routes and food, food, food!


Also its not only the entry fee but the other costs; like replacing almost every component on your bike in the training leading up to the epic, plus logistics costs etc. One needs about 50k lying around to commit fully to an Epic.

= 1x very nice shiny new bike....

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Imo, after they halved the logistics and doubled the entry fee, it just costs too much. Still on my bucket list though...

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I have always want to do Epic and I am ready to do it. but the price is far too high and I struggled to find suitable partner and enough sponsors.

Why can't Epic have solo as well?

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