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[Event] NISSAN TRAILSEEKER #3 Down & Dirty


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Have some unfinished business at this race ......

This year I was hoping to be able to cross that little wooden bridge and not fall into that stagnant stinking black water. Looks like thats gone out the window.
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USN balance bracelet thing?

Good idea! If we gonna throw our self respect out the window, we may as well do it from the word go!

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This year I was hoping to be able to cross that little wooden bridge and not fall into that stagnant stinking black water. Looks like thats gone out the window.


I had a RD problem and ended up walking the last few k's last year (took a DNF)

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Good idea! If we gonna throw our self respect out the window, we may as well do it from the word go!

Exactly! I've attached my emergency contact nr to it so long.
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I had a RD problem and ended up walking the last few k's last year (took a DNF)

Eish! Hope this years goes better!
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Just under 2 weeks to go. I am looking forward to this race. I have done a 30 km race (parys dirtmax) and am now really really looking forward to down and dirty. I am doing the 40 km YIPPEEEEE


Is it possible to register on the day of the race? I work in the deeeeeep south so no chance of getting to pfc to get my registration pack before hand =(

Edited by DeltaAlphaMike
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