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how do i trace a reg nr


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i had an previous similar incident wrt to my work and on advice lay an attempted assault charge at the local saps. spent about 2 hrs making a statement and helping the captain write a decent account of the attempted assault (with a garden fork) in english. afterwards i received a call from the detective saying he will visit the person and then take the case to the prosecutor. heard nothing since. i don't want to waste my time again. i will write to my local councillor - he is very pro non motorised transport advocate and maybe he can get the local traffic police to make a visit to the owner of the vehicle. the driver lives in close proximity to me as i tried to follow him thru the suburb. i will find him eventually.

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Police always say they don't have enough staff to help you.....

I think it is a waste of time to report to the police, but I will still report anyway because if something happened again, they will have to investigate....


Throw egg or wave in big smile, if he wants to put you off again......

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you can trace a reg number plate using rice paper and some chalk.... doing it while slipstreaming in traffic is a bit hard, but not totally impossible.

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What I've found works really well is a pick-axe through the bonnet of said vehicle/weapon. Preferably late at night, after which you ring the doorbell and leave. Followed up by a phone call from a tickybox some miles away the next day :)

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@ccc2. Sincerely hope there wasn't a cycle lane in proximity to you when the incident happened? Might be an argument in mitigation of the driver's inappropriate behaviour. Either way, what an idiot he was. Glad you're ok.

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in the heat of the moment my knuckle duster works a treat. big or small they all succumb after 1 lekker smack. makes light work when it comes to altering body work, tail lights anything like that.


just hope the offending person does not have a gun or something like that or you gonna be the sorry person

Edited by Seeker911
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@ccc2. Sincerely hope there wasn't a cycle lane in proximity to you when the incident happened? Might be an argument in mitigation of the driver's inappropriate behaviour. Either way, what an idiot he was. Glad you're ok.


The driver is still not the juery and executioner should the driver feel that the cyclist not cycling on a cycle lane (Assuming that there was one) becomes fair game to take a go at with a motor vehicle.


I say the above with, but I still hold to that if there are functional cycle lanes (Assuming that there was one) then the cyclist should use these.

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Sorry to hear what happend.


See this every day while in the car or on the bike. Not much you can do, unless ending up in the crap yourself.


All I can say is.... proudly SA...


and by the way... have you chap see Toyota drivers.... Fortuner's .... the must be fortunate they havent flip them over the way they drive.

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Guest Frail4Life

Simple Graham.

What route you Take? @ what time. See you there on my Motorbike with a Something in my pocket!

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incident happened in Edgemead, hard shoulder which was blocked by a vehicle, so we went round and started to overtake on the right (this is where we should have been in the first place according to the rules of the road). but BM then started playing games with us by accelarating to close the gap to the car in front of him. i got in behind him and shouted 'don't be a ****'. we both turned left with me on his inside, he then squeezed me up against the curb. a few metres later the traffic had backed up at the 4 way stop, so with no alternative i attempted to pass on his right, he then moved over to the right as well. i backed off because of oncoming traffic. got his reg number. by this time the traffic had stopped dead, i went past him turned left at the 4 way stop and jumped off my bike to wait for him to get to the 4 way stop. he turned the same way as i did but didn't have the guts to stop. i just couldn't get my cellp out in time to get a pic. we are in the same neighbourhood and i will find him.

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Guest Frail4Life

incident happened in Edgemead, hard shoulder which was blocked by a vehicle, so we went round and started to overtake on the right (this is where we should have been in the first place according to the rules of the road). but BM then started playing games with us by accelarating to close the gap to the car in front of him. i got in behind him and shouted 'don't be a ****'. we both turned left with me on his inside, he then squeezed me up against the curb. a few metres later the traffic had backed up at the 4 way stop, so with no alternative i attempted to pass on his right, he then moved over to the right as well. i backed off because of oncoming traffic. got his reg number. by this time the traffic had stopped dead, i went past him turned left at the 4 way stop and jumped off my bike to wait for him to get to the 4 way stop. he turned the same way as i did but didn't have the guts to stop. i just couldn't get my cellp out in time to get a pic. we are in the same neighbourhood and i will find him.

That is a Small suburb. May just See him.
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Think about this.


What ever you gona do to this chap, if you seen doing it you will get you in the crap.


What ever you say, is hear say at the mom. ( dont get me wrong, I'm on your side here) Wount mean a bit in court.. you weren't injured.


Word of advice;


.. if you wana f this oke up.. just do it. Dont advertise how you going to.. who you are ect. ect. Just do it and shuta f up about it.


Wear a Badaclava...use a baseball bat... he wount know where its coming from and think twice before messing with anybody again because he doesn't know if he will get bliksemd again.


O, ya , I have been in that business.... leave it at that.


Btw... Sportman's should have some bats..

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Sorry Retard, oops Motard. :whistling: I think the correct charge is Assault with harmful/criminal intent....Not a lawyer.

Or we could all just gang together, call ourselves some arb name, wear bandanas (under our helmets) and go scratch his car.....and run like cowards!

Or just be Victims!

I say beat the F....er! :cursing:


Sorry Loud mouth or oeps...Loudmac. You dont need to be a lawyer to know that there is no charge as attempted assault or Assault with harmful/criminal intent. Try assault common or assault GBH, but then assault should have taken place witch in this case did not happen. So, alternatively you could try a charge of Reckless and or negligent driving.

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Alot of groot bekke here. I can also say we go stuff up his car or trap his head in but reality is...smile and wave boys. Altercations in the heat of the moment will lead to something really bad happening and who wants to spend time behind bars or in court for next two years.

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