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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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A change of policy is required to claim back the prize money, fluffy lions, yellow jerseys and podium girl kisses.

Overnight, journalists photos have become worthless not worthy of the copyright attached.


I doubt Armstrong has any fight left in him after this. they really sunk the Bismarck this time


And rightly so. Just finished Tyler's book yesterday. The worst thing for me was that Lance ran to the UCI and told them that Tyler is doping whilst he was doping himself. He wanted to dope but did not allow others to do the same or at least dope at the same levels. So was the playing field really "level"??? I think not.


It is obvious that Lance had an unfair advantage in general. He had the best docters and financial support and he also had the luxury of sweeping "positive tests" under the carpet whilst all the other okes had to pay for it by serving out bans etc... Lance just kept on raking in the millions.


I wonder that if the playing field was really level how many tours he would have won? I doubt any more than 2 or 3. Maybe this is where he faltered...... He was just too awesome.......


Is it not ironic that more money is invested in doping research (how not to get caught etc) than into actual cancer research.


Also is it wrong to wonder if Lance possibly had something to do with the 2004 tour when all the favourites got the wrong transfusions? (Tyler, Mayo and Ullrich)

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I don't think that the UCI have any idea how much they just damaged the sport. The big sponsors will now exit the sport en mass so as not to be associated with the so called 'dirty' sport. How many other riders in the peloton during that dark period of the sport will eventually be implicated. How many sponsors will claim their sponsorships back etc.


Cycling will be dumped into a sh!tload of court cases for the next decade at least. Clearly someone at UCI was running around like a headless chicken to get rid of the fire burning the tailfeathers.

Edited by Moridin
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So it's safe to say that cycling is rife with dopers, snitches, dodgy doctors and inept/corrupt officiation?

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I don't think that the UCI have any idea how much they just damaged the sport. The big sponsors will now exit the sport en mass so as not to be associated with the so called 'dirty' sport. How many other riders in the peloton during that dark period of the sport will eventually be implicated. How many sponsors will claim their sponsorships back etc.


Cycling will be dumped into a sh!tload of court cases for the next decade at least. Clearly someone at UCI was running around like a headless chicken to get rid of the fire burning the tailfeathers.


It will be a blessing if all sponsors abandon ship. Maybe then the cyclists will realise it is their responsibility keep the sport alive. It is in a fight for survival where you find the purest of resolve.

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Million dollar question - Will Lance actually own up to the fact that he doped???????


I don't know. He must have eaten a butchery's worth of bad steak and accidentally taken litres of the wrong flu medication.

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Million dollar question - Will Lance actually own up to the fact that he doped???????


I hope not - its proof that he has no spine


Do not know how one justify talking about fighting cancer and the greater good for some but live a lie as example.

Edited by Mellow
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So it's safe to say that cycling is rife with dopers, snitches, dodgy doctors and inept/corrupt officiation?


I read this last night - Dr Michele "EPO is not dangerous, it's the abuse that is. It's also dangerous to drink 10 liters of orange juice" Ferrari was more than just a dodgy doctor.



The Michele Ferrari system revealed Swiss bank accounts, fake contracts

Milano, 18 October 2012


How to launder the money earned from doping. Two years of investigations by the public prosecutor Roberti into the doctor from Ferrara. The Gazzetta reveals the set-up that involved not just the riders, but also the teams, for an estimated "turnover" of €30 million




I'm back to having to defend my sport to my mates again - thanks Lance and co.

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Million dollar question - Will Lance actually own up to the fact that he doped???????


Well not yet......... Like Tyler said, also lyke Floydd said, if you lie enough you actually really start to believe in your own innocence that all the other people are crazy...


However..... Lance is not stupid. He will own up eventually. I just think he will plan the way he goes about it very carefully.


1.) He will have no mercy on his foes. He will hit them very hard where it hurts most. Only George will be spared... and Johan Bruyneel....


2.) He will almost surely "commercialise" his response into some sort of money making scheme. Either a book or a movie or documentary or even both.... Or appear on some TV show for a tell all show.


3.) He will work out exactly how to be seen as the "victum". That along with his cancer emotional card will ensure he maintains a huge support base....


THe real hero here is actually Tyler Hamilton. His book is a tell it as it is to the normal guy on the street. This way we mortals can understand the real story and not be required to read through a 1,000 pages of technicalities.


You have to admit though..... Tylers book will make a wonderfull movie.....


And looking at all the unstable guys on the Hub I am sure they can use a few of the hubbers in their cast......

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I read this last night - Dr Michele "EPO is not dangerous, it's the abuse that is. It's also dangerous to drink 10 liters of orange juice" Ferrari was more than just a dodgy doctor.




Well LSD isn't dangerous either, the abuse of it is.


Snakes aren't dangerous as long as you stay out of their way..

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They made a movie Sink the Bismark.


Wonder if there is another on the way - night of the Strongarm or something like that.


If yo know the story of the Bismarck you will see the parallels between these soap opera's


Of course it took nearly 60 years for the truth around the sinking of the Bismarck to be known (she was scuttled by her crew)

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