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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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I still like LA, and if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have cycled. yes maybe i would've, but for sure wouldn't have loved it like I do today.


Yes you would have. The inner drive to push yourself does not come from another guy, thats all you... you just associate with his drive.


Personally I think he is a bit of a hollow head...much like our Julius.

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I would Like to place it on record that I think the UCI will not proceed with the USADA ban :clap: :clap:


what do you think their reasons will be ?

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LA has changed the face of cycling, however his contributions to the well being of cancer patients will be remembered by those who probably don't even own a bicycle.

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LA has changed the face of cycling, however his contributions to the well being of cancer patients will be remembered by those who probably don't even own a bicycle.


Tell us about those contributions. Please.

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Tell us about those contributions. Please.


LIVESTRONG endeavors to be the best possible stewards of the outstanding financial commitments made by its donors and partners and to leverage those funds in the global fight against cancer.


We gratefully thank our donors on behalf of the people served through your generosity.

Making a donation—at any level—can be a complex and difficult decision. For that reason, we are as transparent as possible about how we have been, and will continue to be, good stewards of your gifts.

Since our inception, we have raised more than $470 million dollars for the fight against cancer, and 81 percent of those funds have gone directly to support our programs and services for survivors.

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So its about to kick off by the sounds of it... Disclosures by ex team mates and the like. of course the timing will be purely coincidental - they will really just feel the need to come clean (just like Tyler did)


3000 or so pages of reasoned justification to come.

Edited by dracs
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LIVESTRONG endeavors to be the best possible stewards of the outstanding financial commitments made by its donors and partners and to leverage those funds in the global fight against cancer.


We gratefully thank our donors on behalf of the people served through your generosity.

Making a donation—at any level—can be a complex and difficult decision. For that reason, we are as transparent as possible about how we have been, and will continue to be, good stewards of your gifts.

Since our inception, we have raised more than $470 million dollars for the fight against cancer, and 81 percent of those funds have gone directly to support our programs and services for survivors.

Are you for real?

]Noobs. Don't dare suggest that Livestrong actually does any good around here. Lance is that clever and evil that he can not only con donors out of millions, but he can even con cancer patients that he is helping them :eek:

Edited by dracs
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]Noobs. Don't dare suggest that Livestrong actually does any good around here. Lance is that clever and evil that he can not only con donors out of millions, but he can even con cancer patients that he is helping them :eek:

His charity fund is actually one of the best run - there is company that rates various charitys on how much of the money actually ends up with the right people and his was one of the highest. Some of them were terrible with about 80% going to running costs. I think its very unfair to say is hasnt done any good - it has been going for a long time and effected a lot of people lives who have cancer and i think they are the ones that would be able to judge that.

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Apparently Livestrong has had an upsurge in donations since USADA released their verdict....go figure


Fun read here....

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His charity fund is actually one of the best run - there is company that rates various charitys on how much of the money actually ends up with the right people and his was one of the highest. Some of them were terrible with about 80% going to running costs. I think its very unfair to say is hasnt done any good - it has been going for a long time and effected a lot of people lives who have cancer and i think they are the ones that would be able to judge that.




I can quote sauce that says his charity raises $x and that less that 10% of $x goes to any thing cancer related.


It's all made up.

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Rating Overall 64.24 http://www.charitynavigator.org/_gfx_/icons/stars/4stars.png Financial 62.43 http://www.charitynavigator.org/_gfx_/icons/stars/4starsb.png Accountability & Transparency 67.00 http://www.charitynavigator.org/_gfx_/icons/stars/4starsb.png


Financial Performance Metrics Program Expenses 80.2% Administrative Expenses 6.1% Fundraising Expenses 13.5% Fundraising Efficiency $0.14 Primary Revenue Growth 3.6% Program Expenses Growth 5.4% Working Capital Ratio (years) 2.60

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]Noobs. Don't dare suggest that Livestrong actually does any good around here. Lance is that clever and evil that he can not only con donors out of millions, but he can even con cancer patients that he is helping them :eek:


470 million US$ ! If that's your assumption, that's not clever or evil, that's GENIUS

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I can quote sauce that says his charity raises $x and that less that 10% of $x goes to any thing cancer related.


It's all made up.

so 10% goes to their stated programmes (advocacy, support programs, research etc)... really I would like some of that sauce.
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