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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Hmmm, I feel sorry for them. The LA PR machine an fan club will now go into overdrive to tarnish them. LA have tried to destroy the careers of everybody who spoke against him. He now has more names on his black list:

" Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters and David Zabriskie were part of a 26-strong group that gave written testimonies."

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Hmmm, I feel sorry for them. The LA PR machine an fan club will now go into overdrive to tarnish them. LA have tried to destroy the careers of everybody who spoke against him. He now has more names on his black list:

" Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters and David Zabriskie were part of a 26-strong group that gave written testimonies."

And they all obviously lied about him. In separate testimony. After obviously having compared stories before giving testimony. They are all just jealous of his success. And not one of them have been able to produce a shred of evidence, just stories of what they did.


No test positive = not guilty.

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Oh my lawd....thats gonna take all night to read


Best you trolls get to it and report back tomorrow morning sharp with all the highlights!!!


Twitter has done that plenty already.

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Oh my lawd....thats gonna take all night to read


Best you trolls get to it and report back tomorrow morning sharp with all the highlights!!!


Come now Swissie, play nice!

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Come now Swissie, play nice!

Would you if you just found out the tooth fairy wasn't real?


Here is a bit, sorry Swiis, it's a cut and paste, I can't put it into single syllable words for you:


The evidence in the case against Lance Armstrong is beyond strong; it is as strong as, or

stronger than, that presented in any case brought by USADA over the initial twelve years of

USADA’s existence. As explained below, the evidence is overwhelming that Mr. Armstrong

and his team director, team doctors, team trainers and teammates cheated throughout the 1998 –

2010 time period.


Further on:


Witness after witness would have been called to the stand and witness after

witness would have confirmed the following: That Lance Armstrong used the banned drug EPO.

That Lance Armstrong used the banned drug Testosterone. That Lance Armstrong provided his

teammates the banned drug EPO. That Lance Armstrong administered to a teammate the banned

drug Testosterone. That Lance Armstrong enforced the doping program on his team by

threatening a rider with termination if he did not dope in accordance with the plan drawn up by

Dr. Michele Ferrari. That Lance Armstrong’s doping program was organized by Dr. Ferrari.

That Lance Armstrong pushed his teammates to use Dr. Ferrari. That Lance Armstrong used

banned blood transfusions to cheat. That Lance Armstrong would have his blood withdrawn and

stored throughout the year and then receive banned blood transfusions in the team doctor’s hotel

room on nights during the Tour de France. That Lance Armstrong surrounded himself with drug

runners and doping doctors so that he could achieve his goal of winning the Tour de France year

after year. That Lance Armstrong and his handlers engaged in a massive and long running

scheme to use drugs, cover their tracks, intimidate witnesses, tarnish reputations, lie to hearing

panels and the press and do whatever was necessary to conceal the truth.

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Come now Swissie, play nice!


I use the word troll in a friendly way





Here is a bit, sorry Swiis, it's a cut and paste, I can't put it into single syllable words for you:




You really are bitter and twisted, even in your moment of glory



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Oh my lawd....thats gonna take all night to read


:lol: Ha,Ha, Yeah, I like reading but that's a bit hectic, I think I'll just wait for the "readers digest" version.! :lol:

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Okay, my curiosity got the better of me and I skimmed through 20 odd pages, this piece caught my eye,



The witnesses cited in this Reasoned Decision have testified under oath, through affidavits in which they have sworn to tell the truth under penalties of perjury. Lance Armstrong

does not testify this way – because he did not want to testify – he wanted to walk away and avoid

the truth telling. However, his refusal to attend a hearing still speaks volumes.


.......Sad,........ but all I needed to hear.

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Garmin-Sharp can't be too happy with 3 riders caught up in this now

3 riders and the team owner...in Vaughters i trust.




Before all this came out, Vaughters himself named these (his) riders as dopers on a public forum. He knows their past, and they have discussed their future.

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