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The Ghost

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Exactly. It all comes down to the timing. If you start the hop action on the bike whilst the shock is still compressing you are moving in the exact opposite direction trying to hop and you will not go as high. Get that properly wrong and it looks funny as all hell. Real goon riding style of note! If however you time that to the moment of the rebound the shock will be pushing you up off the ground too.


Make sure you get this timing right on the flat before trying to hop over logs et al. The chance of going OTB is much greater with the assisted rebound if the back wheel tags something and because of the delayed pause waiting for the shock to preload it's often the case when you first do this!

I did this at Eden in Stellies in Dec on my first ride there, back wheel on my full sus clipped the top of the log and over the bars I went, ripped my brand new grips and ended up with a mouth full of dirt. Just as well no one saw, lol.
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I did this at Eden in Stellies in Dec on my first ride there, back wheel on my full sus clipped the top of the log and over the bars I went, ripped my brand new grips and ended up with a mouth full of dirt. Just as well no one saw, lol.




Hence the question - have you ever had a little girl laugh in your face?


I was having flash backs from "Children of the korn" - im still scarred

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It's when you try to get roadies to admit that their hero is a fake :whistling:

Won't that be a treat for the haters!

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What does it mean when

cassette is available in two combinations: 11-32 and 11-34.


And how does one know which to buy?


wich do you want? the 34 will make you clime slower but steeper


by the way your avatar sucks. There is butt in front of the bike.

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wich do you want? the 34 will make you clime slower but steeper


Its actually for my trainer wheel, so any will do :D

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