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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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Oh it's on like Donkey Kong!


Betting Odds? Who's keeping the money safe?

I will keep your money safe :ph34r:

I will invest it in the safest investment product in the market - a new bike for myself :whistling:

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I will keep your money safe :ph34r:

I will invest it in the safest investment product in the market - a new bike for myself :whistling:

Why not commemorative coins? I know some hubbers can help you out :whistling:

Edited by JGR
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I might even go and ask that enticement guy on the hub for a battle plan.

With all the big words he uses he must be an expert!!

Good luck! You may need it!!

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Your best post to date :clap:


We should actually thank him for this thread, when was the last time we had a lekker Friday fight club like this.

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snapback.pngEnticement, on 14 September 2012 - 01:09 , said:


No chiken out, no money bets, just fun.




Your best post to date :clap:

we should change the tread to:

Cape Epic Battle Plan ...just for fun.

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We should actually thank him for this thread, when was the last time we had a lekker Friday fight club like this.

hoor hoor.....most fun ever on dahub

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