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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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And some would rather have that sticker on their bike than an overpriced season in the Alps?


Take out the overpriced part of each comment above and each comment is fair. Value perception is subjective not absolute.


Alps isn't overpriced at all! I'll be spending 2 weeks there next month. All in I'm looking at under 17k. That's around R1200/day (including flights) to ride in the world's largest mountain biking area.


But I guess it's like you say... subjective! Everyone has their own idea of fun

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Cut off times are extremely generous, you need more than one hick-up and have to be seriously mechanically useless to miss out on time cuts if you have done serious TIS.


There is this mystique around the Epic and plenty of guys around willing to take dollars from the naive and nervous.


Get your weight down, get miles in your legs, know how to suffer and get through bad spots then just ride your bike and enjoy it.


Oh, and be kind to your equipment.


Cut-off times are generous until you are "one of them"! And who decide who is naive and nervous - we live in a world of demand and supply, that is why you use technology like mobile phones, or where are you from? O ja, some guys just want to finish while others want to finish at their best.

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Alps isn't overpriced at all! I'll be spending 2 weeks there next month. All in I'm looking at under 17k. That's around R1200/day (including flights) to ride in the world's largest mountain biking area.


But I guess it's like you say... subjective! Everyone has their own idea of fun


If I could ride downhill like you seem to be able to I would also chose 2 weeks in the Alps. Actually I would still chose 2 weeks in the Alps - downhill skill or not.


But I'm doing my first Epic next year. Do I think it's good value for money? Absolutely not! Is it something I want to do? Absolutely yes!

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If I could ride downhill like you seem to be able to I would also chose 2 weeks in the Alps. Actually I would still chose 2 weeks in the Alps - downhill skill or not.


But I'm doing my first Epic next year. Do I think it's good value for money? Absolutely not! Is it something I want to do? Absolutely yes!


Well, the Alps hosts way more than just downhill riding... it's all sorts, including road riding.


So maybe after your Epic next year, we can Enticement you into an alpine adventure ;)

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Cut-off times are generous until you are "one of them"! And who decide who is naive and nervous - we live in a world of demand and supply, that is why you use technology like mobile phones, or where are you from? O ja, some guys just want to finish while others want to finish at their best.


I think you might need to re explain that mobile phone analogy to us again. Whooosh, straight over my head.


Talking 'supply and demand',


What's your pricing like? In line with your projections?

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Trading off the hype of the Epic is something I don't really agree with. It's a far more intense experience than any other Stage race, no dispute there. But , just because it's the Epic, doesn't mean that your bike is more prone to damage or that you'll only get though to the finish if you follow a professional training plan. My wife did massage for teams in the 120's , in the 300's as well as right at the back. The back guys, one of them had only started riding a year ago and looked like a hooker, but he suffered though it and got his medal. It's about what you want from the race.

The guy that finished at the back still gets the admiration from friends, family and riding pals. That, apart from self-satisfaction, is all he wants and needs.

Enticement, you are defending your need to make money, hence your stance on preparing for the Epic.

I think the cost of what you are suggesting is contentious in this Forum. You're basically offering a once-off insurance premium against failing at the Epic. Does a mid to end pack rider need to be over-insured?


The only idea I "sold" was that no matter how much you save on what, your Epic is an expensive exercise. Make sure you invest wisely and prepare well to ensure you achieve what you have set yourself to achieve, or you have wasted it. Have a look at my initial post.

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I think you might need to re explain that mobile phone analogy to us again. Whooosh, straight over my head.


Talking 'supply and demand',


What's your pricing like? In line with your projections?


If you have not had the need for a mobile phone you wouldn't have had one - does it make sense / you understand now? If you need detail PM me.

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Did the Last epic. Aim, to finish.

Started training November. 1:30h a day and 3h on weekends.

Lost 8kg in the process.

Supplements, stopped taking them by stage 2 of the epic. Good breakfast, sandwiches or banana bread or whateve woolworths had on offer. My energy drink by stage 3 was half coke half water. And some GU gels.

I managed a finish.

No mainternance package. Quality UST tires and a new groupset did the job for me and my teammate.

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Did the Last epic. Aim, to finish.

Started training November. 1:30h a day and 3h on weekends.

Lost 8kg in the process.

Supplements, stopped taking them by stage 2 of the epic. Good breakfast, sandwiches or banana bread or whateve woolworths had on offer. My energy drink by stage 3 was half coke half water. And some GU gels.

I managed a finish.

No mainternance package. Quality UST tires and a new groupset did the job for me and my teammate.


Well done!

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We all have our vies on the Epic. OP, you see it as a business opportunity and I have no problem with that. While I may need some help to achieve my Epic goals, I am not in the market for spending loads of cash for the tailor made assistance . But, that doesn't mean others aren't . We are engaging in healthy debate and that's cool. But , as others have asked, what do we get for your price? Break it down, I'd be genuinely interested. Perhaps you can convince me that what you're selling is what I need.

Or even better still. Why not give me 6 weeks (August to mid September) on your programme for free and I will provide objective and regular feedback to this Forum, my mailing list of 250+, via the TMB Facebook page and Twitter. I have a solid fitness level and 6 weeks should show some tangible results? What do you say?

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Cut off times are extremely generous, you need more than one hick-up and have to be seriously mechanically useless to miss out on time cuts if you have done serious TIS.


There is this mystique around the Epic and plenty of guys around willing to take dollars from the naive and nervous.


Get your weight down, get miles in your legs, know how to suffer and get through bad spots then just ride your bike and enjoy it.


Oh, and be kind to your equipment.


Best advice to anyone entering the epic who's main goal is to finish.

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..Our goal is 1) securing your substantial investment as entry fees are the smallest part of the investment you make; .


Shouldn't that read:


Our goal is 1) securing your substantial .. fees

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Well, the Alps hosts way more than just downhill riding... it's all sorts, including road riding.


So maybe after your Epic next year, we can Enticement you into an alpine adventure ;)


Very keen - no Enticement needed either!

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FIrst Epic for me 2013 - only goal / aim is to finish without any broken body parts, just the whole experience is value for me :clap:

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