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Surely before there were potions, people survived and were able to complete races. Look at TdF. Back in the day there were no potions and they did all right.

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Make some friends with banana farmers - surely some of them will be mountain bikers! Alternatively identify what in the banana it is you need and confirm where you can find that. I can give you an idea but it is educational to explore ...


There is also a huge difference in the manner in which certain producers of these pharmacological ingredients are being extracted/obtained. Our legislation is not yet refined enough to protect us 100%, so the onus is on you - read your labels, do your research and only then you buy. That is why it is often better to use a supplement rather than consuming the fruit of veggies. An orange of 40 years ago has more "good" in it than a whole bag of them today. Consuming all of that will make you feel somewhat bloated. I think that was why God gave the Israelites manna as carbs and minerals and "kwartels" as a protein shake - these were potent food sources. If we can only replicate that ...


I buy Max Havelaar bananas, but only because thats what they sell at my local grocery store.


I'd be more interested in being able to train like 20 yr old again, can you help with that?

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Surely before there were potions, people survived and were able to complete races. Look at TdF. Back in the day there were no potions and they did all right.


There have always been potions, believe you me! It is just lately that nutritional science came to the forefront and started to do their bit. And that also varies over time, like Prof Noakes changed his view on the carb/protein debate. The early warriors were just lucky as they could prick from trees!

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There have always been potions, believe you me! It is just lately that nutritional science came to the forefront and started to do their bit. And that also varies over time, like Prof Noakes changed his view on the carb/protein debate. The early warriors were just lucky as they could prick from trees!


Isn't the human body still adapting in some ways to extreme exercise?

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I buy Max Havelaar bananas, but only because thats what they sell at my local grocery store.


I'd be more interested in being able to train like 20 yr old again, can you help with that?


Remember your body's demand changes with age - you grow until about 25, and in nature something that doesn't grow starts rotting away. So, to make sure that your energy you used to use for growing is not stored as unused surplus energy, it must somehow be occupied. That is why we induce "growth" by means of inter- and intra-cellular damage caused by sport, and the aim now is recovery to get that hgh produced. Bottom line, age is no restriction for performing at your potential, and there are many examples of that. Can you operate the same way you used to 30 years ago? YEAS, within the limits you define for yourself. Remember your brain is your anticipatory regulator and when you get him on your side you can become unstoppable!

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Surely before there were potions, people survived and were able to complete races. Look at TdF. Back in the day there were no potions and they did all right.

I have a cool book with some old TDF pics and the one is of two racers stopping to enjoy a beer together! Source of carbs, slight painkiller and mood enhancer!

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Remember your body's demand changes with age - you grow until about 25, and in nature something that doesn't grow starts rotting away. So, to make sure that your energy you used to use for growing is not stored as unused surplus energy, it must somehow be occupied. That is why we induce "growth" by means of inter- and intra-cellular damage caused by sport, and the aim now is recovery to get that hgh produced. Bottom line, age is no restriction for performing at your potential, and there are many examples of that. Can you operate the same way you used to 30 years ago? YEAS, within the limits you define for yourself. Remember your brain is your anticipatory regulator and when you get him on your side you can become unstoppable!


LOL so it wasn't unrealistic of me to expect a skateboard as a 48th bithrday present

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Isn't the human body still adapting in some ways to extreme exercise?


Your incredible bio-mechanical machine is not only transport for your brain but an integral part of "being"! It continuously adapts to the demands you set and it is such a creation marvel that the boundaries are undefined (I think I must try politics). However, we must allow it to adapt to the genetic "pace" built into it - that is why a jersey cow will never win the July! That is why conditioning is a sequential process. It takes up to 4-6 years to "make" an Olympic athlete.

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LOL so it wasn't unrealistic of me to expect a skateboard as a 48th bithrday present


Just add lots of body armor for Christmas :thumbup:

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I have a cool book with some old TDF pics and the one is of two racers stopping to enjoy a beer together! Source of carbs, slight painkiller and mood enhancer!


Yes! Just unfortunately, after that they realized that the alcohol dehydrates you. Otherwise its a perfect "whole-food" that contains a great part of the whole food matrix you need.

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Yes! Just unfortunately, after that they realized that the alcohol dehydrates you. Otherwise its a perfect "whole-food" that contains a great part of the whole food matrix you need.

So does caffine and salt - both common ingrediants in supplements.


I think im onto something here :thumbup: anyone intersted in my beer training programme to make sure you finish and enjoy training for the Epic pls PM me.

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So does caffine and salt - both common ingrediants in supplements.


I think im onto something here :thumbup: anyone intersted in my beer training programme to make sure you finish and enjoy training for the Epic pls PM me.


You have your first client

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You have your first client

Actually you wouldnt believe it - your not the 1st. I have had several people already PM me!

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So does caffine and salt - both common ingrediants in supplements.


I think im onto something here :thumbup: anyone intersted in my beer training programme to make sure you finish and enjoy training for the Epic pls PM me.

Remember to make your subjects eat either rice cakes or popcorn as real food is contaminated!

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Remember to make your subjects eat either rice cakes or popcorn as real food is contaminated!

At this risk of sounding vague you will have to buy my program and after if you not happy ill give you 50% back. My plan is all liquid and you would move from lager onto Stout for more solids. There are no down sides to my program - you wont pick up weight because you will also cycle inbetween, also you will mostly be in a good mood from the suppliments and well rested as you will find yourself failing into deep sleep at the most random of time despite how loud it is. The best part of my program is it works better in groups and you can start with no base

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At this risk of sounding vague you will have to buy my program and after if you not happy ill give you 50% back. My plan is all liquid and you would move from lager onto Stout for more solids. There are no down sides to my program - you wont pick up weight because you will also cycle inbetween, also you will mostly be in a good mood from the suppliments and well rested as you will find yourself failing into deep sleep at the most random of time despite how loud it is. The best part of my program is it works better in groups and you can start with no base


Also sounds as if it is a Chinese Best Way to Loose 100% fat Fitness remedy number one!

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