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Cyclist knocked down in St James this morning


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Hi Everybody


The incident in Kalk Bay this morning happened right next to me! I am still pretty shaken by watching the whole thing. At around 7am I was waiting in the queue of cars on my way through to fish hoek when the cyclist came toward me on his way to Muizenberg. A Golden Arrow bus approached him from behind and hooted at him. I saw the bus overtake the cyclist, and when the bus had passed I saw the cyclist lying on the ground. I jumped out of my car, thinking maybe he was still alive, but as I got closer, I saw that he was dead: his helmet was completely crushed. Obviously the bus' back wheel had ridden over his head. The bus stopped and the driver came to the scene and called his authorities. The cyclist was a young man (early 20's I would say) dressed in cycling gear.


My thoughts on the incident:


1. The cyclist (whose ID I do not know) died instantly - there was no pain or suffering because from the time that I saw him as the bus passed him, to the time he lay dead on the ground, was less than 2 secs. Thank God he didn't suffer.


2. Although the bus wasn't speeding, it was in my opinion going too fast for overtaking a cyclist on such a narrow road. The driver didn't show caution as he rushed pass the cyclist.


3. I feel that for the time being cyclist should not be allowed on that stretch of road. It's just too narrow and even the best driver would struggle to pass a cyclist. A cyclist's route can be designed through the back-streets of Kalk Bay until the roadworks are done. Also, cyclist should take the initiative and try and plan another route - you are actually putting your lives in the hands of a bunch of strangers, many of whom don't have a great track-record when it comes to thinking of others. Sad but true.


4. I would also like to add that, as someone who passes that way daily, I have often seen cyclist riding NEXT TO each other, instead of single file! If you are a cyclist using that route, please ensure that you ride single file and tell your fellow cyclists to do the same! As we have seen today not all motorists watch out for cyclists.


4. My heart goes out to the young man's family who had to receive such tragic news today. If anyone finds out the ID of the man, please post here. I would love to be able to tell his family that he didn't suffer.


just to highlight the fact....



My sentiments as well...that route at the moment is not conducive to handle cycclist!! In fact, as far as i know...i saw a sign that prohibited cyclist using that stretch of road....in the opposite direction (if it is where i think it happened)...

juts stating facts....

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Indeed Cassie, but that could be argued that the bus driver should then have slowed down and not attempted to overtake the cyclist.


I for one don't get the logic that narrow roads put a very heavy risk factor on cyclists, as other road users will simply drive over them. It is not a mindset I can fathom, let alone understand, yet it does sadly exist!


I would like to believe that GA are sincere in the responses we have seen today and call on any of our Kalk Bay residents to perhaps video some of the typical behavior displayed by these drivers so that GA understands the merit in these frustrations. Whichever way you want to call this, the fact I that today's tragedy was avoidable and at most could've resulted in that particular bus getting to it's next stop 30 to 40 seconds later at most.

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Exactly !


Wasn't Gary hooked by a truck on that same stretch? How many other close calls have happened there I wonder.


@bfretief, not easy I am sure but thanks for the details. Your point 4 is a tough pill for some to swallow...


I feel bad for all involved. Condolences...

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Indeed Cassie, but that could be argued that the bus driver should then have slowed down and not attempted to overtake the cyclist.


I for one don't get the logic that narrow roads put a very heavy risk factor on cyclists, as other road users will simply drive over them. It is not a mindset I can fathom, let alone understand, yet it does sadly exist!


I would like to believe that GA are sincere in the responses we have seen today and call on any of our Kalk Bay residents to perhaps video some of the typical behavior displayed by these drivers so that GA understands the merit in these frustrations. Whichever way you want to call this, the fact I that today's tragedy was avoidable and at most could've resulted in that particular bus getting to it's next stop 30 to 40 seconds later at most.

+ 1 ..RIP fellow rider ..I passed by as well...Simonstown direction ...that could have been avoided ...all the driver had to do was wait while it was clear ...there are two lanes ...one in each direction ...I decided to turn around and head back home ...this time all the motorists managed to pass me with a huge gap between us ...makes you think hey ..!

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just to highlight the fact....



My sentiments as well...that route at the moment is not conducive to handle cycclist!! In fact, as far as i know...i saw a sign that prohibited cyclist using that stretch of road....in the opposite direction (if it is where i think it happened)...

juts stating facts....


Two way traffice is now allowed as the roadworks had shifted to the entrance of the harbour. That sign was there when they were still busy with the road works before Boyes Drive.ie Muizenberg side .

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This was my 3rd email to most of the PPA EXCO (I am no longer a member of the EXCO) the eye witness report was sent to them.




what a accident to be an eye witness off!


I would however disagree with statement 4 and actually urge PPA to promote cyclist to ride in groups down this stretch of road (I unfortunately train on my own on most occasion) take more of the breath of the road and lenght. This should make it it harder for motorist to do illegal overtaking procedure and help keep cyclist alive. Once again this morning it was a loan cyclist probably riding to far left (been to considerate) thus allowing a bus to overtake too close and has paid the ultimate penalty of his life for been considerate!


As highlighted by the eye witness this road has been very poorly constructed and I am of the firm belief the City / road engineers need to be call to book and prosecuted (I have already mention what happened in Italy this week over an earth quake) for gross negligence over this new infrastructure they have built.

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Cycle in the middle of the road when needed in order to save your life in dangerous situations (obviously cycle fast so that you don't hold up loads of traffic).


Once out of that situation say thanks to the person who you slowed down.

I agree 100%. Works for me all the time and I rarely get bad feedback from motorists. It has a lot to do with your attitude and approach to the situation. Make yourself as visible as possible, signal your intentions and be assertive about claiming your space but then giving it back again the moment it's safe to do so.

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Wow. what makes this bad is its so easy to visualize it. Rip fellow cyclist. Saying this much to often lately.

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I agree 100%. Works for me all the time and I rarely get bad feedback from motorists. It has a lot to do with your attitude and approach to the situation. Make yourself as visible as possible, signal your intentions and be assertive about claiming your space but then giving it back again the moment it's safe to do so.


Yep this works best for the narrow road sections. Campground and Liesbeek Parkway as you go past River Club to the bridge are 2 other key areas! Plenty of run ins with GA on that second mentioned piece! Buses easily doing over 80 Kays along there with no shoulder or room when they squeeze by you. I scout back before I ride that stretch and decide whether I can beat the bus brigade through there or wait for them to come by.

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I agree 100%. Works for me all the time and I rarely get bad feedback from motorists. It has a lot to do with your attitude and approach to the situation. Make yourself as visible as possible, signal your intentions and be assertive about claiming your space but then giving it back again the moment it's safe to do so.


100% on the money here has worked for me form30 years on RSa road - Signals are the key!!!!

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I agree 100%. Works for me all the time and I rarely get bad feedback from motorists. It has a lot to do with your attitude and approach to the situation. Make yourself as visible as possible, signal your intentions and be assertive about claiming your space but then giving it back again the moment it's safe to do so.


Agreed. My attitude borders on the aggressive: I have just as much right to be on the road as a motorist. It's only because I'm considerate that I'll move over to the left to allow a car to pass. If I consider it unsafe for a car to pass, I'll drive in the middle of the road until such time as I consider it to be safe.


I think somehow motorists have gotten the idea that cyclists have fewer rights on the road, which is why accidents like this still happen. Had the bus driver viewed the cyclists as an equal, he/she would never have tried to squeeze past and ended up killing the cyclist.

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just to highlight the fact....



My sentiments as well...that route at the moment is not conducive to handle cycclist!! In fact, as far as i know...i saw a sign that prohibited cyclist using that stretch of road....in the opposite direction (if it is where i think it happened)...

juts stating facts....


Firstly my condolensces to this victims family. I sincerely hope they have the means and the venom to sue the City or Cape Town, the Premier and GA bus services for negligence, culpable homicide and failure to act on an ongoing crisis.


Once again we conceed to uncivilised practises. This has got to stop folks. A cyclist has as much right to be on the road as any other vehicle.

The laws in our country have to change but we don't protest about that do we.

We don't hold our representing bodies to task when they fail to deliver our safety needs with provincial government. We're just happy that someone acknowledges that its a tragedy and then we wait for the next funride so we can see if we improved our times. That's BS

GA is not doing anything about their bus drivers. Their drivers are aggressive, are incapable of reading a situation and reacting appropriately and when you point out heir wrong doing they threaten you.

I've had a bus driver threaten to drive over me because on that stretch of road I decided to ride a meter or so from the shoulder to create a safety zone when I realised its unsafe. Better to keep the vehicle traffic beind me i thought. At traffic lights in FIsh Hoek I had the driver berate me with your "F'ing C888 blocking the road, I'll F'ing kill you next time. Squash you like det. end nutting will heppen to me because you'll be det."


try calling GA and you'll get the usual BS speech about how their drivers are trained and blah blah blah.


These people are dangerous profit chasers and they're aided by our provincial government.

The buses they pilot are not suitable for roads anywhere outside of Afghanistan. We need smaller and lower buses on our streets.


As always the easy way out is ban the cyclist. That in my view is the uncivilised way out of the situation.

Every year there are these tragedies on our roads involving the same protagonists, GA buses and drunk drivers.

Our traffic police is far too busy eating doughnuts and playing with toys while on duty to bother with pulling over drivers transgressing the law. Again this morning a traffic orrificer driving behind a woman yacking on her cell phone. Nothing gets done because he would have to lift his lazy arse from his Golf GTi and do some work. Much easier to sit in a deck chair and watch the cash roll in while taking happy snappies. All this just reinforces our uncivilised behaviour.


Was this such an insignificant event that it was not mentioned on Heart FM?

Well here is a search on cyclists killed in Cape Town: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Cyclist-deaths-on-roads-increase-20121017


Yeah frikken scary........and nothing has been done for 35yrs..

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Firstly my condolensces to this victims family. I sincerely hope they have the means and the venom to sue the City or Cape Town, the Premier and GA bus services for negligence, culpable homicide and failure to act on an ongoing crisis.


Once again we conceed to uncivilised practises. This has got to stop folks. A cyclist has as much right to be on the road as any other vehicle.

The laws in our country have to change but we don't protest about that do we.

We don't hold our representing bodies to task when they fail to deliver our safety needs with provincial government. We're just happy that someone acknowledges that its a tragedy and then we wait for the next funride so we can see if we improved our times. That's BS

GA is not doing anything about their bus drivers. Their drivers are aggressive, are incapable of reading a situation and reacting appropriately and when you point out heir wrong doing they threaten you.

I've had a bus driver threaten to drive over me because on that stretch of road I decided to ride a meter or so from the shoulder to create a safety zone when I realised its unsafe. Better to keep the vehicle traffic beind me i thought. At traffic lights in FIsh Hoek I had the driver berate me with your "F'ing C888 blocking the road, I'll F'ing kill you next time. Squash you like det. end nutting will heppen to me because you'll be det."


try calling GA and you'll get the usual BS speech about how their drivers are trained and blah blah blah.


These people are dangerous profit chasers and they're aided by our provincial government.

The buses they pilot are not suitable for roads anywhere outside of Afghanistan. We need smaller and lower buses on our streets.


As always the easy way out is ban the cyclist. That in my view is the uncivilised way out of the situation.

Every year there are these tragedies on our roads involving the same protagonists, GA buses and drunk drivers.

Our traffic police is far too busy eating doughnuts and playing with toys while on duty to bother with pulling over drivers transgressing the law. Again this morning a traffic orrificer driving behind a woman yacking on her cell phone. Nothing gets done because he would have to lift his lazy arse from his Golf GTi and do some work. Much easier to sit in a deck chair and watch the cash roll in while taking happy snappies. All this just reinforces our uncivilised behaviour.


Was this such an insignificant event that it was not mentioned on Heart FM?

Well here is a search on cyclists killed in Cape Town: http://www.news24.co...crease-20121017


Yeah frikken scary........and nothing has been done for 35yrs..

So just off the top of my head im thinking a educational video for corporates like GA where a cyclist or association can go to these companies and making sure this gets implemented.

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So just off the top of my head im thinking a educational video for corporates like GA where a cyclist or association can go to these companies and making sure this gets implemented.


Nice idea.


I'm thinking charging this driver with murder and putting him in jail for life. That might send a stronger message than boring a few ex-taxi drivers with a half-hour educational video.

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Firstly my condolensces to this victims family. I sincerely hope they have the means and the venom to sue the City or Cape Town, the Premier and GA bus services for negligence, culpable homicide and failure to act on an ongoing crisis.


Once again we conceed to uncivilised practises. This has got to stop folks. A cyclist has as much right to be on the road as any other vehicle.

The laws in our country have to change but we don't protest about that do we.

We don't hold our representing bodies to task when they fail to deliver our safety needs with provincial government. We're just happy that someone acknowledges that its a tragedy and then we wait for the next funride so we can see if we improved our times. That's BS

GA is not doing anything about their bus drivers. Their drivers are aggressive, are incapable of reading a situation and reacting appropriately and when you point out heir wrong doing they threaten you.

I've had a bus driver threaten to drive over me because on that stretch of road I decided to ride a meter or so from the shoulder to create a safety zone when I realised its unsafe. Better to keep the vehicle traffic beind me i thought. At traffic lights in FIsh Hoek I had the driver berate me with your "F'ing C888 blocking the road, I'll F'ing kill you next time. Squash you like det. end nutting will heppen to me because you'll be det."


try calling GA and you'll get the usual BS speech about how their drivers are trained and blah blah blah.


These people are dangerous profit chasers and they're aided by our provincial government.

The buses they pilot are not suitable for roads anywhere outside of Afghanistan. We need smaller and lower buses on our streets.


As always the easy way out is ban the cyclist. That in my view is the uncivilised way out of the situation.

Every year there are these tragedies on our roads involving the same protagonists, GA buses and drunk drivers.

Our traffic police is far too busy eating doughnuts and playing with toys while on duty to bother with pulling over drivers transgressing the law. Again this morning a traffic orrificer driving behind a woman yacking on her cell phone. Nothing gets done because he would have to lift his lazy arse from his Golf GTi and do some work. Much easier to sit in a deck chair and watch the cash roll in while taking happy snappies. All this just reinforces our uncivilised behaviour.


Was this such an insignificant event that it was not mentioned on Heart FM?

Well here is a search on cyclists killed in Cape Town: http://www.news24.co...crease-20121017


Yeah frikken scary........and nothing has been done for 35yrs..

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