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Supliments like phedra

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I would say im rather fit, cycle at least a few times a week 25 to 50 km per ride.

I also og 1 to 2 times a week. An up till dec i would gym at least 3 times a week ( contract up and just to expensive to renew). I also do races ( dirtmax, babbas, momentum)


However with all this i still have a very little bit of flab on my stomach, no any any where else. Its not much maybe a cm if i hold it. Just doesn't wana drop.


I use no supplements, gels etc...Will something like phedra cut help?

The reason that fats builds up there as opposed to other places it is your bodies natural way of protecting your vital organs. Training in the morning after very little food is aparently quite a good method of losing excess fat .... running as the best results for fat loss imo

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Diet + change whatever you are doing in gym / mix it up. Supersets, high intensity training, also if you always use gym machines rather go for free weights...


You will prob get glen etc. from the guy in gym training with a moonbag ( to keep his "product" close/save)

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Crisis! Gayest name ever, fckn Glen...




Most of the time you're about as cuddly as a cactus in a hurting mood, and then every now and then you produce a pearler

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Karooryder's right. I've never felt as *** as on tat PC stuff. Actually, I lie. I have felt kakker, but then the substances were more illegal than EPO.


Eat more protein, cut the carbs. I stopped munching biscuits and it looks much better.

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WOW! We are so critical when a pro dopes, but no one bats an eye when an amateur rider wants to take dangerous supliments (sic)!


Come on guy, train harder, eat less, like the rest of us!


And remember, looking at yourself in the mirror and wanting to see better abs is a bit gay...

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WOW! We are so critical when a pro dopes,


Who me? I don't really care. I've always accepted doping as part of the sport from the day it started.

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Who me? I don't really care. I've always accepted doping as part of the sport from the day it started.


The same here! That is why the current issue does not bother me that much. I do however worry about the hypocritical sponsors that leaves the pro scene all of a sudden.

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I do however worry about the hypocritical sponsors that leaves the pro scene all of a sudden.


Hell yeah. I'll stay the hell away from their products where I can when they do that. Oh, look, I just closed my Nedbank account...


Of course I work for a company that owns a large chunk of Nedbank, but hell, you can only do so much...

Edited by TNT1
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So after reqding all this its a basic dont mess with this @&$.


Thanks guys. I have never been kne for supps.. Not even gels . But seems i just have to train slightly harder

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With the help of Herbalife, Hydroxycut and running up to 50km per week I lost 16kgs over 6 months. Still had a little flab around the gut that I wanted to get rid of so I tried Phedra Cut religiously for 1 month combined with a good diet, cycling and running and I did not loose an ounce! Threw the remaining PC in the bin.


Key to loosing weight is to increase protein, decrease carbs and to burn more calories than you consume per day. Also X-Training helps.

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Will start drinking less sugar in my coffee, and on my "pap" in the mornings. But eish, its gonna be difficult saying no to that lekker fatty Biltong piece and lamb tjoppie. drool.gif


sugar has something like 15 kCal per teaspoon.


even if you take 4 cups of coffe a day with 2 spoons, and 2 spoons over your pap, that will be around 150 kCal per day.


that is between 5% and 10% of your daily energy intake and less sugar than a 500ml coke... Don't see how cutting that out will make you lose weight. 10 minutes of running does more good than cutting out sugar.

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