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LCHF - Low Carb High Fat Diet Ver 2

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I know this isnt a psychology forum BUT I need some help. I have been wanting to ditch exercise for a few weeks now - I am SO not interested, I hate the constant fight with myself to go out there and do something (ANYTHING) and I am even more angry when I dont go. I mean, we ALL know, even 20 minutes of HIIT is good enough.


I am wanting to simply take a break for a month or 2 but fear the proverbial - fat and unfit...??? Is this just feeling sorry for myself and acting like i dont have Sub A??


Been there?


My advise take some time off from it and don't let yourself feel guilty. I didn't want to do anything after Sani so I made peace with it and didn't. And now I'm back riding again and loving it. The desire to get back into it came naturally once I took the pressure off to "perform"

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Yip, definitely eating enough - well put it this way, I'm not hungry. A bit concerned that LCHF isnt ideal during this period, but thats probably just old school thinking.


Quite dof, feel like I've put on weight since Thursday...

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Sorry to interrupt the current discussion, but what is the ideal fat burning heart rate zone?

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Sorry to interrupt the current discussion, but what is the ideal fat burning heart rate zone?

I think around 65-70%

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You can work on around 65 to 75% but that is really just a guideline. To be more accurate you need to do a test where lactate is measured and your lactate threshold is determined.


The other issue is like with the diet your body needs to be trained to burn fat during exercise. This is done by riding at the correct zone and not going above it. This effectively trains your body to use fat at these low intensities only switching to carbs when you go above your lactate threshold.


Anyway that is my up understanding of the process at the moment.

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I know this isnt a psychology forum BUT I need some help. I have been wanting to ditch exercise for a few weeks now - I am SO not interested, I hate the constant fight with myself to go out there and do something (ANYTHING) and I am even more angry when I dont go. I mean, we ALL know, even 20 minutes of HIIT is good enough.


I am wanting to simply take a break for a month or 2 but fear the proverbial - fat and unfit...??? Is this just feeling sorry for myself and acting like i dont have Sub A??


Been there?

Yep, it happens. I think for me it was month three or so - just couldn't be bothered. But it all comes right again...

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I know this isnt a psychology forum BUT I need some help. I have been wanting to ditch exercise for a few weeks now - I am SO not interested, I hate the constant fight with myself to go out there and do something (ANYTHING) and I am even more angry when I dont go. I mean, we ALL know, even 20 minutes of HIIT is good enough.


I am wanting to simply take a break for a month or 2 but fear the proverbial - fat and unfit...??? Is this just feeling sorry for myself and acting like i dont have Sub A??


Been there?


In the beginning of my LCHF life I felt the same for about 3 months. It was terrible. Usually I needed no motivation but during this period all training was massive effort. I then ditched the intervals/speed work and opted for LSDR (even some on the trainer). To be honest I think it worked a charm. Now in month 4 and I think that period actually did a bit of good. I am starting to get my mojo back. Last weekend I was almost back to my old self on a 70km MTB ride at 88% avg hr. My running picked up as during the 3 months of slump I followed the principals of Maffetone and I think I really needed that.

Maybe ditch the high intensity and just enjoy riding/running? Maybe that will encourage you a bit more but it being winter now I really do sympathize.

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So what really is the best cooking oil?


Anyone heard of Ghee?


Interesting reading here.

I don't understand that link :lol: but I prefer to cook with avocado oil and only use olive oil for dressings on salads/veggies etc. Coconut oil only goes into the fatshake along with butter

Edited by P.A.K.
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OK, I have an experiences to add that I don’t know how to put gently, so apologies if it is a bit on the umhhh sensitive side:


My beautiful wife and I have been battling to conceive the last 3.5 years. It was really a terrible time that amounted to us spending lots and lots of money and we went through many treatments. Now I am so chuffed cause our little Peanut is 12 weeks into the pregnancy this week.


About 6 weeks ago we started chatting about the path we took to get here. There were artificial inseminations, various doctors and we were scheduled for an invetro this September. One of the doctors we went to was a Homeopath. He was not successful in what he did but on one of the visits he did say that I should eat as much butter and fresh avo as I can find cause it helps with the little swimmers. At that time I did not even know about LCHF and didn’t pay much attention to it, but it popped into my mind during the conversation with my wife.


Seeing that the problem was with me (low sperm count due to the mumps), I have a strange feeling that my diet might have helped here. My wife got pregnant 3 months after I started with LCHF and eating all those butter, coconut oil, avo etc. I browsed the web and cannot actually find any research done on this subject, but there must be a reason why a Homeopath would say something like that. I have to add that this is the only thing that changed in our lives, and my wife is not on LCHF. Maybe just a very very very happy coincidence. But either way, I AM GONNE BE A DAD. Fantastic!

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Ok, got the Mac nuts - I got raw/unsalted because I didn't ask for roasted/salted but none-the-less they are delicious.


If people are interested, I will organise. Let me know what you would like by Friday, and I will see when they are next coming down (to save one set of shipping costs) and if that date is ok by you'all, will order.


I've added a bit to cover hassle costs:


Packs are 500g, let me know if you want whole / pieces, roasted / salted or raw / unsalted.


Prices are R50 / pack for whole, R40 / pack for salted. Shipping will be R30 - R10 for padded envelope, R20 and some cents for SAPO Econoparcel which takes about three working days.


Pic of the packs:



They do have other flavours, but I remember being a bit unconvinced by them.


Oh, they also have Mac oil but I'm not sure sending that by post would be a good idea.

Edited by davetapson
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OK, I have an experiences to add that I don’t know how to put gently, so apologies if it is a bit on the umhhh sensitive side:


My beautiful wife and I have been battling to conceive the last 3.5 years. It was really a terrible time that amounted to us spending lots and lots of money and we went through many treatments. Now I am so chuffed cause our little Peanut is 12 weeks into the pregnancy this week.


About 6 weeks ago we started chatting about the path we took to get here. There were artificial inseminations, various doctors and we were scheduled for an invetro this September. One of the doctors we went to was a Homeopath. He was not successful in what he did but on one of the visits he did say that I should eat as much butter and fresh avo as I can find cause it helps with the little swimmers. At that time I did not even know about LCHF and didn’t pay much attention to it, but it popped into my mind during the conversation with my wife.


Seeing that the problem was with me (low sperm count due to the mumps), I have a strange feeling that my diet might have helped here. My wife got pregnant 3 months after I started with LCHF and eating all those butter, coconut oil, avo etc. I browsed the web and cannot actually find any research done on this subject, but there must be a reason why a Homeopath would say something like that. I have to add that this is the only thing that changed in our lives, and my wife is not on LCHF. Maybe just a very very very happy coincidence. But either way, I AM GONNE BE A DAD. Fantastic!




We went through the whole process so have some understanding of the emotional rollercoaster...


Makes your kid/s extra special ;-)

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@helpmytrap: sorry for stupid question...but here goes: how did you test your blood glucose?


I am not answering FOR helpmytrap, I am just answering in general.

I test my BG using a blood glucose meter - In my case a Roche AccuCheck Nano - an absolutely brilliant little meter.

(https://www.accu-chek.com/microsites/nano/index.html) No, I don't work for them... ;)


You prick your finger, "suck up" the droplet of blood with a special little BG "stick" that fits into the machine and about 5 seconds later you have the reading. It can store about 500 readings and in my case I went OTT and bought the Roche 360 BG analysis software, so I have a complete database of all my blood checks since I first started measuring. I download the readings from the tester to my PC where those are then nicely graphed over time. This was where I could clearly see how I all but cured my Type 2 diabetes following a LCHF eating plan !


The meters are relatively cheap, in fact if you can make contact with one of the reps from e.g. Roche they will give you one for free - they make their money off the BG sticks (which some medical aid plans pay for).

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I know this isnt a psychology forum BUT I need some help. I have been wanting to ditch exercise for a few weeks now - I am SO not interested, I hate the constant fight with myself to go out there and do something (ANYTHING) and I am even more angry when I dont go. I mean, we ALL know, even 20 minutes of HIIT is good enough.


I am wanting to simply take a break for a month or 2 but fear the proverbial - fat and unfit...??? Is this just feeling sorry for myself and acting like i dont have Sub A??


Been there?


Ok, my situation was like this - I overcooked my training to the point where it started affecting my heart, so I scaled down my training hours big time. At about the same time I was retrenched and went through a patch where I found it very difficult to get motivated. In fact, it was as if I had no purpose for a while and I completely neglected my training. In the last month and a half I have only cycled twice. Once was a road ride of about 3 hours where I thought I was going to die and then I did another 30 min session some days later on the trainer.... this from a guy that used to train 13 - 15 hours per week.


As an aside, I upped my protein intake significantly by supplementing with protein powder and I kept this up throughout. I have not made any other tweaks to my diet so I am effectively still eating the same as when I was training hard, except for the additional protein. The result has been a nett weight gain of almost 6kg and my bodyfat has gone up by about 4%. Not good (but actually not so visible either).


I was EXACLTY where you are now - the way you describe it is exactly how I felt. I was fighting with myself to train and then when I didn't, I was getting angry with myself over that. And then the penny dropped. I needed to stop obsessing about it because I was putting myself in the "mental overtraining" zone. I accepted that this was a necessary phase for me to get through. I have created a training plan and a training goal (nothing grand and formal, just some simple, achievable things) and I have now started executing against that. I know I have lost some fitness, but hey, that's what happens when you don't train, so I stopped killing myself about it. I will get it back and it will take a lot less time than when I initially started training. So I have put on some weight - that's what happens when you eat at a level much higher than you are expending (energy). I can drop that weight in no time. I am healthy, I have goals and I know that I will get to the other side stronger than I was before. Stop beating yourself up about not wanting to train. That happens and you need to get yourself balanced and mentally sorted before you start again. Not so easy always, but entirely achievable.



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So what really is the best cooking oil?


Anyone heard of Ghee?


Interesting reading here.

I buy big bags of sheep fat at my local butchery (all Karoo sourced and free range). This I then slow cook/fry to render off the fat. The kaiings I get in the process is a big bonus; the whole family fight me for this. The fat is solid at room temperature, but can be used for all frying - I use it for everything; even the odd occasion we go carb heavy and make vetkoek or potato chips.

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