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Calling on you gamers

Guest Kalahari ou

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FortNite's BR mode is fantastic. Was really scratching that battle royal itch the console community had. The thrill if being in the final few is great but starts wearing off once you have one a few times. Need leaaderboards and a progression system of sorts to keep you coming back. I believe Epic are working on these features, so I can only imagine the game is going to continue riding that hype train.


For a change of pace, I have been hooked on Cities: Skylines. Cot dayum city building is addicting.

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So, I pre-ordered Super Mario Odyssey this morning. I haven't been so excited about a game since Zelda.

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The hubbers who gamed in the 80's and 90's should appreciate this app. I downloaded an app today called 8-bit Photo, took a pic of my Famiclone, and played around a bit. So far the Gameboy, EGA, and VGA effects are my favourites in the app.


Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

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My newest addiction comes via World of Warships.


Free game, but you can buy things to get ahead of the pack...  That and the 40GB game download can be a pain some times.

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j00000000000000h!! I might have to look at getting a switch, that is seriously awesome looking.

The Switch's games library is gradually growing. Maybe have a look on Raru for prices on the Switch and see what games are available and what games are available on preorder.


Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

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Jup... I was getting excited for Wolfenstein 2, until I saw the minimum requirements.

Not gonna happen. Graphics card is ok, but CPU is way out of date. Which means new motherboard and RAM too. Not this year

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Jup... I was getting excited for Wolfenstein 2, until I saw the minimum requirements.

Not gonna happen. Graphics card is ok, but CPU is way out of date. Which means new motherboard and RAM too. Not this year

Ja, I've got a 3rd gen i7 CPU, which I assume would be okay. However I would need double the amount of ram, and a moerse strong graphics card - my GTX 660, she just won't handle it.

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Ja, I've got a 3rd gen i7 CPU, which I assume would be okay. However I would need double the amount of ram, and a moerse strong graphics card - my GTX 660, she just won't handle it.

Dammit. Just checked on the min req's. I'm juuuust out on the GPU. Fine for the CPU (got an o/c 8320 on water)


GPU is a 7970 with 3gb. 

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GPU: Radeon R9 390 8GB. Good enough for most games.

CPU: AMD 3850 quad-core, circa 2011/2012. FM1 socket. Screwed I am.

RAM: 8gb. Except it is DDR3...


Hopefully I can upgrade CPU, MB and RAM around mid next year. I want to go mini-ITX if I can.

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GPU: Radeon R9 390 8GB. Good enough for most games.

CPU: AMD 3850 quad-core, circa 2011/2012. FM1 socket. Screwed I am.

RAM: 8gb. Except it is DDR3...


Hopefully I can upgrade CPU, MB and RAM around mid next year. I want to go mini-ITX if I can.

you might be fine with the 3850 quad, if you o/c it and manage the cooling. Remember it's just the operations per clock and the clock speed that matters, and very few games are truly utilizing multi-core utilisation. Remember it's still commonplace for gamers to be using old intel Xeon dual core processors for all but the most rigorous of multi-core games. 

Edited by Myles Mayhew
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you might be fine with the 3850 quad, if you o/c it and manage the cooling. Remember it's just the operations per clock and the clock speed that matters, and very few games are truly utilizing multi-core utilisation. Remember it's still commonplace for gamers to be using old intel Xeon dual core processors for all but the most rigorous of multi-core games. 

Worth a try. Will have to do some research on cooling, that could work if I upgrade to say Ryzen. No use spending money twice.


Another issue I need to look at is some slowdown I'm experiencing in Windows - for example, Borderlands 2 runs slower under Windows than Ubuntu. Considering a clean install now that the new big update is out for W10.

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