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Some people say mind games, it's now starting to sound like sour grapes and the cries of a desperate man who realizes this just might be his last title opportunity.

Read the updated section after the initial press conference.


It's actually all a little bit sad to be honest and it is not a case of me not liking Rossi, just read some of the non biased comments below the article. Very similar to types of comments Stoner would make, like after Laguna 2008, and he would be absolutely slated for it, spat on by spectators, etc. Yet Rossi says it and it's mind games.

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Do you think that Marquez helped out Lorenzo at Phillip Island?
“It is indeed true that Marquez did not play with both of us: he only played with me! It is important that he knows that I know! Now let's see what happens, but I am quite concerned because to have to fight with Lorenzo is one thing, but if you have to beat Marquez as well, everything becomes much more difficult, to be honest - the case is that he isn’t playing fair (something that a professional rider has to do in these situations). Especially because Marquez could be very competitive in the last two races.”

“For me it was a big disappointment, I was upset, it was from a few races ago that I knew, but I did not expect him to do something so obvious. I feel disappointment, regret and worry, because surely he will try to do it here and also in Valencia.”

So why did he eventually also overtake Lorenzo?
“In the race I noticed it, but I did not understand; Marquez was a step above everyone, but instead of trying to try to battle Lorenzo, he stayed with me to fight with Iannone and others. He knew that I was losing out to the Ducati on the straight. And so every time I tried to pass him, he re-overtook me (super-aggressive, but thats the way it is). But then he slowed to create a gap to Jorge. His bad luck was that on Sunday Jorge was not so strong, because otherwise it would have been over already. Instead, he always kept Jorge in check, knowing that he could catch him within 3 laps, and then tried to slow me and Iannone, perhaps trying to put other riders between me and Lorenzo. And in the end, that's what he did. It is clearly quite worrying, but it doesn't worry me too much”

Why do you think he did this?
“Because he would prefer Lorenzo to win. He is angry at me for a personal matter. Although he never said it, he thinks that in Argentina I made him crash; and then at Assen he is still thinking about the last chicane, in his head he feels he should have won that race. Since then he has been angry and thinking like a child: I do not win, but you do not win either. At this point, the lesser evil is for him is for Lorenzo to win.”

Is it something that motivates you or makes you angry?
"Let's see. Because if he's faster yet slows down to get involved in the battles further back, it could become difficult. Because he has nothing to lose, but I do. I have to be wary. I'm sorry and I'm quite angry. I did not expect that Marquez was an obstacle for this Championship, I thought I was only fighting against Jorge, as it should be.”

Because he used to idolise you, did you think this wouldn't happen?
"Watch out, here we must make a clarification: did he really idolise me? Did he really have my poster at home? I'm not so sure. I'd like to go back in time and see. It will also be a question of character, he is competing with me: I want to win as many World Championships as I can. If I win another title, then he knows that he will have to win one more to overtake me. If instead Jorge wins, then they have more or less the same.”

Was it better with Biaggi, because he at least made his feelings clear?
"It's true you are right. In the long run, I prefer more his behaviour. We were obnoxious to each other, but at least it was clear and honest. But I do not have his phone number.”

Did this all begin in Laguna Seca?
“There have been lots of moments, at Laguna Seca he wanted to do what I had done to Stoner five years before, when he could easily have passed three corners later. It was the first signal. And I said so, but I did not want to believe it. To think evil, it takes forever.”

Wanting to make a literary comparison, since we are in Malaysia, do you feel like Sandokan fighting Yanez?
"I would not know. I do not think that there is this difference between me and Lorenzo. I think we're both brave, each in his own way, and also a bit cunning."

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Ag shame, and the Old Man is still leading the Title Chase.


Can't handle the fact that the new "Superstar" is not even in the running for the title this year, yet he sees fit to try and influence the outcome of the championship. If he's so much better than the rest, why does he not just up his game and clear off into the distance, winning the races, but leave the current title contenders to battle it out man to man.

Then he can come back next year and try and win the title back from whoever is the winner this year.

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Ag shame, and the Old Man is still leading the Title Chase.


Can't handle the fact that the new "Superstar" is not even in the running for the title this year, yet he sees fit to try and influence the outcome of the championship. If he's so much better than the rest, why does he not just up his game and clear off into the distance, winning the races, but leave the current title contenders to battle it out man to man.

Then he can come back next year and try and win the title back from whoever is the winner this year.


So why not just have only VR and JL start on Sunday and in Valencia seeing as they are the only 2 able to with the title??? Would that please his highness???

What did Rossi think, that everybody would just settle for 3rd onwards because they aren't in the running? Iannone made almost double the amount of passes in PI than Marquez did yet he isn't being accused of anything even after diving through on Rossi at MG which was a pretty tight pass as well.

In a similar kind of battle Vettel was written off in the F1 title chase between Hamilton and Rosberg, he now sits second and has a mathematical chance of winning. This after battling with the 2 title certainties.

Wow, can't believe people actually believe his crap, obviously sour grapes. Yes he is leading, so why not just sut it and race.

May the best man win...........

In other news pedro is leading practice, must be supporting JL too. how dare he go faster than the 2 title hopefuls!!!!

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Haha, sorry, but the fact that this is blown so out of proportion is m-se funny for me. The fact that he says something and it gets so over-analysed and reacted upon, just says how big his influence is. Media (over-)reaction is a form of flattery nowadays! 


Like him or not, I don't think the sport will ever see another like him.


Chill boys, enjoy the race. I switch off before the interviews anyways. Leave the talking to the politicians. Oh wait, I don't listen to that either...

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Call it what you like,but will Jl,MM,DP or anyone for that matter still be in the contention for a Moto GP title at the age of 36??? Go desperate old man go !

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Ag shame, you dont like Rossi or MM or Stoner or whoever... who cares! Banter is one thing, coming across like moany little school girls scratching each other and pulling hair while they argue over which is the better One Direction knob is really boring.


MM has lost the championship, that's reality, all on his own, its his own fault! Will he learn from this YES, will he come back fighting next year? HELLS YES! Will it be cool, ABSOLUTELY!!


But each friggen week to hear about Rossi stealing data, doing this, doing that saying this .... so what. Why not rather focus on the dude you DO support rather the ones you DONT.

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So why not just have only VR and JL start on Sunday and in Valencia seeing as they are the only 2 able to with the title??? Would that please his highness???

What did Rossi think, that everybody would just settle for 3rd onwards because they aren't in the running? Iannone made almost double the amount of passes in PI than Marquez did yet he isn't being accused of anything even after diving through on Rossi at MG which was a pretty tight pass as well.

In a similar kind of battle Vettel was written off in the F1 title chase between Hamilton and Rosberg, he now sits second and has a mathematical chance of winning. This after battling with the 2 title certainties.

Wow, can't believe people actually believe his crap, obviously sour grapes. Yes he is leading, so why not just sut it and race.

May the best man win...........

In other news pedro is leading practice, must be supporting JL too. how dare he go faster than the 2 title hopefuls!!!!

Would you agree that AI was on the limits at the pace that was being run during the race for 2nd throughout the race? I think yes.


If you ask that same question about MM, less likely because at the rate he caught the guys, and then at the rate he caught JL last 1.5 laps.


So that comparison isnt the greatest.


And lastly, NOBODY has said ANYBODY must settle for any position to make it convenient for anybody else.. That is very different from INTENTIONALLY blocking a person from another team. (Again, I am not saying that is what happened, but sure you must see the difference in the scenarios I just mentioned, even if they are hypothetical?)


At one point to be honest, I thought AI was going to give Rossi space due to their connection, he did the opposite, good for him :) Honest fight.

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At one point to be honest, I thought AI was going to give Rossi space due to their connection, he did the opposite, good for him :) Honest fight.

Must admitt i had the same thought as well. But Rossi knew there was no quarter given or asked. Hence his moves on AI. No 2 wheel racer worth his leathers will ever give up a place to a team mate,friend ,foe or whomever.


This is what makes motorbike racing so brilliant to watch.

Edited by Pikey
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Vale told him several times to work together so they could catch the front 2. Marc just carried on tussling. The move wide was imo a physical WTF ARE YOU DOING and then Marc was leaning on him pretty heavily, hence the knee to move him off... wasn't a kick.

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Suppose it depends what side of the fence you sit as to how you see it.

Lets wait and see but regardless it was a calculated move.......

Watch him be excluded, all his previous rivalries coming home to roost.

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