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Hit and Run in Bloemfontein


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Myself, my Son and my good friend were on a training ride this afternoon.

We came off a gravel road onto a section of tarmac.

Riding single file, me at the front, my son behing me and my friend at the back.

I heard a vehicle approaching and warned the others.

Suddenly we were hit from behind by a bakkie.

My son came flying over my head.

My friend dissapeared, somehow the vehicle missed me.

The driver of the white Isuzu bakkie looked in his rear view mirror, by this time about 70 meters down the road, put foot down and chased away.

My son was lying in the road winded and groaning,

My buddy was lying in the veld lights out.

The paramedic arrived pretty fast.

My son is back home after a check up, bruised and grazed.

My friend is in hospital with a broken leg and ankle and a damaged damaged back, major cuts ans lacerations.

The drunken coward that hit us was missing.

I got a call from the police about an hour ago to take the damaged bikes to the police station.

While I was there, it came over the radio that the bakkie had been traced and the driver arrestedpost-16512-0-74456900-1384198678_thumb.jpgpost-16512-0-04281200-1384198706_thumb.jpgpost-16512-0-47205600-1384198777_thumb.jpg

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No faarking way!! Really glad that all concerned are okay'ish! Absolutely terrifying experience to have to go through something like this with your son. Hopefully the wheels of justice will indeed turn and the coward dumbass driver gets what is due to him!!


Please wish your son and your mate all the very best and I hope they heal up really soon.

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No faarking way!! Really glad that all concerned are okay'ish! Absolutely terrifying experience to have to go through something like this with your son. Hopefully the wheels of justice will indeed turn and the coward dumbass driver gets what is due to him!!


Please wish your son and your mate all the very best and I hope they heal up really soon.

Thanks Mate, I cant describe the feeling. I thought my laaitie was dead. It was horrible
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Fabes told me about this - terrible ordeal - so glad you, your son and friend are all ultimately ok!

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Fabes told me about this - terrible ordeal - so glad you, your son and friend are all ultimately ok!

Thanks Auntie
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Jis dis erg! Bly julle is okay en dat die ou gevang is. Sterkte met alles wat voorlê en hoop almal word goed en gou gesond.

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So sorry to hear about this man, it must have been a terrifying ordeal especially with your son involved. Hope that the wheels of justice will turn quickly and that you all make a speedy and complete recovery. Sterkte!

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giddam! Thank the high heavens none of you were killed. so what charges are being laid on that scumbag?

Dunno yet, hope it is attempted murder
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:eek: Glad you're all alive to tell the story. Wishing you all a speedy recovery. Where did this happen?

Gravel roads near the Bloem Airport
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Bliksem Vettes!! That is hectic mate! Glad they caught the SOB and I hope he gets what's coming to him. Glad your your son is OK. Healing vibes to your mate.

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