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Cape Town Cycle Tour (The Argus) 2015


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Cant we just do a chilled ride to the Blue Peter, refreshments there and then back to the start?

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Cant we just do a chilled ride to the Blue Peter, refreshments there and then back to the start?


Not everybody is here on holiday.  I want to race!

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Not everybody is here on holiday.  I want to race!



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All this talk of a completely new route is absolute nonsense, although somewhat amusing while we wait for the decision.


As I understand it there is the "normal" route in place and a contingency, which is Ou Kaapse Weg and a few other optional detours like Boyes Drive. These routes will have been approved by traffic, disaster management etc... there is no option for a completely new route, its either the normal route or a detour using Ou Kaapse Weg and the M3. The CTCT / Argus is a circum-peninsula ride if it cant happen using a detour on the route the race will be scrapped.

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Somewhere out there is somebody eagerly awaiting the result at 18:30 so he can make a call on thousands of red and yellow rubber bands to be made. Should be a compulsory purchase at registration.

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All this talk of a completely new route is absolute nonsense, although somewhat amusing while we wait for the decision.


As I understand it there is the "normal" route in place and a contingency, which is Ou Kaapse Weg and a few other optional detours like Boyes Drive. These routes will have been approved by traffic, disaster management etc... there is no option for a completely new route, its either the normal route or a detour using Ou Kaapse Weg and the M3. The CTCT / Argus is a circum-peninsula ride if it cant happen using a detour on the route the race will be scrapped.

well if cape point continues to burn, they will close smitwinkel road for safety reasons. Somehow I dont think they will allow the race to go through there.

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Your map is flawed...

Why not just have the outgoing route go up the wrong way on the N1?  Traffic couldn't go down there anyway, and then you don't need to try and separate the lanes to divide the cyclists.


In theory, obviously.  Because nobody wants to go to the north...  :ph34r:


Nope, this way the N1 incoming is still open to traffic and people can get to the start.

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All this talk of a completely new route is absolute nonsense, although somewhat amusing while we wait for the decision.


As I understand it there is the "normal" route in place and a contingency, which is Ou Kaapse Weg and a few other optional detours like Boyes Drive. These routes will have been approved by traffic, disaster management etc... there is no option for a completely new route, its either the normal route or a detour using Ou Kaapse Weg and the M3. The CTCT / Argus is a circum-peninsula ride if it cant happen using a detour on the route the race will be scrapped.


Obviously this is all just pie in the sky. The REAL route would never venture away from the Southern Peninsula for logistical reasons.


Would be useful to have a contingency plan that takes into account a scenario such as the one that is currently happening though...

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At least this beats the hype around the last "BIG announcement" surrounding the Argus/Cape  Town Cycle Tour.


Some real anticipation.

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So why are people suggesting 18.30? Is that the official announcement time? Website has no info on that

Edit... Sorry just saw the tweet.

Announcement at 18.30

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Every man and his dog posting "words of wisdom" on Dave Bellairs' facebook wall.


Can we all just calm the faaark down! :cursing:  :ph34r:

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.................Some real anticipation.

Yup, I have already  chewed off all my finger nails, and I'm starting to clean my toe nails so long........ ;)

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Last post then off to fetch Daughter, that should take an hour or so, then get ready to hear Public Address

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After spending the whole day on The Hub, reading about the fires, I only today realize how bad it is... I feel so stupid for not realizing what's happening around me.


If the Argus gets cancelled, we should all get together Sunday and do like a memorial ride or something.

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