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Cape Town Cycle Tour (The Argus) 2015


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Would cancelling this year's cycle tour be an option?

I am secretly hoping it is  :ph34r:

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first we have to survive registration .... or more correctly our credit cards have to survive registration

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Anyone know the dates for the 2016 Race? Making some bookings for timeshare ahead of the schedule to get a particular suite....

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Anyone know the dates for the 2016 Race? Making some bookings for timeshare ahead of the schedule to get a particular suite....

Don't book anywhere near fynbos or pine plantations :ph34r:

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Anyone know the dates for the 2016 Race? Making some bookings for timeshare ahead of the schedule to get a particular suite....

Second Sunday in march

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Anyone know the dates for the 2016 Race? Making some bookings for timeshare ahead of the schedule to get a particular suite....

It is always the 2nd Sunday of March.

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If the route changes I have no idea what it's like. Never done it before so alls good not knowing how "bad" these supposed "climbs" are.


Can we stop calling it climbs for a start. Kiekiekieeeee

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Just got a message saying the "people" on the news says the Argus might get cancelled.


Well, to late for that.


WHOOOOOP!!!!! One more sleepy.


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Uhm, has CTCT announced the route change or is this all speculation.  Email said an announcement will be issued regarding the route on Wednesday

Bellairs said at 16:30 that the inspection of Chappies will only occur tomorrow after which a decision will be made.
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Second Sunday in march

It is always the 2nd Sunday of March.

The Epic starts same day, more CSA PPA Epic battles to come

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