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Pyga thief caught after hot pursuit! 19/09/2015

Joe Massapuss

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Just hope this guy does not say he was "assaulted" and tries to lay a claim against the op or get's off as he is now a "victim"!



he will and its likely. Hence we the public should stop being soft on these bastards. Moer hulle!


The cops clearly think its just a toy that was stolen so they find it slightly amusing. Seems we need to do more to get the city to take property rights seriously

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Well done boys. pitty the cops got there. yes he is going to walk, that's why I would have given him the beating that he deserves and then let him with a warning that if you see him in your street again you are going to beat him again.

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The lax way they take the guy into custody is ridiculous - doesn't even have his hand cable tied - if the guy decided to make a run for it, those cops stand no chance of catching him.


Good luck with getting a conviction - glad your buddy got his bike back.

Incredible actually, but then they get killed because they flaunt procedures and there is a big outcry! Shows the level of training and commitment.

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Hey guy's, thanks for the support. 

In regards to some of the questions, we honestly have no idea where this dude came from. I am usually very vigilant with things like this and always have an eye open for any dodge looking guy's strolling about. He must have been watching or something from a distance because i find it hard to believe that he was just walking by and spotted the bike, you could literally only see a tiny bit of the black handle bars sticking out from the black bakkie cover. Would love to know myself to be honest.


Ya i personally feel that the whole way the cops carried themselves and handled the situation was a disgrace. They made it out as though we were inconveniencing them and that it was a hassle...i still cannot believe that they told us we had to be quick and get there before one because that's the time they were going home.


All in all it was stupid on our part to leave the bike unattended, but hey, you never expect something like that to happen so quickly, but i guess that's what they are hoping for.


Guys, all i want to say is GET YOUR BIKES INSURED!!!!!!!!!!


Most of you know how much a new Pascoe go's for, could you imagine losing it and not getting any money back to help out for a new bike.

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Sorry chaps but the muppet scenario took place when you both left an expensive bike visible, unattended and unlocked in the back of a bakkie. But I'm glad you got the bike back and caught the thief. Let's hope something happens and he isn't just released.


Our Society is not a normal one - we have to lock up our possessions all the time - it should not be so.

I lived in a normal society for a few years, the picture below is of  the bike parking area of a casino. The owners of the bikes and bags felt no need to lock up their stuff while going into the casino for a few hours on Saturday afternoon. There was no gate or security provided as none was needed. In a normal society people don't take what is not theirs. ( The owners of the bikes were of every colour  except white - black, brown, yellow and red)


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I wonder if the cops know the value of these bicycles (the thiefs obviously do), I mean a Pascoe is worth more than 2006 light passenger vehicle (corsa/polo etc)!


I wonder if they would be so relax if your car was stolen?

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Well done OP! Glad you manage to help JP get his bike back.

Where did you go for training on the joke hold? I think that should be included in MTB clinic classes  ^_^

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This story made my day! Reminds me of a similar incident when we on BMXs many many years ago lol! Keep Safe! Always carry rubbers

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