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Giro d'Italia 2018: The Most Beautiful Grand Tour


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Can you imagine if Maincheese attacked at the end to gain back a few seconds


He is still a few years from that.


Maincheese got his top 10 but sitting wheels and being consistent. He still needs to develop a bit before he goes from passive to active rider. I think he'll get there but not this year.

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Can you imagine if Maincheese attacked at the end to gain back a few seconds


Yeah... no, just tried and couldn't imagine that and what it would look like as hard as I might.  


Edit: Been trying again but try as I might I just ended up imagining AndyH in '88 which is infinitely more better'r. 



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Whew Apartheid is a big word to throw around. Funny every street sign i saw had arabic writing on. Arabs In Israel have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Black people in Apartheid South Africa had none of these rights. But i deff do agree scenary wise it is not comparable at all to the scenary in eurupe. Was deffinately abit boring the scenary.

Not my word



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I really dont think this the right platform to discuss such a big issue so i am going to have to pull out of this particular discussion. Lets enjoy the rest of the Giro and soak up the scenary with all the quality riders we have the privilege to watch. I did read the artice in the Link and honestly struggled to see similarities between apartheid and what was mentioned in the article. Here is an article which hopefully will allow you to understand where i was coming with what I said, but we deff seem to have opposing views so im not posting the link to force anything on you. Its just my understanding as to why it is not an apartheid state.




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I really dont think this the right platform to discuss such a big issue so i am going to have to pull out of this particular discussion. Lets enjoy the rest of the Giro and soak up the scenary witg all the quality riders we have the privilege to watch. I did read the artice in the Link and honestly struggled to see similarities between apartheid and what was mentioned in the article. Here is an article which hopefully will allow you to understand where i was coming with what I said, but we deff seem to have opposing views so im not posting the link to force anything on you. Its just my understanding as to why it is not an apartheid state.





Media articles and reality are two different things.


Go there and see for yourself.


You don't have to explain yourself here.

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Yeah... no, just tried and couldn't imagine that and what it would look like as hard as I might.  


Edit: Been trying again but try as I might I just ended up imagining AndyH in '88 which is infinitely more better'r. 



Goggles seem appropriate 

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I am chucking Tony Martin into the hat for the stage win, from a break away or late attack.[emoji6]


Because ..well why not

15:06:47 CEST

It looks like we've got several punctures. One for Tony Martin and another for one of the Movistar riders. This is a really bad time to stop for a new wheel or bike with the pace so rapid now. 

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The beauty that is the Giro.


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

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Can't believe I watched the whole stage only to miss the last 5km. Arrgggggh.

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Good racing and you can see the riders were keen to be finally racing! Bodes well for the rest of the tour!


Sky did not seem to be bothered with the breakaway and attacks today and looked like they were slowing the peleton at times, especially in the last 30km. Think Froome is keeping himself as fresh as possible, knowing what is to come for when they start hitting the hills.

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