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Safety on the roads ... and cyclists behaviour...


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Yet not a single motorist is able to stick to the speed limit on Chappies, not a single one. Circles baffle and blow their minds, talking on the cell phone. These are not the road users needed on our roads.

Yes you right,my apologies for not adding this.

Motor vehicles drivers don't care tho, seatbelts, airbags etc vs a exposed person on a bicycle.......

A cyclists should look out for themselves,all other road users including cyclists will not look out for you.

Skin vs steel,well know who will win.

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Yes you right,my apologies for not adding this.

Motor vehicles drivers don't care tho, seatbelts, airbags etc vs a exposed person on a bicycle.......

A cyclists should look out for themselves,all other road users including cyclists will not look out for you.

Skin vs steel,well know who will win.

True, even for the "yster manne" out there

(not ironman contestants, I'm referring to self proclaimed macho's)

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I dont need to read it to know that its victim blaming, all has the same vibe.


Starts with Personal story about how bike safety has touched them.


Noting they are a cyclist as well.


Spotted cyclist not obeying a road rule.


Cyclists are their own worst enemy and deserve to die.


Ctrl c, Ctrl v for the past 9 years on the bikehub.


Then people will chime in that they saw someone obeying the law but still annoying a road user.


Someone will suggest Mtbing and getting stabbed


Patch and I will knit pick.


Cyclists carry on being murdered by drivers regardless of who is obeying what laws.


Someone points out its victim blaming.


Some people dont understand what victim blaming is.

If you want to debate, address a post on its merits rather than resorting to exaggeration and conjecture. You know by now that the OP's posts tend to be balanced and well thought out, so don't put words in his mouth.

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Yes you right,my apologies for not adding this.

Motor vehicles drivers don't care tho, seatbelts, airbags etc vs a exposed person on a bicycle.......

A cyclists should look out for themselves,all other road users including cyclists will not look out for you.

Skin vs steel,well know who will win.


Yes but when cyclists do this you get motorists getting annoyed with cyclists. 


A car trying to overtake me on chappies at 5km/h above the speed limit on a blind corner and he is surprised why I am planted in the middle of the lane?


Coming into sea point with that nasty blind corner with soccer mom on the phone hooting behind the cyclist trying not to be killed. 


Its not safe in certain places in Cape Town to ride single file as Cape Town drivers are just too dumb and in a rush. We had some polo try and pass 60m of cyclists on a series of blind corners. Only once I realised what what sparky was trying to do did I have to pull into the middle of the road to prevent an accident.

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Why does someone always haul out the Steel vs Lycra argument as if we've never heard it before. And..... Shock Horror. Any sane person KNOWS!!!


Cyclists are all dicks and deserve to die. Especially the ones on Pinarellos. All drivers aren't looking where they are going, on their phones, drunk, speeding. Blah Blah Blah. Especially the ones in big SUV's with Pinarellos strapped to the back.


Happy now that we've all had a whine?

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If you want to debate, address a post on its merits rather than resorting to exaggeration and conjecture. You know by now that the OP's posts tend to be balanced and well thought out, so don't put words in his mouth.

Still victim blaming. 


"Had a car come up behind them at that moment, crossing over a blind rise and finding the road blocked with three SLOW cyclists, the driver had three choices:

- turn off the road, and crash his car ....

- turn into the oncoming lane and have a head-on collision with our vehicle

- heaven forbid he rammed into the three cyclists ...."


Had there been a tractor there legally the driver should have been able to stop in time. If not the driver would have been speeding. 


" I once again realized that a small percentage of cyclists are our worst enemies !!" - wrong, our worst enemies are drivers that murder cyclists. Until a cyclist jumps a red light and kills another cyclist or crashes into another cyclist on a blind corner a cyclist worst enemy is still drivers.

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Yes but when cyclists do this you get motorists getting annoyed with cyclists. 


A car trying to overtake me on chappies at 5km/h above the speed limit on a blind corner and he is surprised why I am planted in the middle of the lane?


Coming into sea point with that nasty blind corner with soccer mom on the phone hooting behind the cyclist trying not to be killed. 


Its not safe in certain places in Cape Town to ride single file as Cape Town drivers are just too dumb and in a rush. We had some polo try and pass 60m of cyclists on a series of blind corners. Only once I realised what what sparky was trying to do did I have to pull into the middle of the road to prevent an accident.

Wouldn't it help if you didn't ride in a line of 60m of cyclists? Can't you see that is causing a block and is irritating to other road users? Why not ride in smaller groups, allowing others to get by safely?

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Wouldn't it help if you didn't ride in a line of 60m of cyclists? Can't you see that is causing a block and is irritating to other road users? Why not ride in smaller groups, allowing others to get by safely?

Why should he change where and how he rides (if within the law) and motorist does not have to do it? 


You say that the cyclist irritate the motorist well BOTH have equal right to the road and Motorist on their phone irritate me. 


And what would help if they did not ride in 60m Single file? Why can the cars not wait? Why must cyclist change how they do it but the motorist does not have to change?????

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Wouldn't it help if you didn't ride in a line of 60m of cyclists? Can't you see that is causing a block and is irritating to other road users? Why not ride in smaller groups, allowing others to get by safely?

Pedestrians walking in the yellow line irritate me

Triathletes irritate me

Tractors towing trailers leaking sticky grape juice everywhere irritate me

Cars stuck at the Mooiberg traffic light on the R44 irritate me

Golden Arrow busses irritate me

E-bikes irritate me

Taxis irritate me

School kids waiting in the yellow line for their bus irritate me

Drivers throwing glass bottles in the yellow line irritate me

People on holiday going on sightseeing cruises along the coast road irritate me

Kids playing in my street irritate me



And yet, I try to put myself in their shoes before I get irritated and act like a toss. Except for drivers who throw glass bottles in the yellow line - those people are just a$$holes!

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:ph34r: Let me be the fly in the ointment....


Ditch the sleek/fast drop dead handlebars , super light frame with razor wheels n rubber and jump on a robust straight handlebarred good solid MTB frame with lekker dik knobbly rubber and a gazzillion gears and STAY off of the tar and hit that lakker trail on the side of the road....I do it all the time ...much to the amazement of the motorists...just a thought... :whistling:

Did you perhaps read what section of road the OP was refering to?


There NO "next to the tar" sectoin there. Not all roads have a "sectoin next to the road" and dont tell me that they should take another road, sometimes due to whatever reason you / me other on MTB even WILL end up on sectoin of TAR. 

So avoiding the road is not the answer

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Still victim blaming. 


"Had a car come up behind them at that moment, crossing over a blind rise and finding the road blocked with three SLOW cyclists, the driver had three choices:

- turn off the road, and crash his car ....

- turn into the oncoming lane and have a head-on collision with our vehicle

- heaven forbid he rammed into the three cyclists ...."


Had there been a tractor there legally the driver should have been able to stop in time. If not the driver would have been speeding. 


" I once again realized that a small percentage of cyclists are our worst enemies !!" - wrong, our worst enemies are drivers that murder cyclists. Until a cyclist jumps a red light and kills another cyclist or crashes into another cyclist on a blind corner a cyclist worst enemy is still drivers.


dear sir, we agree on many things.


But if I agreed with you on this, we would both be wrong .....




riding IN the road just after a blind rise is just plain rusian roulette ....





PS - you surely quoted a lot for somebody that "did not bother to read" the opening post .... dont worry, I wont hold it against you.

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Yes you right,my apologies for not adding this.

Motor vehicles drivers don't care tho, seatbelts, airbags etc vs a exposed person on a bicycle.......

A cyclists should look out for themselves,all other road users including cyclists will not look out for you.

Skin vs steel,well know who will win.

that's it....ride to stay alive...if you want to cycle in the road so be it...as eddy mentioned steel beats skin...nothing will change....both cyclists amd motorists will very likely get worse as time goes on...ain't gonna change anytime soon...
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Yet the argument here is that cyclist must stay in the yellow line... when in fact that is illegal, but done nerveless to assist traffic flow and these car drivers.


Cyclist have a right as road users to cycle in the road, the fact that a car coming up to cyclists on a blind corner behind them is obliged to slow down irrespective of whether it is a vehicle or cyclists.... to throw toys, hoot and/or force cyclists off the road is reckless driving!!


Perhaps people need reminding of the actual law when it comes to occupying the yellow "emergency" lane...........


A common misunderstanding among road users is the law regarding the usage of the yellow lane. When are you permitted to use it? Are you obliged to move into the yellow lane if a vehicle wants to pass you on an open road? Or, are you within your right to continue your steady path?

The answer is quite simple and clearly laid out in Regulation 298A of the National Road Traffic Act which refers to yellow lines. Legally speaking, the only time you are allowed to use the emergency lane is if you have a real emergency, such as if you break down, if you are rushing to the hospital, or need to pull over immediately in the event of a medical emergency.

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Still victim blaming.


"Had a car come up behind them at that moment, crossing over a blind rise and finding the road blocked with three SLOW cyclists, the driver had three choices:

- turn off the road, and crash his car ....

- turn into the oncoming lane and have a head-on collision with our vehicle

- heaven forbid he rammed into the three cyclists ...."

Had there been a tractor there legally the driver should have been able to stop in time. If not the driver would have been speeding.

" I once again realized that a small percentage of cyclists are our worst enemies !!" - wrong, our worst enemies are drivers that murder cyclists. Until a cyclist jumps a red light and kills another cyclist or crashes into another cyclist on a blind corner a cyclist worst enemy is still drivers.

The law doesn't see it the same way. Cyclists riding single file get knocked - 100% blame apportioned to driver. However, cyclists riding 2/3 abreast will not have the same level of protection. Perhaps blame will be apportioned 50/50, because of said cyclists breaking a rule of the road. This is not victim blaming, these are facts which will impact possible driver liability, potential RAF claims etc.

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