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Do the PPA actually exist?


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I heard of a few newby Argus riders (not too bright) that joined on the Argus site thinking that this was for their lic.


You can join the PPA through the Argus entry system.
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I see the AGM is tomorrow night at 6.30 - I'm sure they've done that to ensure that no league riders will attend as they will all be at Killarney! Haha sneaky

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PPA is incompetant.

Lots of money with little plans onhow to spend it in a way that gives back to the community.


Close em down.

And then what ? You offering to start a new organisation to run the majority of the races in WC and competently hold the biggest race in SA ?

What are your plans ?


the biggest race in thecountry is runby the CycleTour trust o which PPA is a shareholder and beneficiary. the event is organised by Rotary, not PPA. PPA just takes a cut of the earning, then through a process of simple puffery, makes you beliee that the buck stops with them.


Well the good news is that if PPA should dissolve, the Cycle Tour will continue irrespective. Fun rides can be incorporated under the CSA banner butthat brings with it more incompetance. With PPA gone, there would be less confusion an only one body to point the finger at. There would be transparency.


Don't fear change, change is good
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PPA is incompetant.

Lots of money with little plans onhow to spend it in a way that gives back to the community.


Close em down.

And then what ? You offering to start a new organisation to run the majority of the races in WC and competently hold the biggest race in SA ?

What are your plans ?


the biggest race in thecountry is runby the CycleTour trust o which PPA is a shareholder and beneficiary. the event is organised by Rotary' date=' not PPA. PPA just takes a cut of the earning, then through a process of simple puffery, makes you beliee that the buck stops with them.


Well the good news is that if PPA should dissolve, the Cycle Tour will continue irrespective. Fun rides can be incorporated under the CSA banner butthat brings with it more incompetance. With PPA gone, there would be less confusion an only one body to point the finger at. There would be transparency.


Don't fear change, change is good


I think your views are a little naive. Whilst I certainly do not believe that the PPA is perfect, if they disappeared cyclists would lose out on:


1. A seeding system.

2. A road league system (which everyone seems to enjoy).

3. Timed results.

4. Some form of quality control at races.

5. Funding for new single track.


Sure, if the PPA disappeared something else would probably fill the void (although I can assure you it won't be the CSA). I do however doubt whether it would be anywhere near as competent.


I'm not sure how many PPA supported races you've done recently, but there seems to be a marked comitment to finding out what the riders want and then taking this up with the race organisers.


So, I'm happy to pay the PPA whatever it is they charge a year - go into a bike shop and see what that buys you!
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PPA is incompetant.

Lots of money with little plans onhow to spend it in a way that gives back to the community.


Close em down.


And then what ? You offering to start a new organisation to run the majority of the races in WC and competently hold the biggest race in SA ?


What are your plans ?


the biggest race in thecountry is runby the CycleTour trust o which PPA is a shareholder and beneficiary. the event is organised by Rotary' date=' not PPA. PPA just takes a cut of the earning, then through a process of simple puffery, makes you beliee that the buck stops with them.


Well the good news is that if PPA should dissolve, the Cycle Tour will continue irrespective. Fun rides can be incorporated under the CSA banner butthat brings with it more incompetance. With PPA gone, there would be less confusion an only one body to point the finger at. There would be transparency.


Don't fear change, change is good


Not worried about change but sometimes better the devil you know than the devil you dont.



Currently I have no gripe with PPA and they seem to be doing a good job IMHO.


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All my suspicions confirmed PPA is only for the Weatern Cape.


What is there outside of the Western Cape?


there be dragons, dwarfs, and ogres.
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Wow I didn't expect to open such a huge can of worms, prevailing sentiment appears to be overly negative. I will make a point of calling them tomorrow and reserving further judgement until post that phonecall.


At least I don't feel singled out by the crappy experience so far.
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if we could get one cycling organisation in the WP like the rest of the country then that would be great. PPA carry on as if the clubs/wpca/csa/licensed riders don't exist. they ignore events like SA champs/csa races/wp champs/track events and organise their events regardless of the national calender. they are like a bully.

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All my suspicions confirmed PPA is only for the Weatern Cape.


What is there outside of the Western Cape?


there be dragons' date=' dwarfs, and ogres.


we also have goblins, faeries (not fairies like CT) and trolls
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PPA also refuse to give your ID numbers to CSA, so if you want to enter for a big race youre not recognised on the database. And then you must pay for another day licence.(or something like that)  And mr Bellairs is on PPA and CSA board. So they part of CSA, but trying to undermine the system. I think there's also more members/missing money (like CGC), thats why they dont want to hand over all info...

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if we could get one cycling organisation in the WP like the rest of the country then that would be great. PPA carry on as if the clubs/wpca/csa/licensed riders don't exist. they ignore events like SA champs/csa races/wp champs/track events and organise their events regardless of the national calender. they are like a bully.

What percentage of a PPA field actually take part in SA champs/csa races/wp champs/track events?


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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Pedal Power Association will be held on Wednesday 17 September 2008, at 18:30 for 19h00 at the MTN Sciencentre Auditorium, Canal Walk Shopping Centre.

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