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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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Ok i Actually  believe ebens story' date=' why would a normal guy who has a normal job take trugs? He wouldnt do that...


Sorry to hear the bad news Eben but S++t happens dude. Look forward to seeing you back on the bike in 6months.


If he was a full time pro i would be laughing at him but he isnt, hes a normal guy. He has no reason to take drugs, its unlikely in the 1st place he would win against the pros so whats the point? TCS is a good club to be apart of, they are just out there to enjoy themselves, i would love to be apart of TCS just for the comoradery they have, they are not cheaters i can tell you that much. They dont even earn a salary from cycling so why would they?


For the same reason that anyone cheats, takes a short cut etc....

Cheating is not only the domain of professionals, you would be suprised how many funriders / part time athletes cheat.




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They only ride for fun guys and thats why they havent replied cause they out having fun......at the chemist.


You accusing me of doping Colonel?


I met you on the panorama tour and I would certainly be surprised if you were doping. however - cast your thoughts back to the barloworld scandal last year. wasnt everyone in barloworld labeled cheats?


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I have read all 9 pages of Hubbers comments. I did not see any TCS members commenting.


My reason for not commenting is simple - Nothing I can say will change anyone's opinions and I do not wish to engage in any kind of mud slinging as it would be pointless. Whether Eben's positive test was due to ignorance or not' date=' it still sheds a bad light light on our team and nothing can change that. If I get a decent result in a race now (despite the fact that I'm training my arse off every day), people will doubt my performances and start nasty rumours (as is happening already), and I'll have to deal with that despite the fact that I've done nothing wrong. Hence I haven't commented on the issue.


Believe me this is not a nice situation to be in, but I can go to bed at night knowing I'm 100% clean, and I guess that in the end that is what counts. Despite that it still hurts when people say stuff about your whole team, all just because of one rider's mistake, but I guess we'll just have to deal with that. I'm still glad to be a part of TCS.


Phen, for what its worth, I will have you in my team ANY DAY. You are probably one of the most dedicated cyclist I know. I am willing to offer my life, to say that I am positive that you have, don't and will not ever use dope. You work just as hard in cycling as you do in your personal/work life.  It is really sad that you are being combed under the same mat and you out of everyone deserve it the least. I'm really sorry for you. I know the hours that you put in to improve yourself and I know that when you have a bad day or bad race you take in your stride. When you were down for a period last year, you still cycled and took doing bad in races as part of racing. It is honestly sad that people like you, Adolf, Jaco and Alex are also being blamed. When I know not one of you deserve it.
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You know what, I would not know if my best mate was doping. (I'd be very surprised though, he's not a cyclist). It's such a shameful thing that if I was doing it, no-one, not even my g/f would know.

People are full of surprises and all have secrets. There's no way of saying 'so and so is an awesome oke, he wouldn't do that'.


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The reason i have not commented is that i have immigrated to aus, to finish study and be with my parents and siblings. so as being abroad i do not know the full story as much as the next person in the team or any of the hubbers.


Yes i feel upset at the fact that i now will be seen by others and words of cheating will be spoken behind my back. thats to be expected from the human race i guess. its how some of us just are. but i to am disappointed and angry and hurt too.


I have cycled for 10years and only end of this year did i start riding elites.

Most of the TCS crowd i am good friends with and i know why they are a part of the team and thats cause they love being apart of it.

I, even though overseas, will continue to ride for TCS as a club because they have done a lot for me and supported me alot and Crux has often let me disturb his day at work to borrow wheels or a mountain bike or handlebars or what ever it was i needed. how many managers or teams would do this? few would.


so obviously lots of people will still wanna have a go at TCS and label us all. but maybe think bout it a little. cause like ianj said if a rider from cyclelab was busted, would you sling mud at everyone riding in cyclelab kit?


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Guest colonel

Its the same as team/club members sleeping with other team/club members behind others back it happens in many team/clubs.


It happens but know one is meant to know until sh*t hit the fans and it comes out.
colonel2009-01-17 07:55:50
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I am a normal guy, with a normal job, and a "normal" passion for cycling. I sympathise with eben, why, because if I have a cold, or a flu I go to the Doc, and take whatever he gives me. If I'm laid low with a flu or whatever, I take prescription drugs.

I still do my races, and maybe if I was tested I'd still have traces of something in my system. i don't know, actually I don't care. I don't regard myself as a doper, and never will.

Cut the guy some slack. It's not like he won the TDF juiced out of his brain.
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if a rider from cyclelab was busted' date=' would you sling mud at everyone riding in cyclelab kit?




you raise an interesting point - you reckon AM is clean?


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If ur not a pro rider, ....and dont take money for wins as a non pro rider... its all fair in love and war  I say

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yes i do.... he just trains hard! maybe there are actually alot of people out there who are flipping fast who are not on the juice.. ever stopped to consider that??

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I started out wanting to believe Eben, but the evidence that has come to light subsequent to his first post has swung my vote.




Eben, you came on here to justify your positive result, but since doing that some very pertinent questions have arisen, and it would be wise for you to address them.




I'd like to offer a summary, if I may:




- What medicine were you prescribed?


- How much ephedrine does this med contain per mililitre?


- When was it prescribed to you?


- When did you take your most recent dose before doing Bakwena?


- Did you take the dosage prescribed by the doctor?


- Considering that ephedrine lasts in your system only a few days, does this mean you were sick when you did Bakwena?


- If so, how were you able to achieve such a good result, while sick?


- Are Babbelkous's allegations true?


- Did you drink lots of water prior to the test to dilute your urine?


- You've come on here to clear your name. It would help if we could see a copy of the prescription. Are you willing to post it here?




Anything I've left out?

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I started out wanting to believe Eben' date=' but the evidence that has come to light subsequent to his first post has swung my vote.




Eben, you came on here to justify your positive result, but since doing that some very pertinent questions have arisen, and it would be wise for you to address them.




I'd like to offer a summary, if I may:




- What medicine were you prescribed?


- How much ephedrine does this med contain per mililitre?


- When was it prescribed to you?


- When did you take your most recent dose before doing Bakwena?


- Did you take the dosage prescribed by the doctor?


- Considering that ephedrine lasts in your system only a few days, does this mean you were sick when you did Bakwena?


- If so, how were you able to achieve such a good result, while sick?


- Are Babbelkous's allegations true?


- Did you drink lots of water prior to the test to dilute your urine?


- You've come on here to clear your name. It would help if we could see a copy of the prescription. Are you willing to post it here?




Anything I've left out? [/quote']


yeah - how the hell did he get ephedrine. Where did he get it from?


all medicines containing ephedrine have been made schedule 6. Which puts them on the same level as morphine


There's no way in hell the doctor would be prescribing S6 drugs for cold or flu

fandacious2009-01-17 09:47:37

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yeah - how the hell did he get ephedrine. Where did he get it from?

all medicines containing ephedrine have been made schedule 6. Which puts them on the same level as morphine

There's no way in hell the doctor would be prescribing S6 drugs for cold or flu



After reading this page, I am of the conclusion that ephedrine isn't as potent as you would have me believe.


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After reading this page' date=' I am of the conclusion that ephedrine isn't as potent as you would have me believe.




its been made schedule 6 in SA.




i dont think its as potent as morphine but the reason its supply has been restricted is that it is cooked up and used in making Tik. Thats why its nigh impossible to get hold of ephedrine.


the discussion isnt about how effective / strong it is. the discussion is how did he get an S6 drug?

fandacious2009-01-17 09:57:41

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