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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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Its interesting that whenever there is a contentious thread on the hub there is a flurry of new "members" with a smidgen of posts who commence with pontification of the highest order?


Anyone in particular?!?! Big%20smile


The other thing, is that Ephidrine has to be signed by Doctors. You cant just get your hands on it. Also, it leaves the body in a matter of hours. Draw up your own conclusions


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Its interesting that whenever there is a contentious thread on the hub there is a flurry of new "members" with a smidgen of posts who commence with pontification of the highest order?
Anyone in particular?!?! Big%20smileThe other thing' date=' is that Ephidrine has to be signed by Doctors. You cant just get your hands on it. Also, it leaves the body in a matter of hours. Draw up your own conclusions[/quote']




smiley4.gif smiley4.gif smiley36.gif smiley36.gif smiley36.gif smiley36.gif smiley36.gif wow so true

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Oh man this must be the best food the hub has ever tasted?


My personal opinion on the matter -


I don't know Eben well.

I thought TCS were a close knit club by invite and rider current club memeber approval only???

I can not tell whether he doped or not.

Neither can WADA with Lance


His story does sound a bit dubious though.

Really? You think so?

From what I have seen Eben is a very strong rider and if it is true that he doped I am sure he will do just as well without it.

Then why did he dope? Also what makes you think he only used Ephedrine? Why use only 1 product?


I cannot imagine from what I have read that ephedrine gives you such a major advantage over your natural ability?

Read above.....


Ag I don?t know what to believe' date=' maybe it does give you an advantage in 100km races and therefore people are persuaded to take it. Will have to go read what self confessed doper and supplier Chunky said a few posts back.

Supplier? Have you ever got something from him? Saying he is a supplier is like saying that TCS all dope. Know one actually knows.


We are a good team of guys

So were the guys at Festina......



Carel has done a lot for us and for cycling.

I agree Carel has done alot out of pure passion for the sport and its good to see but so did Villy Voet.


Let?s ride our bikes!

Unless you have a cold



Thanks for that champion! Your contributions here does not go unnoticed Wink You are such a Star *pat* *pat*


P.S. Just another rant *sigh*





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Guest colonel
Windbreaker' date=' take this into some consideration for a second...

When moses duenos was bust at the TDF, it was to claudio cortie's surprise.
managers do not have a complete strangle hold over there riders and cannot force anything out of them but what they believe to be the word of truth from the rider.

move on buddy. find something else in your life to amuse you.


Are you joking here about the TDF and Duenos/Corti deal? Please do some homework on Corti buddy with regards to doping.


Dont you find it funny how as soon as Duenos got bust all but 3 riders dropped out of the tour with "injuries"?? Yes there was a crash here and there but come on.


Corti really shocked? My poophol.


Also I would like to know what has happend to Ebon's place in the team and with in the club? Is he been "fired" and asked to leave considering your guys values and ethics etc you portray or has he been given alittle slap on the wrist and told he is allowed to race in team colours again once he is off the couch eating pies?



colonel2009-01-18 11:05:54
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Windbreaker' date=' take this into some consideration for a second...


When moses duenos was bust at the TDF, it was to claudio cortie's surprise.

managers do not have a complete strangle hold over there riders and cannot force anything out of them but what they believe to be the word of truth from the rider.


move on buddy. find something else in your life to amuse you.


[/quote']nok, if you check my posting in the past doping is a pet subject. I feel that Crux has a responsibility to face up to. Not only for the sake of cycling in South Africa generally but for the sake of all the clean TCS riders. As things stand at the moment everyone will have doubts every time on eof you achieves something.


So maybe everyone will move on when

a) Eben retracts his bs story

b) Crux makes a clear statement clarifying the following issues

1) Was he made aware that there were suspicions about Eben and others using banned substances weeks if not months before the test?

2) If so, what measures did he take?

3) Did he in anyway try to cover up the usage?

4) Did he in any way advise Eben to be untruthful about the usage?


As I've said before I feel for the guys who are riding clean but TCS is under a cloud whether you like it or not - not because of Ebens usage primarilly but because of the transparent attempts to downplay and/or cover it up.

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Rewind one week and a day ? there?s a crash at the Saturday morning race ? Eben van Wyk goes down. Having gone of the road as a result, I realized that my race was over and stopped to see if Eben was OK and actually helped him out of the way and made sure he was OK before I rode on. Little did I know this would be the last time in a very long while that he would race a bike competitively?


I have always raced dope free and quite honestly, will probably not get much better than I am now, but c?est la vie, one learns to accept these things. However, I share Christie?s passion for racing clean and I applaud people like a Marco van Biljoen who goes through amount of pain he does to make sure he does not take anything dodgy. I appreciate guys like Andrew and Bruce who openly state that they have too much too loose to dope, because quite frankly, I am in the same boat.


Carel, because you are known by the company you keep, I unfortunately cannot further associate myself with a doper and for that reason I expect you to suspend Eben with immediate effect, pending all protocol. Should the verdict stand, I need to ask you to ask him to leave TCS and never race in your/our kit ever again. You have spoken out against doping on this forum many times, now we all have to walk the talk.


Bullsh*t story...........


Secondly, Eben, your ephidrine was not from a flu medicine. It was from one of your pretoria buddies who sold you a 25 gram bottle of Ephidrine HCL BP from Allied pharmaceuticals. That little grey bottle made by Consol with the white lid is not a flu medicine, its Ephidrine in its purest form.



Chunky, you?re one scary oke, but I get the idea you know your stuff, which is why the above bothers me. Eben, I openly challenge you to categorically deny that you have never taken any other prohibited substance other than what you have stated. I ask this not to absolve you, but to know how deep you are really into this thing.


Babbelkous ?I believe you were TCS? Elite team manager on the day (please correct me if I am wrong). However, I have spoken to a very good friend of mine who also holds a manager?s license and he says that should a rider hold a prescription for an illegal substance, there is certain protocol that needs to be followed. Couple of questions for you:


?    Did Eben declare this prescription to you at any time before the race (which I believe is what should happen)? (this does not aim to incriminate you, but I need to know if he played acc to the rules)

?    Did you, in line with your manager?s duties, inform him that he is due for a dope test before he left for home?(I ask this because I need to know why he had to come back, three hours later (as alleged) if he was suppose to stay behind for dope control.


With consideration to the remainder of this thread, its really true that you see someone?s true character in adversity. Its further true that the more we speak, the more we either reveal or incriminate ourselves. I have learnt more about other people?s characters on this thread than I have learnt in two years on the HUB.


Lastly, some of the finest people I know share this kit with me. To Lize, Carel, Christie, Philip, Jaco, Danie, Coen, Marieta, Brand, Ian and everybody else who wear this kit ? its an honour to be your mate and team mate and to share my time and passion with you.


Hannes Wessels


PS ? I know I have a strong ability to block out BS and I further strongly believe that ignorance is the strongest form of dismissal, but really guys, who is this captain or major or sergeant you keep on referring to?



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Windbreaker' date=' take this into some consideration for a second...


When moses duenos was bust at the TDF, it was to claudio cortie's surprise.

managers do not have a complete strangle hold over there riders and cannot force anything out of them but what they believe to be the word of truth from the rider.


move on buddy. find something else in your life to amuse you.


[/quote']nok, if you check my posting in the past doping is a pet subject. I feel that Crux has a responsibility to face up to. Not only for the sake of cycling in South Africa generally but for the sake of all the clean TCS riders. As things stand at the moment everyone will have doubts every time on eof you achieves something.


So maybe everyone will move on when

a) Eben retracts his bs story

b) Crux makes a clear statement clarifying the following issues

1) Was he made aware that there were suspicions about Eben and others using banned substances weeks if not months before the test?

2) If so, what measures did he take?

3) Did he in anyway try to cover up the usage?

4) Did he in any way advise Eben to be untruthful about the usage?


As I've said before I feel for the guys who are riding clean but TCS is under a cloud whether you like it or not - not because of Ebens usage primarilly but because of the transparent attempts to downplay and/or cover it up.


I agree with the fact that he was bust and believe me i also have my doubts having read up on the drug and how long its in the body and all. that for sure leaves me in doubt and i would also like answers as would many people from TCS.


I am however saying, im sure Crux will get to the bottom of it and you'll have your answer. but i was merely saying that if eben didnt tell anyone then how would anyone have known before hand?



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I am however saying' date=' im sure Crux will get to the bottom of it and you'll have your answer. but i was merely saying that if eben didnt tell anyone then how would anyone have known before hand?




eben wasnt the only one who knew he tested positive. A handful of people knew he was going to test positive LONG before it was published on CSA website...


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Babbelkous ?I believe you were TCS? Elite team manager on the day (please correct me if I am wrong). However' date=' I have spoken to a very good friend of mine who also holds a manager?s license and he says that should a rider hold a prescription for an illegal substance, there is certain protocol that needs to be followed. Couple of questions for you:

?    Did Eben declare this prescription to you at any time before the race (which I believe is what should happen)? (this does not aim to incriminate you, but I need to know if he played acc to the rules)
?    Did you, in line with your manager?s duties, inform him that he is due for a dope test before he left for home?(I ask this because I need to know why he had to come back, three hours later (as alleged) if he was suppose to stay behind for dope control.



I am going to quote what I wrote previously, which will answer the above questions:


Could you please then explain the following to me:
1. Why did it take you 3 and a half hours to pitch for the dope test
2. Why did the guy from WADA have to beg and  threaten you to come for the dope test.
3. Why after your fiance, a teammates girlfriend, 2 official/race organisers and I (your ex team manager) tell you that you need to go for dope control, did you not go for the test immediately?
4. I do recall stopping you by your car when you were loading your bike, telling you you must go for the dope test else there's trouble also an official offered to escort you to the tent, you still did not pitch


I had to go give a statement in which I had to, in writing state, that the rider was aware that he had to go for dope control and that I as (then) manager did do what I had to and that the rider knowingly left the race. I stood by the guy during the 3 and half hours while he and I were trying to get hold of Eben.




Then to answer the other question, No Eben did not inform me of any medication he was on

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read my post earlier in the thread he is a hubber but has not posted in ages due to work restraints and he is by no means affiliated to TCS in any way

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Guest colonel

PS ? I know I have a strong ability to block out BS and I further strongly believe that ignorance is the strongest form of dismissal' date=' but really guys, who is this captain or major or sergeant you keep on referring to?



Me, the Colonel!!
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Babbelkous ?I believe you were TCS? Elite team manager on the day (please correct me if I am wrong). However' date=' I have spoken to a very good friend of mine who also holds a manager?s license and he says that should a rider hold a prescription for an illegal substance, there is certain protocol that needs to be followed. Couple of questions for you:


?    Did Eben declare this prescription to you at any time before the race (which I believe is what should happen)? (this does not aim to incriminate you, but I need to know if he played acc to the rules)

?    Did you, in line with your manager?s duties, inform him that he is due for a dope test before he left for home?(I ask this because I need to know why he had to come back, three hours later (as alleged) if he was suppose to stay behind for dope control.




I am going to quote what I wrote previously, which will answer the above questions:


Could you please then explain the following to me:

1. Why did it take you 3 and a half hours to pitch for the dope test

2. Why did the guy from WADA have to beg and  threaten you to come for the dope test.

3. Why after your fiance, a teammates girlfriend, 2 official/race organisers and I (your ex team manager) tell you that you need to go for dope control, did you not go for the test immediately?

4. I do recall stopping you by your car when you were loading your bike, telling you you must go for the dope test else there's trouble also an official offered to escort you to the tent, you still did not pitch


I had to go give a statement in which I had to, in writing state, that the rider was aware that he had to go for dope control and that I as (then) manager did do what I had to and that the rider knowingly left the race. I stood by the guy during the 3 and half hours while he and I were trying to get hold of Eben.




Then to answer the other question, No Eben did not inform me of any medication he was on



Thanks Babbelkous, this answers my questions and unfortunately does not reflect very good on Eben. I really think its time he either clarify the above or come clean, if you'll excuse the pun




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