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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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Did you give your prize money back? I see you came 6th.


 Can't help but think that becuase it is a TCS rider' date=' there is sympathy from the Hub.


I am in the same position as Eben, work 9-5 etc, if I go to the Doc first thing I take out is my drug free sport handbook. You lot where all crying for blood with dopers in the Tour etc, life time bans, and then this guy comes along a cries over spilt milk, throwing himself on the mercy of the HUB and you all sympathise will him. Hypocrits!!!!!!!!!


Embarrassing to say the least.


Eben, I hope I never race against you ever again.


GR - Think you are being a bit harsh on the hubbers, up to your post no one was sympathising with him.


Sounds like you might have it in for him or TCS ?


One interesting point is that Eben posted his thread about 10 minutes after you posted the original question "Who are these SA Dopers"


One wonders if Eben would have started this thread if the question was not asked?




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One wonders if Eben would have started this thread if the question was not asked?






one out of many questions we will never have answered!


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Guest colonel

Hi guys' date=' it is vitally important to be aware of what is included in your cold/flu/whatever medicines that you need to take!!! It is an important lesson that I have just learnt about the hard way.

I am not a Professional Rider, I have a normal 9-5 Job and then still try and train enough to keep up in the Elite bunch, so paying attention to what?s on the label or in the flu mixture medicine bottle has never been really important to me. Visiting a Doctor for some flu symptoms, I was prescribed some flu medicine and antibiotics, taking it under instruction and not thinking anything further about it. Well as you can guess where this is going, I received notification from CSA that I had a trace of Ephedrine in a Dope Test at the end of last year. A visit back to my doctor confirmed that some of the medicine contained Ephedrine in the makeup. I presented CSA with the evidence and letter of confirmation of the prescribed medicine from my Doctor. Ignorance is not an excuse or mitigating defence though, and as such, I have to serve a six month suspension from racing, which is the lightest penalty that they can impose. I am obviously disappointed that by not paying attention to such a small detail have cost me and the people that support me this unnecessary stress and aggravation, as well as the ability to race for six months. But it will also teach me to take responsibility for making sure that I am aware of what I am getting from the Doctor. Some people will obviously have their own opinion, and obtuse remarks, as they always do on the Hub, and I really don?t care about them or what they would have to say. I am posting this on the Hub because I have nothing to hide and that you?ve heard it from me first. Also so that other people can see that ignorance is no excuse, and to reiterate the bitter lesson that I have now learnt? Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!

Eben van Wyk



No Eben its not "know whats in your medicine" Its make sure you take the drugs to ride better and not get court out so better you know your quantities like most of the guys out there. 


We all work 9-5 buddy.


Crook enjoy eating pies.
colonel2009-01-16 10:25:00
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Very interesting.


Anyone who has ridden a bicycle competitively is well aware that they need to be careful with ANY pharmaceuticals. So I definitely don't buy the ignorance thing.


If he were really sick then why race. If he were really sick then how did he overcome this to achieve a placing?


Then to come onto a public forum with the excuse smacks of more dishonesty. I wonder what the official TCS position on this will be? Should we be phoning Le Equipe?? Big%20smile


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i just spoke to george and he has recieved no notification of his ban he is calling CSA first thing monday morning seeing as his race was before eben's he is surprised that he has not recieved notification

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Did you give your prize money back? I see you came 6th.


 Can't help but think that becuase it is a TCS rider' date=' there is sympathy from the Hub.


I am in the same position as Eben, work 9-5 etc, if I go to the Doc first thing I take out is my drug free sport handbook. You lot where all crying for blood with dopers in the Tour etc, life time bans, and then this guy comes along a cries over spilt milk, throwing himself on the mercy of the HUB and you all sympathise will him. Hypocrits!!!!!!!!!


Embarrassing to say the least.


Eben, I hope I never race against you ever again.

dont bother... I posted a topic a while ago about guys using ephedrine at races and how to spot the riders who were on ephedrine (shaking, goosebumps, dry mouth).

All the dopers came out of the woodwork and rubbished my claims with the most creative excuses as to why they would have those symptoms.

In all fairness I feel sorry for eben. I feel sorry because it is unfair that he is being singled out. What about the 5 guys in front of him? I bet you they're all on juice as well..

Babbelkous2009-01-16 13:44:21
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Did you give your prize money back? I see you came 6th.


 Can't help but think that becuase it is a TCS rider' date=' there is sympathy from the Hub.


I am in the same position as Eben, work 9-5 etc, if I go to the Doc first thing I take out is my drug free sport handbook. You lot where all crying for blood with dopers in the Tour etc, life time bans, and then this guy comes along a cries over spilt milk, throwing himself on the mercy of the HUB and you all sympathise will him. Hypocrits!!!!!!!!!


Embarrassing to say the least.


Eben, I hope I never race against you ever again.

dont bother... I posted a topic a while ago about guys using ephedrine at races and how to spot the riders who were on ephedrine (shaking, goosebumps, dry mouth).

All the dopers came out of the woodwork and rubbished my claims with the most creative excuses as to why they would have those symptoms.

In all fairness I feel sorry for eben. I feel sorry because it is unfair that he is being singled out. What about the 5 guys in front of him? I bet you they're all on juice as well..


oh fandacious please go and check that very topic in which I mentioned that I found it very strange that certain people had goos flesh at races and another riders comment about a sprinter having the ability to outclimb a top climber... ring a bell??????????? sound familiar?????Confused that must
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Did you give your prize money back? I see you came 6th.


 Can't help but think that becuase it is a TCS rider' date=' there is sympathy from the Hub.


I am in the same position as Eben, work 9-5 etc, if I go to the Doc first thing I take out is my drug free sport handbook. You lot where all crying for blood with dopers in the Tour etc, life time bans, and then this guy comes along a cries over spilt milk, throwing himself on the mercy of the HUB and you all sympathise will him. Hypocrits!!!!!!!!!


Embarrassing to say the least.


Eben, I hope I never race against you ever again.

dont bother... I posted a topic a while ago about guys using ephedrine at races and how to spot the riders who were on ephedrine (shaking, goosebumps, dry mouth).

All the dopers came out of the woodwork and rubbished my claims with the most creative excuses as to why they would have those symptoms.

In all fairness I feel sorry for eben. I feel sorry because it is unfair that he is being singled out. What about the 5 guys in front of him? I bet you they're all on juice as well..


Babbelkous2009-01-16 14:08:23
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Can someone knowledgable tell us how long ephedrine lasts in your body?

I must admit: I race licenced sometimes and I took some cough mixture once when I was very sick without even thinking if it had banned substances. Obviously I wasn't racing' date=' because I was sick. But say the cough mixture had ephedrine, and say I raced a month later and got tested. Would I be in the same boat as Eben? [/quote']


Jules, all medicines containing ephedrine/pseudoephadrine etc. have been made, by government, a schedule 6 medicine. Which means you should have seen a docter that with valid proof and evidence prescribed it for you. That being the case if you were tested positive there would be a trail of paperwork to prove that you were honestly sick.
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ephedrine through cough mixture seems like a more "fringe" type of doping than say taking epo or hard core stuff.


are these "fringe" drugs common in the elites, vets and sub vets?


is doping common in the ladies groups at all?




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Verifying his excuse would help if someone could say how long ephedrine stays in the body for. If it's a week' date=' then not such a good excuse. If it's a month, then perhaps the excuse has merit. [/quote']


Ephedrine remains in the body between 5 and 7 days
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Hi guys' date=' it is vitally important to be aware of what is included in your cold/flu/whatever medicines that you need to take!!! It is an important lesson that I have just learnt about the hard way.

I am not a Professional Rider, I have a normal 9-5 Job and then still try and train enough to keep up in the Elite bunch, so paying attention to what?s on the label or in the flu mixture medicine bottle has never been really important to me. Visiting a Doctor for some flu symptoms, I was prescribed some flu medicine and antibiotics, taking it under instruction and not thinking anything further about it. Well as you can guess where this is going, I received notification from CSA that I had a trace of Ephedrine in a Dope Test at the end of last year. A visit back to my doctor confirmed that some of the medicine contained Ephedrine in the makeup. I presented CSA with the evidence and letter of confirmation of the prescribed medicine from my Doctor. Ignorance is not an excuse or mitigating defence though, and as such, I have to serve a six month suspension from racing, which is the lightest penalty that they can impose. I am obviously disappointed that by not paying attention to such a small detail have cost me and the people that support me this unnecessary stress and aggravation, as well as the ability to race for six months. But it will also teach me to take responsibility for making sure that I am aware of what I am getting from the Doctor. Some people will obviously have their own opinion, and obtuse remarks, as they always do on the Hub, and I really don?t care about them or what they would have to say. I am posting this on the Hub because I have nothing to hide and that you?ve heard it from me first. Also so that other people can see that ignorance is no excuse, and to reiterate the bitter lesson that I have now learnt? Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!

Eben van Wyk





Could you please then explain the following to me:

1. Why did it take you 3 and a half hours to pitch for the dope test

2. Why did the guy from WADA have to beg and  threaten you to come for the dope test.

3. Why after your fiance, a teammates girlfriend, 2 official/race organisers and I (your ex team manager) tell you that you need to go for dope control, did you not go for the test immediately?

4. I do recall stopping you by your car when you were loading your bike, telling you you must go for the dope test else there's trouble also an official offered to escort you to the tent, you still did not pitch


Saying that you could not find the tent will not work in this instance AGAIN unfortunately I don't buy your medicine excuse neither..........Cry as you then should have had the flu since kremetart? Poor you
Babbelkous2009-01-16 21:43:37
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Babelkous, after all the posing and wild accusations on this topic, your post is the first one to actually ask some real questions!  Eben, are these true???

Babelkous, was there a guy from WADA?  Don't you mean CSA or UCI?

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