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Everything posted by Brakepad

  1. Ja and maybe play some Mozart but not too loud just in the background whill your holy swiss lycra carefully dries
  2. Brakepad

    The Munga 2019

    does anyone know what is happening 1.9km to the finish? It shows the dot of DS Dana Schutte resting there for over 10 hours ???
  3. Brakepad

    The Munga 2019

    I hate seeing riders going in the wrong direction. FP Frank du Plessis is off route now at 895 km
  4. Brakepad

    The Munga 2019

    Looks like SM is off the track again ?
  5. i am very surprised that these decals are drawn by hand. I always thought they are all stickers ???
  6. I missed the big screen and live stream at the showground
  7. I hope your loved bike is in good shape
  8. only some carbon or super lightweight bars might have an issue with cutting too short as the area where you tighten the brake lever/gear shifter clamp might be not strong enough. But a standard aluminum bar shouldn't be a problem specially for a light youngster
  9. Velosport in Paarl … isn't the owner Llewellyn ? great guy , great knowledge , big kudo from me !
  10. a Spez shop gave a friend of mine some top of the range model to testride. This made him buy the 40k bike of the same range just to find out it's not fun to ride and weight is 2kg more...rides like a tractor and doesn't fly over the trails like the test bike. Test what you want to buy !
  11. a reset (pressing 3 buttons at the same time?) done the trick for me
  12. what about a build in water level/bubble ? If the floor is even....
  13. should be for granted to be picked up by other cyclists if you walk next to the road with a flat
  14. The one that fits you and you must like the handling of the bike . No matter what brand or what it costs.
  15. Or maybe something like this could work ? https://africa.findmespot.com/en/
  16. once you have tried SQ Lab grips you won't want anything else anymore, best ergonomics , sorted out my numb fingers completely and i have more control on the downhills
  17. read this in a satiric magazine it's too funny : Fontenay-le-Comte (dpo) - What a sporting achievement! Austrian cycling pro Fritz Gauhuber (27) is the only undoped rider to complete the 201 kilometer first stage of the Tour de France. He is thus only ten days behind the peloton. Gauhuber, who initially collapsed completely exhausted and had to be treated medically, is now on the road to recovery. "I am very proud of my performance, for which I have been training hard for years," said the athlete a few hours later, still completely out of breath and shaken by convulsions. "Many say that it is impossible to get through the Tour de France without any doping, and I can tell all of them that at least the first of 21 stages is quite possible. Still completely exhausted from the 201 km: Gauhuber, who drives without sponsors, because no one wants to support a loser, also reports how hard the tour can be without doping: "At the sections where normally doped riders sprint for the mountain classification, it was sometimes so steep that I sometimes had to push my bike. Of course, this is really good on the calves, "said the fair athlete. In return, however, he had much more time to enjoy the beautiful landscape. As soon as Gauhuber, who after all received the so-called "clean jersey" for his services, has recovered completely, he wants to make the second leg from Mouilleron-Saint-Germain to La Roche-sur-Yon (182.5 km). Presumably, the race is over for the rest of the riders - either because they've tested positive for doping or because they have reached their destination after 3535 kilometers.
  18. I think i need a volunteer to clean my bike . Only serious offers above R1500 please
  19. One can not compare huge online shops with LBS Just look at cost structures and services offered Online : Warehouse somehere cheap + website LBS: good location ,must present products nicely, compare to the number of customers has a huge variety of products, gives anybody advice ,chats to you for half an hour even if you don't buy anything, sells you one single spoke if needed, ..... i could carry on for another hour but i rather go cycling now. Even if the pricing of online shops are sometimes compelling i will always support the LBS
  20. Yes x3 they don't make real MTB's in other wheel sizes
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