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Everything posted by slowpoke

  1. And hot on the tail of the cyclist is the cager (car driver) saying "cyclists and taxis do it all the time, why shouldn't I?"
  2. As I said, stop giving them easy targets. Don't park illegally. Don't speed. Don't overtake on solid lines. Don't jump red lights. You really need to think further.
  3. So stop giving them easy targets to focus on
  4. I almost got taken out this morning by someone jumping a red light. Light was very much green for me, in my car, as I approached. A gut instinct yelled to slow down, so I did. Next thing some dude in full stealth mode cycled straight through at relative speed (he was on a slight downhill". Dark kit, only light (on back of bike) makes a tea-light candle look bright is clearly not a good combination. Got to my destination, removed my "xmas tree" style bike from back seat of car and did my morning ride with no further incidents.
  5. http://www.iol.co.za/sport/cycling/cyclists-need-protection-not-arrogance-1.1448104
  6. Less focus on RIGHTS and more on RESPONSIBILITIES. This starts at home with parents teaching their kids to be decent members of society instead of teaching them that they (the parents) will always just bully/buy/excuse the bad behaviour of the kids away. Next the law must change to focus on responsibilities as opposed to rights. A kid who causes trouble at school (eg bullying) should be disciplined, not patted on the head with a "there there" approach. Next step would be the same as was applied in New York - enforce ALL laws from the smallest upwards - and not pathetic little fines or warnings, but actual punishment that will make a person think twice about repeating the bad behaviour.
  7. People need to stop calling avoidable and forseeable situtaions "accidents". Sure, the driver didn't intend to cause harm per se, but he didn't care whether or not he did so. Ergo it is not an accident. it was a crash/smash caused by negligence and the driver must take accountability for either not looking (and as such not seeing) or not caring. It certainly can not be excused as an "accident".
  8. RIP and condolences to his family and friends. How anyone can still choose to drive drunk and cause a senseless death like this is beyond me. Society should start comdemning people who break the law instead of excusing it when it suits them.
  9. I don't track all my rides, but the 3 weeks I was on leave I rode at least 3 times a week in the Cradle. Did a little bit of mtb in between. Did lots of DIY stuff at home leaving me so hot that I tucked into ice cream a little too much - my weight is up despite a whole lot more activity
  10. Yes, unless he is busy passing slower vehicles he is wrong. If there are 4 lanes and there are no other vehicles around, even if you are travelling at 120km/hr or above you should be in the left hand lane. if the vehicle in the left most lane is doing 80, the one in the next lane is at 90 then a vehicle going at 100 may pass the vehicle at 90 in the right hand lane, BUT ALL SHOULD MOVE LEFT AGAIN AS SOON AS IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. The average South African thinks it's a "slow" "medium" and "fast" lane - utterly incorrect. Vehicles sitting at 100 in the middle lane when the left lane is clear are just as wrong as the vehicle sitting in the right hand lane "because I'm doing 120". KEEP left. PASS right.
  11. But it does categorically state to ride as far left as possible and in single file. It also states that it is illegal to deliberately prevent another road user from passing you.
  12. No, unfortunately most of the time it is some idiot thinking the law doesn't apply to them. True accidents are extremely rare in SA. The "I didn't see...." and "I thought..." lines are simply excuses to deny negligence, accountability and disregard of other people's rights on the road. How the hell can a car rear ending an SUV on a straight road be an accident? Or someone heading at high speed into the back of a truck in the emergency lane? Or a car driving head on into a cyclist on the opposite side of the road, with the car driver being drunk? Or someone pulling out of a petrol station in front of a motorbike with bright headlight? It's time to call these incidents what they are - crashes caused by the negligence of one of the drivers. Accidents are unforeseen and unavoidable. A crash due to negligence is caused by not looking, not caring and not respecting others.
  13. I am one of those people who, according to the law breakers, cause crashes because I adhere to the speed limit. I also subscribe to Goodfellas. I have NO qualms about letting the maitre'D know that I have called them and where I am sitting. I will NOT risk trying to live with myself if I cause a crash, and if I'm breaking the law it will be a crash, not an accident. I do not ride my bicycles without a helmet nor my motorbikes without ATGATT (all the gear all the time). Yes, I know this makes me abnormal and a "party pooper" but I really don't give a rats' ass if people judge me for being responsible.
  14. Odd that the people with theories based on abiding by the law have also cycled tens of thousands of kms and have ridden for many years as well. There are the obvious times when evasive and life defending actions are required, but the general consistent inexcusable flaunting of the laws by ALL road users is the main reason for the lack of respect between all and the cause of the majority of deaths on the road. Actual accidents are few and far between. If the bunch is too big to ride single file when appropriate then split up into smaller groups. If you are alone in your car and the intersection is dark and you see a scaly character, then drive through the light AFTER checking the road is clear. If there has been a smash and the road is blocked but the oncoming vehicle has stopped and indicates for you to go then cross the center line and go. If there is broken glass or a pothole in the cycle lane then pull out into the normal road lane. If the vehicle in front of you drives slowly when you a behind them but accelerates every time you try to pass, then as soon as it is safe to so so, gear down and gun it even if it means going over the speed limit, just drop back to legal speed once past. (I've had a fine reduced for doing this as this is a potential safety risk - why is the car trying to block you and potentially stop you?) If the vehicle next to you swerves at you then change lanes without indicating (do at least check) There are many other INSTANCES where there is a logical and safety based reason but to break the law, whether in a car or on 2 wheels, but to do so as a regular habit is where the issue comes in.
  15. Or possibly he was riding much faster than the taxi assumed he was? If he was going 40 or 50 km/hr and the taxi assumed he was only going much slower and turned too close in front of him (which sounds likely based on the eye witness account) there is no way he could've slowed or stopped in time. Of course, the taxi driver is just saying "I didn't see him" as this is the easiest way to deny any form of accountability.
  16. "Ag chinas, I can like to croon you I can laaik to break the law when it soots me coz I can laaik to but no one else can laaik to do the same coz I don't laaik that" is all that some people seem to come up with. Why should a taxi sit in the lane behind you and wait when it makes more sense to him to push past you on the wrong side of the road in order to stop 10 meters later for a passenger, because in his and the passengers opinion it makes more sense to use the open piece of road. Same with pavement. Oh, and they think that stopping in the intersection makes more sense because there's more space. Of course there is also the whole have-a-fast-vehicle brigade who maintain that by speeding they are out of the way in front of other vehicles so according to them they are safer and the other vehicles have less traffic to deal with. Of course, not stopping at red lights after dark is also all about safety, both the car jumping the lights and the other cars who might have to stop behind them - far safer for everyone to jump lights to avoid smash and grabs cos that is far worse than dying when some dumb moron jumps a light and smashes into you. Common sense is most uncommon and logic is the realm of an exclusive few.
  17. At least none of you have made the mistake of selling something (CBR 400 NC23 motorbike) to a "friend" of about 4 years, on basis of "take it now and use it and pay me in installments over the next 18 months"... Yep, I am the sucker who has not seen the bike for over 2 years and has not seen a cent in payment for it! At least cycling stuff I just give away generally, makes it more difficult to get "burned" if you aren't expecting payment.
  18. WTF? How come only "taken for questioning" instead of "arrested for reckless and negligent driving"??? Hope the lady heals up soon.
  19. Oh boy, Niner is going to have a field day on this thread. The biggest problem is that you'll find it's the big bunches running on the "safety in numbers" principle who aggravate the motorists and then it's the folk riding solo or in small manageable groups who fall victim to self-justifying motorists.
  20. Attitude and taking accountability. This standard "Ag man, it was an accident" bull***t about everything has got to stop. It starts at home with parents and their kids. Stop making excuses for your kids. If they stuff up make them apologise. Also, if you stuff up, apologise. This applies to everything in life, not just road usage. Take ownership and accountability instead of passing the buck and blaming others all the time. Our government has unfortunately set an example of passing the buck, and our laws make it so easy to follow suit.
  21. You seem to have a serious problem. Please seek help. "ALL" means just that... If the drivers can get away with it and not take accountability they will continue to drive like idiots at the expense of ALL other road users and the holiday season death toll is worse than a friggin war zone death toll.
  22. Niner, you are suffering from serious logic fail here. You are either seriously idiotic or a member of the ancyl. Either way you are a prime example of why motorists hate cyclists.
  23. Wishing both these ladies a speedy recovery. Until ALL south Africans start taking accountability for their actions and showing respect for others these tragedies are gng to continue to happen :'(
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