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Everything posted by katz201

  1. that's why I stay my NOT-SO-skinny white ass off a downhill bike...
  2. When is the opening?? Wanna be there!!
  3. If you want to go for the cheaper option, I'd go for the slicks on the mtb. Riding on a bike you are used to will be easier than riding on a bike that you'll only have for a day or two. I did that when I did my first 94.7 I borrowed a road bike from a friend when I did my second 94.7 . Ended up buying the bike from him after the race
  4. If all goes to plan I can start taking part in SCR'es from Monday morning!
  5. I have managed to get another non-cyclist on a bike!! Yay ME!! My sister just got herself a MTB, and is eager to start riding. Little problem though... Big brother lives 1500km and won't be able to help out the newbie! So is there any MTB groups/clubs you can recommend for beginners in the Centurion/Pretoria area?
  6. Welcome to the Cajees-NON-Supporters club!! I had my rant about them on another post the other day, so I won't repeat myself. All I can say is that it seems to be a problem at most of their branches. I had my problems at the Fourways branch. Good luck!
  7. Like everyone else on this site I love cycling... on the tar or dust/mud.... I have realised what a difference cycling has made in my own life. I would love to help share this experience with those less privileged than me. But where to go? What to do? If anyone knows of active charity organisations/groups in the Cape Town area that promotes cycling in underprivileged communities, please let me know. I would love to give a helping hand!
  8. My first ride on a 29'er was on the Giant. My second was on a Momsen. Loved the rides on both. I'm a Scott fan myself, so my 29'er will probably be the Scale 29er. But like I've said, that's just because I'm a Scott fan. My advice would be to go ride these bikes and see which one feels the best for you. Components are very important, but you can upgrade at any point in time.
  9. What type of riding do you do?
  10. katz201


    Welcome! There are pros & cons for both mtb'ing & road cycling... yeah right! Only pros!! I ride on the road & off, and I love both... For me road cycling is better for the fitness, while mtb'ing is more fun & better for socialising. But it's a close call. Getting a good secondhand bike is the best way to start. And the Hub is one of the best places to get one!
  11. Adam Smith's issues with the place aside, I had my own run-ins with the place. I used to live just down the road from the Cajees. On more than one occasion I took my bike in for a minor service or repairs, and when I went to collect the bike, they hit me with a massive invoice. Parts replaced that did not need to be replaced, etc. And then there was the time it took them 3 weeks to a freaken service!
  12. I'm in GP for a couple of days on business. Friends of mine are going for a ride at Teak Place and yours truly would like to join them. Anyone know where I can rent a mtb in Jhb/Pta?
  13. The AL329 goes for R9500! Bargain! [Edit] Posted this before I noticed the carbon frame in your pic
  14. I was lucky enough to ride one that Leon Evans (Kevin's dad) built up a few months ago. I was very impressed! Also received a nice review in the new Bicycling mag...
  15. Ah cr@p!!! That's what I forgot to do yesterday! Had to take the bikes in for a service before I left town! So far I've received good service from Cycle Factory Unit S29 Spearhead Business Park Montague Gardens
  16. Step 3... Get new GF that cycles too!!!
  17. I'll sit here and pretend not to be jealous!! Had the opportunity to take a 29'er out for a ride at Harkerville last weekend. The ride ended with me informing the GF that our food budget is being cut for a while so I can save money for a big wheeler!!
  18. Went through the same 2-3 years ago... was fat, depressed and not the nicest person to be around... Dusted off the old Trek that had been gathering dust in the garage for a number of years... and started LIVING again!! I even moved to CT to enjoy all the trails down here. Must admit that I spend more time on my road bike down here than I ever did up North! But more time in the dust + more time on the tar = more time out cycling!! Either way... I got hooked on cycling again on that old Trek... and in the process it helped me to get hooked on life again!!
  19. I got hooked on a Trek 4300 ... The thing weighed a ton!!
  20. Fantastic... more moaning! If you feel you're being ripped off, why not do something about it?? Why not organise your own race? Then you can charge whatever YOU feel like! Problem solved. It is easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise. A little less so when you have to go out there and actually do something positive with your time and energy.
  21. I don't drive a BMW or a Merc. I don't own a BB or an iphone. But I do ride on a road bike and a mountain bike. I used to be one of those mountain bikers who thought all Roadies are stuck up snobs who only care about shaving their legs and making their bikes lighter. And then I got myself a road bike, because I entered the 94.7 At the moment I probably spend more time on my road bike than on my mtb. From my experience the roadies in Cape Town are just as friendly as the mountain bikers. I even posted my thoughts about it on the Hub a while back. A thank you to those roadies who changed MY attitude!
  22. Our company specialises in IT Project Management. Recruitment of Project Managers, Project Administrators, Business Analysts, etc. Any unemployed hubbers need a job in this industry, give me a shout and I will get you in contact with the relevant people.
  23. I'm for the rating system. So far I've had positive and negtive experiences and would like to share that with other Hubbers.
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