Had a couple coils on different bikes. My previous Tranny Smuggler went from a Monarch Deb' to a CC inline DB Coil and while the bikes progression wan't 100% suited for the kematics of the coil it actually was night and day. This might have been because the Monarch Deb' was a pretty solid but basic rear can. The Smuggler was was 115mm of rear travel and might I was surprised to find CC's trail coil at that size but when I did on a black friday special (because who wants a 115 coil!) then I snapped it up just to give it a go. It had the climb switch on it and I found climbing alot better than on the air. traction was better and there wasn't any real increase in bob. I was running a vault spring and it didn't add that much heft to the bike. I would have liked to have got a progressive spring that CC have come up with recently. Set up with the app was nice and easy. On the downs it was great, nice and poppy and tracked the ground so well. It wasn't that it was life changingly noticeable straight away but what it gave you exactly what you wanted for the type off riding I do. I stopped wondering about this thing or that thing about the rear, it did what I wanted, it never bottomed out (that I noticed), never did anything weird and let me forget all about the back end. That was paired with a Pike up front with Luffekappe and Ramp control. A good combo. I've now got a Ripmo with a Fox X2 rear air can and MRP Ribbon Coil up front. The bike originally came with a DPX2 and despite that being the 'little shock that can' I couldn't get comfortable with it despite being used on their team bikes on the EWS. Despite not being a twiddler I found the X2 much easier to set up and just changed the bike 110%. Again, once I set it up it was forgotten about as it got on and did it's thing. Really well. The MRP coil up front is a bit more of a 'so-so'. I love the feel and simplicity but I would struggle to say it was a much better than something like Lyrik or a 36 or event the previous Pike I had (but I had that dialed and set up like a boss). The issue I have / had was I weigh in at 85kgs and I'm solidly a M in their spring chart but when I had the medium in I really struggled to get the close to sag I needed and wasn't using even 70% if travel on the rowdy trail. So I swapped in the 'soft' spring and everything was pretty good. Great sag, using 90 - 95% of the travel one most of my trails and it was all going well. Now the issue I have is that on one ride when I was riding Tokai Cobra in a bit more 'bouncy' style, trying to pop off drops etc the fork just cooked out on me. I'm not sure if it packed down, bottomed out, stopped working, tried to kill me. Since then I've been trying too balance that out but I'm not getting that sweet spot. Either it's not giving enough travel and not feeling good enough or it's feeling great and using travel but if I take some bouncy, bouncy repeated pops then I starts getting weird. I've played with all the knobs and levers and change springs but can't get it 'there'... and now that is starting to annoy me. So to wrap up my experience I'd say that as a rear option I found it really good but it has to be a good coil. Not slapping on a weird DH orientated thing and hoping you don't struggle on the ups. On the front I'm 50 / 50. I like it for 80% of the time but it's got me thinking and struggling a bit on rides and that shouldn't be there. I've had forks that I can set up and go ride and not think about at all on the trails. Unfortunately the Ripmo V1 isn't suited for a coil at all (they changed that with the V2) but I'm not actually sure I'd swap out from the X2 as that is a really kick ass rear can. The adjustability is a little much at times but it means that you can tweak that annoying little thing that annoyed you on that little jump and it never happens again. Also on less poppy, goofy bikes than the Smuggler and the Evil Following I had I'm also not sure it would be a great fit. Would I recommend them? For sure as they are awesome but it would have to be the right shock and it would depend on the bike. Trannys and Evils would be first in the line for sure.