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Everything posted by Redline

  1. www.cyclejunkies.co.za their shop is in the dorp by the spar complex ( next to the second hand book shop) you need a permit that you get from them and they will explain the routes. induna adventures have some routes as well, out towards hazyview - but you need to be super fit for those!
  2. does any one recognize the song in the video?
  3. ditto ! plenty of volunteers in GP ... gauteng suck at DH, really can't see why every one else uses their mountains but we don't The coolest thing ever that disappeared into the ether was the rumours about trail / dh track at harties
  4. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sensory-superpowers/200907/mountain-biking-the-blind
  5. don't they have a race number? if so, do they not get stopped?
  6. hi guys, a while ago someone here mentioned that there will be a park opening on the other side of harties cable car area. does any one have an update or was it just a heartless rumor?
  7. what distances and speeds do you guys do?
  8. try Juan zero 8 two 75eight 0011
  9. I was told so as well, over and over.. yawn.. but doesn't the pic show off her eyes
  10. you can also instead of hanging the bikes from the top tube, try mounting them on the down and seat tubes.
  11. Redline


    id rather be at work in camps bay, than at work in jhb, in a cubicle with no outside view of the lovely smokey city
  12. which one do you have? I had the same issues... have to put the one bike as far forward on the rails as possible, and the same for the other bike. that and the outside one has to lean out a little bit more. but it works, not ideal though. the other brands are catching up to thule...
  13. thanks tnt1 (shame on me for not googling) bloody awesome vid cheers
  14. what is that gravity wave ? do you have more info on it?
  15. Dangle , what distance will the ride be? any thoughts on a route yet?
  16. what is the buttons on the lat pic?
  17. as soon as I read that you are supposed to deliver the bike I thought that was enough proof of a scam. Crooks always want to take your money with the least amount of effort, please bring me your bike and your cash... wtf... also, if you try a banking scam, please go the "extra mile" and add a absa or standard logo? Good on you for posting a headsup
  18. doesn't "learning to use clipless" refer to more than just clipping in and out? the proper use is complex and takes some time getting used to? push-pull and peddling similar to wiping your feet? just asking...
  19. I understand that one needs to make the lifestyle change, but for some one who gets up at 4:30 and does not have the time for eggs and salad breakfast I need to choose between instant oats or a shake. The shake did not work too badly as a breakfast, but can some one help me understand where the fructose comes in? on the back is the following energy - 1462 kj protein - 46g carb - 29g fat - 3.6g fibre - 9g then a crap load of vits and minerals nicotinamide (wtf!?) - 10mg pantothenic acid - 3mg biotin?? - 19mg n-acetyl-l-carnitine(tripple word score) - 364 mg Garcinaia Cambogia extract - 237mg so which one is bad? is the kj basically sugar? and what is this nicotinamide stuff? there to get us hooked on usn? thanks for all the replies
  20. how effective are they? I see they have less protein than he normal shakes but quite a bit of carbs.. are you not supposed to avoid carbs for weight loss?
  21. hi, so the plan is to fly down to george, then take a rental to uniondale for the race. How does one get your car to knysna? I see there are tour operators that does transport back to uniondale, but they go at 14:00.. which is 10 to 1 a bit early for us.. so how do you do it? any suggestions, comments? thanks!
  22. Nice one Wes (I eyed the meta for some time as well) be sure to tell us all when you take her for a spin? enjoy it!
  23. rather use this site http://www.parceltrack.co.za/
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