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Everything posted by 117

  1. Hahahaha.... He does use... Space 🔚
  2. What magic is that? Edit: silly me... That looks like an XT with hanger extender. Nothing new there
  3. My 500 beer coupons are going to Droo for the cost of the service The 600 should go to you Robert
  4. Well, if Robert has some options for you then I'll contribute the R500 to his parts bin DM me
  5. I'll club in R500 to the new/replacement/repair of the fork Maybe @droo can help out with parts and service, and we can make a collection pot to pay for it
  6. I don't know many chaps down your neck of the woods, but someone like @droo is a person I'd give a call to on that side of the tunnel
  7. Can you not get a local agent for Scotty's to panel beat that tri-angle straight again?
  8. If its a 104bcd you have, I'll gladly lend my 38t to you to see how badly you dont want one
  9. You should search the classifieds here on Le Hub sometime... #justsayin
  10. Nope. The AXS app is just a portal really. Its the gps unit which records how long you were in which gear, based on a time scale because it knows which gear you are in - this is transmitted to the gps unit from the Rd
  11. Thanks Marc Sneaky.... SRAM only allows Garmin, Karoo and Wahoo to connect to the system for the stats. I run a Lezyne and although the Rd does connect via blue tooth to my unit up front (showing battery and not much else) it doesnt do the gearing statistics that is on offer if you run a Garmin et al. We do also run a Garmin in the fleet and we were able to connect that via the apps/webpages with not too much hassle. Its the Lezyne that now is an issue and I'll be buggered if I want to spend 6k just to see if I have a too big a chainring or not on an app. I'll be better off buying a bunch of chain ring sizes from the Kiwi and doing some ride tests. If you must know, I run a 36t round on 12spd slx cassette, and I'm considering going to a 32 round just for the Drak Descent event. I'm not a climber - gravity doesn't allow me to do well in those events...hence I assumed the app stats would enlighten me if I needed a 32t or 34t... I guess a 32t cant hurt. See, we did a full oval back to chain ring topic right there 🙂
  12. Both are good, but to me KMC is the better longevity choice (and better price too, I'd imagine) If your front chain ring is stuffed, that'll shorten the life span of a chain too Keep the whole drive train clean and lubed and it'll last longer
  13. Wilco, thanks. Do you need to sync the Rd and phone after every ride to download? Sorry, rookie questions
  14. Thanks Mm. I have the app already, and used it to do some set up work etc. I'll fiddle with it this evening and see what I can extract
  15. Would you mind directing me to where I can get the same from my AXS app? Does it matter that I run a GX AXS?
  16. Aww... Here I thought, and my fan base too, that I hold that title
  17. Perhaps you prefer the more, direct, description? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=altruism
  18. Pop in the cable nut spacer to reverse the cable. Get a lever with a clamp system, from Lyne as an example, and away you go. The x-fusion is finicky to get right if you have to use the original system of locking the cable at the dropper side
  19. Hang on, is the cable length not wrong to the sleeve length? ie: too short a cable which creates tension/pulling motion on the mechanism (because the sleeve is too long), and prevents total lock out? We run a Wolftooth lever on the x-fusion manic and it works like an absolute charm - if the cable length and sleeve is correct I also run a lyne and it came with a spacer/cable end nut if you wish to run the cable end on the dropper instead of the lever (opposite cable direction to the x-fusion). It came with a spare, you're welcome to it if you wish. It will allow you to use just about any type of lever that clamps the cable at the bar. It'll also allow you to have more finite control over the cable length.
  20. Lyne and wolf tooth will be the easiest option
  21. I think in this case the OP has answered your question Peet
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