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Simon Kolin

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Everything posted by Simon Kolin

  1. I'm still waiting for my shoes that I ordered too. Stupid ASG!
  2. It really is a pity that Momsen Bikes don't offer a 650b model of their ST-F/ST-R frames. They would make for a fantastic build. The 2017 Cotic Soul is really cool. Maybe consider a Surly Karate Monkey 27.5+. You can probably order from a specialty store that has an account at QBP (Sprocket & Jack)? Mercer would also be a nice option, but only if you're be prepared to take advantage of the custom build/ fitting and cost Ritchey 650b is gorgeous, but is in need of a serious update.
  3. Is it not DB Multisport?
  4. Westdene Cycles have some NOS/NIB Superb Pro Rear Hubs if you ever need them.
  5. I honestly have no idea. It was an image I found in a Bicycling article on the T47 standard...so it could be from any fabricator. That said, if I had to guess, it's probably from Chris King's Cielo range
  6. Please, please make sure you use a T47 Bottom Bracket. None of the Press-Fit nonsense.
  7. Misspoken, but I think I understand what he means.....it's not to say that anyone has greater worth or their death means more than anyone else, but we kinda have done that by the virtue of our "connection" with Burry. For example if someone had posted that their domestic/brother/partner was killed this holiday, would there be such a call to action/outcry? Probably not. If I was killed riding my bike this weekend, would you all talk about a Critical Mass (pun intended) in my honour and try lobby government? I sincerely doubt it. As it is Burry's passing has more "value" because he was someone who made us feel proud/patriotic/angry/etc. "Valuable" is the wrong word. Perhaps "impactful" is what Azonic means? And I don't think he means it as a detraction from anyone else who has lost a loved one in a tragic way. Maybe I misunderstand completely?
  8. You've actually hit the nail on the head and that comes from 2 human limitations; 1. As I was saying in my reply here about the awareness test (https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/125365-awareness-test/), out brains don't recognise things they don't expect. It actually may even be more dangerous to assume that riding against traffic, increases your chances of being seen and avoided. Just because you as the rider assumes that this will help you see traffic hazards and they (drivers) see you, doesn't make it so. 2. Most people have severe issues with depth perception and a barely passable knowledge of the metric system. What they assume is space given of 1.5m (or whatever), probably is 70cm and that, at best, is taken from the beginning of the pavement. Motorists are taught to judge distance that way and most are very poor at that. Look at all the cars that have scratches on their wheels (left hand side of car). Our depth perception is laughable at best.
  9. Unfortunately, even if the bear/gorilla had been covered in christmas lights, you probably wouldn't have seen it. The fascinating thing is not that you don't "see" it, but your brain doesn't expect it to be there, so it doesn't register as anything out of place. The test goes further to explain why, motor/cyclists still get run over, even while they have on reflective vests and lights. When we learn to drive we are taught (more than any other thing) to look out for cars. Anything that doesn't look like a car, gets filtered out. The authors/creators of this test then go on to caution that even if you make eye contact with a motorist, don't dare assume that they have "seen" you, because they (brain function/recognition) probably haven't. This could, dare I venture, probably explain why Burry was killed. The taxi driver probably didn't even see him. It's not good enough to assume and conclude that taxi drivers are all maniacs and irresponsible and don't care. We can't pass Burry's death off just as carelessly as that. It may have been, sadly and regrettably so, that the taxi driver didn't even see him.
  10. The Invisible Gorilla http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com is truly one of the most fascinating books I've ever read. If you haven't, do yourself a favour and get a copy. It'll make you head collapse.
  11. Jacques, If money is no object, then rather spend it on a professional assessment of what range of motion your hips/spine have and how that can be accommodated. It sounds like you're trying to find a frame that you can accommodate, when in reality, you should be shopping for a frame that can accommodate you. Bike brand isn't worth a damn if you aren't comfortable and it doesn't fit you. Maybe you could consider having a custom built bike? or maybe this?
  12. Jacques, If money is no object, then rather spend it on a professional assessment of what range of motion your hips/spine have and how that can be accommodated. It sounds like you're trying to find a frame that you can accommodate, when in reality, you should be shopping for a frame that can accommodate you. Bike brand isn't worth a damn if you aren't comfortable and it doesn't fit you. Maybe you could consider having a custom built bike? or maybe this?
  13. These are beautiful pictures. Did you take them?
  14. 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LACTIC ACID: OLD MYTHS AND NEW REALITIES, by Thomas Fahey, Ed.D., Professor of Exercise Physiology, California State University at Chico Lactic acid has a bad reputation. Many people blame it for fatigue, sore muscles, and cramps. They think of it as a waste product that should be avoided at all cost. Guess what? Scientists have discovered that lactic acid plays a critical role in generating energy during exercise. Far from being the bad boy of metabolism, lactic acid provides fuels for many tissues, helps use dietary carbohydrates, and serves as fuel for liver production of glucose and glycogen. In fact, lactic acid is nature's way of helping you survive stressful situations. Lactic acid has a dark side. When your body makes lactic acid, it splits into lactate ion (lactate) and hydrogen ion. Hydrogen ion is the acid in lactic acid. It interferes with electrical signals in your muscles and nerves, slows energy reactions, and impairs muscle contractions. The burn you feel in intense exercise is caused by hydrogen ion buildup. So, when you fatigue, don't blame it on lactic acid. Rather, place the blame where it belongs- on hydrogen ion. Lactate has been made guilty by association. Far from being a metabolic pariah, the body loves lactate. It is an extremely fast fuel that's preferred by the heart and muscles during exercise. Lactate is vital for ensuring that your body gets a steady supply of carbohydrates, even during exercise that lasts for many hours. Lactate is so valuable, that taking it as part of a fluid replacement drink before, during, or after exercise improves performance and speeds recovery. Lactate is a friend to triathletes, distance runners, swimmers, and cyclists. When you learn the facts about lactic acid, you will think of it in a whole new light. Harness the power of lactic acid and you will increase your energy level and stave off fatigue. Here are ten things you should know about lactic acid: 
1. Lactic acid is formed from the breakdown of glucose.
During this process the cells make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides energy for most of the chemical reactions in the body. Lactic acid formation doesn't use oxygen, so the process is often called anaerobic metabolism. Lactate-related ATP production is small but very fast. This makes it ideal for satisfying energy needs anytime exercise intensity exceeds 50% of maximum capacity. 2. Lactic acid doesn't cause muscle soreness and cramps.
Delayed onset muscle soreness, the achy sensation in your muscles the day after a tough workout, is caused by muscle damage and post-exercise tissue inflammation. Most muscle cramps are caused by muscle nervous receptors that become overexcitable with muscle fatigue. Many athletes use massage, hot baths, and relaxation techniques to help them rid their muscles of lactic acid and thus relieve muscle soreness and cramping. While these techniques probably have other benefits, getting rid of lactic acid isn't one of them. Lactate is used rapidly for fuel during exercise and recovery and doesn't remain in the muscles like motor oil. 3. The body produces lactic acid whenever it breaks down carbohydrates for energy.
The faster you break down glucose and glycogen the greater the formation of lactic acid. At rest and submaximal exercise, the body relies mainly on fats for fuel. However, when you reach 50% of maximum capacity, the threshold intensity for most recreational exercise programs, the body "crosses over" and used increasingly more carbohydrates to fuel exercise. The more you use carbohydrates as fuel, the more lactic acid you produce. 4. Lactic acid can be formed in muscles that are receiving enough oxygen.
As you increase the intensity of exercise, you rely more and more on fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers use mainly carbohydrates to fuel their contractions. As discussed, whenever you break down carbohydrates for energy, your muscles produce lactic acid. The faster you go, the more fast-twitch muscles you use. Consequently, you use more carbohydrates as fuel and produce more lactic acid. Increased blood lactic acid means only that the rate of entry of lactic acid into the blood exceeds the removal rate. Oxygen has little to do with it. 5. Many tissues, particularly skeletal muscles, continuously produce and use lactic acid.
Blood levels of lactic acid reflect the balance between lactic acid production and use. An increase in lactic acid concentration does not necessarily mean that the lactic acid production rate was increased. Lactic acid may increase because of a decreased rate of removal from blood or tissues. Lactic acid production is proportional to the amount of carbohydrates broken down for energy in the tissues. Whenever you use carbohydrates, a significant portion is converted to lactate. This lactate is then used in the same tissues as fuel, or it is transported to other tissues via the blood stream and used for energy. Rapid use of carbohydrate for fuel, such as during intense exercise, accelerates lactic acid produciton. Temporarily, lactic acid builds up in your muscles and blood because it can't be used as fuel fast enough. However, if you slow down the pace of exercise or stop exercising, the rate of lactate used for energy soon catches up with the rate of lactate production. Dr. George Brooks, a Professor from the Department of Integrative Biology at University of California at Berkeley, described the dynamic production and use of lactic acid in metabolism in his "Lactate Shuttle Theory." This theory describes the central role of lactic acid in carbohydrate metabolism and it's importance as a fuel for metabolism. 6. The body uses lactic acid as a biochemical "middleman" for metabolizing carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates in the diet are digested and enter the circulation form the intestines to the liver mainly in the form of glucose (blood sugar). However, instead of entering the liver as glucose and being converted directly to glycogen, most glucose from dietary carbohydrate bypasses the liver, enters the general circulation and reaches your muscles and converts into lactic acid. Lactic acid then goes back into the blood and travels back to the liver where it is used as building blocks for making liver glycogen. Your body produces much of its liver glycogen indirectly from lactic acid rather than directly from blood glucose. Scientists call the process of making liver glycogen from lactic acid the "Glucose Paradox". The theory was formulated by famous biochemist Dr. J.D. McGarry and his associates. It shows the importance of lactic acid in carbohydrate metabolism. 7. During endurance races, such as marathons and triathlons, blood lactic acid levels stabilize even though lactic acid production increases.
This occurs because your capacity to produce lactic acid is matched by your ability to use it as fuel. Early during a race, there is a tremendous increase in the rates that muscle uptake and use glucose and breakdown glycogen. The increased rate of carbohydrate metabolism steps up production of muscle lactic acid, which also causes an increase in blood lactic acid. As your body directs blood to your working muscles, you can shuttle the lactate to other tissues and use it as fuel. This reduces lactic acid levels in your muscles and blood, even though you continue to produce great quantities of lactic acid. However, you often feel better during the race or training. This relief is sometimes called "second wind". Scientists use radioactive tracers to follow the use pattern of fuels in your blood and muscles. Their studies show that during exercise, lactic acid production and removal continue at 300-500 percent of resting rates, even though oxygen consumption has stabilized at submaximal levels. 8. The heart, slow-twitch muscle fibers, and breathing muscles prefer lactate as a fuel during exercise.
In the heart, for example, the uptake of lactate increases many fold as the intensity of exercise increases while uptake of glucose remains unchanged. These tissues suck up lactate at a fast rate to satisfy their energy needs. 9. Lactic acid is a very fast fuel that can be used to athletes' advantage during exercise.
The concentration of both glucose and lactic acid rise in the blood after a carbohydrate-rich meal, but the blood lactic acid concentration does not rise much because it is removed so rapidly. The body converts glucose, a substance removed from the blood only sluggishly, to lactate, a substance removed and used rapidly. Using lactic acid as a carbohydrate "middleman" helps you get rid of carbohydrates from your diet, without increasing insulin or stimulating fat synthesis. During exercise, you won't want an increase in insulin because it decreases the availability of carbohydrates that are vital to high performance metabolism. Why is lactic acid so important in metabolic regulation? The exact answer is unknown, but there do appear to be several physiological reasons. Lactic acid- in contrast to glucose and other fuels- is smaller and better exchanged between tissues. It moves across cell membranes by a rapid process called facilitated transport. Other fuels need slower carrier systems such as insulin. Also, lactate is made rapidly in large quantities in muscle and released into general circulation. Muscle cells with large glycogen reserves cannot release significant amounts of this potential energy source as glucose because muscle lacks a key enzyme required to produce free glucose that can be released to the blood. Including lactate as part of a fluid replacement beverage provides a rapid fuel that can help provide energy during intense exercise. The rationale for including lactate in athletic drinks is simple- since the body breaks down so much of dietary carbohydrates to lactate anyway, why not start with lactate in the first place? Lactate in the drink can be used rapidly by most tissues in the body and serves as readily available building blocks for restoring liver glycogen during recovery. 10. Proper training programs can speed lactic acid removal from your muscles.
This can be achieved by combining high intensity, interval, and over-distance training. Athletes and coaches must learn to deal effectively with lactic acid. Fortunately, most training programs incorporate elements necessary to speed lactate removal. Training programs should build your capacity to remove lactic acid during competition. Lactic acid formation and removal rates increase as you run, bike or swim faster. To improve your capacity to use lactate as a fuel during exercise, you must increase the lactic acid load very high during training. Training with a lot of lactic acid in your system stimulates your body to produce enzymes that speed the use of lactic acid as a fuel. High intensity interval training will cause cardiovascular adaptations that increase oxygen delivery to your muscles and tissues. Consequently, you have less need to breakdown carbohydrate to lactic acid. Also, better circulation helps speed the transport of lactic acid to tissues that can remove it from the blood. Over distance training causes muscular adaptations that speed the rate of lactate removal. Over distance training in running, swimming, or cycling increases muscle blood supply and the mitochondrial capacity. Mitochondria are structures within the cells that process fuels, consume oxygen, and produce large amounts of ATP. A larger muscle mitochondrial capacity increases the use of fatty acids as fuel, which decreases lactate formation and speeds its removal. Nutrition is also important, strenuous training depletes glycogen reserves in the muscle and liver. A diet high in carbohydrates is essential for all endurance athletes. Carbohydrates supply an immediate source of glucose so the athlete has a feeling of well-being and a source of quick energy. Further, glucose is used to restore muscle glycogen from exercise. When the blood glucose and muscle glycogen reserves are renewed, glucose provides a source of lactate that helps replenish liver glycogen. Summary Lactic acid is an important fuel for the body during rest and exercise. It is used to synthesize liver glycogen and is one of our most important energy sources. Lactate is the preferred fuel source in highly oxidative tissues, such as heart muscle and slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers. It is used rapidly by the body and is a valuable component in athletic fluid replacement beverages. Lactic acid also is a powerful organic acid, and its accumulation can cause distress and fatigue during exercise. Athletes need both high intensity and over-distance training to improve the capacity to use lactic acid as a fuel during exercise and recovery. High intensity training develops cardiovascular capacity that reduces lactic acid transport to tissues that can use it as fuels. Over distance training causes tissue enzymes adaptations that increase use of fatty acids for energy. This helps slow lactic acid production from carbohydrates and to enhance tissues ability to use lactic acid as fuel. References Ahlborg G., Felig P. Lactate and glucose exchange across the forearm, legs and splanchnic bed during and after prolonged leg exercise. J. Clin. Invest. 69: 45-54. 1982. Ahlborg G., Wahren J., Felig R. Splanchnic and peripheral glucose and lactate metabolism during and after prolonged arm exercise. J. Clin. Invest. 77: 690-699, 1986. Brooks G.A., Fahey T.D., White T. Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and Its Applications. Mt. View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1985. Brooks, G.A. Lactate production under fully aerobic conditions. The lactate shuttle during rest and exercise. Fed. Proc. 45: 2924-2929, 1986. Brooks, G.A. Mammalian fuel utilization during sustained exercise. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 120: 89-107, 1998. Brooks, G.A., Mercier J. The balance of carbohydrate and lipid utilization during exercise: the crossover concept (brief review). J. Appl. Physiol. 80: 2253-2261, 1994. Brooks, G.A. and Trimmer J.K. Glucose kinetics during high-intensity exercise and the crossover concept. J. Appl. Physiol. 80: 1073-1074, 1996. Donovan C.M., Brooks G.A. Endurance training affects lactate clearance, not lactate production. Am. J. Physiol. 244: E83-E92, 1983. Hultman E.A. Fuel selection muscle fiber. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 54: 107-121, 1995. Zinker B.A., Wilson R.D., Wasserman D.H. Interaction of decreased arterial PO2 and exercise on carbohydrate metabolism in the dog. Am. J. Physiol. 269: E409-E417, 1995.
  15. Why does lactic acid build up in muscles? And why does it cause soreness? Stephen M. Roth, a professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Maryland, explains. As our bodies perform strenuous exercise, we begin to breathe faster as we attempt to shuttle more oxygen to our working muscles. The body prefers to generate most of its energy using aerobic methods, meaning with oxygen. Some circumstances, however, --such as evading the historical saber tooth tiger or lifting heavy weights--require energy production faster than our bodies can adequately deliver oxygen. In those cases, the working muscles generate energy anaerobically. This energy comes from glucose through a process called glycolysis, in which glucose is broken down or metabolized into a substance called pyruvate through a series of steps. When the body has plenty of oxygen, pyruvate is shuttled to an aerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy. But when oxygen is limited, the body temporarily converts pyruvate into a substance called lactate, which allows glucose breakdown--and thus energy production--to continue. The working muscle cells can continue this type of anaerobic energy production at high rates for one to three minutes, during which time lactate can accumulate to high levels. A side effect of high lactate levels is an increase in the acidity of the muscle cells, along with disruptions of other metabolites. The same metabolic pathways that permit the breakdown of glucose to energy perform poorly in this acidic environment. On the surface, it seems counterproductive that a working muscle would produce something that would slow its capacity for more work. In reality, this is a natural defense mechanism for the body; it prevents permanent damage during extreme exertion by slowing the key systems needed to maintain muscle contraction. Once the body slows down, oxygen becomes available and lactate reverts back to pyruvate, allowing continued aerobic metabolism and energy for the body’s recovery from the strenuous event. Contrary to popular opinion, lactate or, as it is often called, lactic acid buildup is not responsible for the muscle soreness felt in the days following strenuous exercise. Rather, the production of lactate and other metabolites during extreme exertion results in the burning sensation often felt in active muscles, though which exact metabolites are involved remains unclear. This often painful sensation also gets us to stop overworking the body, thus forcing a recovery period in which the body clears the lactate and other metabolites. Researchers who have examined lactate levels right after exercise found little correlation with the level of muscle soreness felt a few days later. This delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS as it is called by exercise physiologists, is characterized by sometimes severe muscle tenderness as well as loss of strength and range of motion, usually reaching a peak 24 to 72 hours after the extreme exercise event. Though the precise cause of DOMS is still unknown, most research points to actual muscle cell damage and an elevated release of various metabolites into the tissue surrounding the muscle cells. These responses to extreme exercise result in an inflammatory-repair response, leading to swelling and soreness that peaks a day or two after the event and resolves a few days later, depending on the severity of the damage. In fact, the type of muscle contraction appears to be a key factor in the development of DOMS. When a muscle lengthens against a load--imagine your flexed arms attempting to catch a thousand pound weight--the muscle contraction is said to be eccentric. In other words, the muscle is actively contracting, attempting to shorten its length, but it is failing. These eccentric contractions have been shown to result in more muscle cell damage than is seen with typical concentric contractions, in which a muscle successfully shortens during contraction against a load. Thus, exercises that involve many eccentric contractions, such as downhill running, will result in the most severe DOMS, even without any noticeable burning sensations in the muscles during the event. Given that delayed-onset muscle soreness in response to extreme exercise is so common, exercise physiologists are actively researching the potential role for anti-inflammatory drugs and other supplements in the prevention and treatment of such muscle soreness, but no conclusive recommendations are currently available. Although anti-inflammatory drugs do appear to reduce the muscle soreness--a good thing--they may slow the ability of the muscle to repair the damage, which may have negative consequences for muscle function in the weeks following the strenuous event.
  16. Hahahaha! You're welcome. If you're a runner, you'll totally appreciate what I'm trying to say. It's not a comment or comparison about how runners are "better" that cyclists, nor is it about which discipline of cycling is better/friendlier. Some things just are what they are and our experience thereof makes us question why that may be. Glad to hear you're not put off. (Even by turd comments by Nishiki...obviously he's a C that rhymes with "bunt").
  17. I have to agree with you Clint. Cyclist are horrifically “unfriendly and rude” and I have my ideas, as you elude to, about why this is… Cycling is an elitist sport and the social mores seem to be very dependent on the brand bicycle you ride, the clothes you wear, the route and distance you ride. Running is polar opposite in that way. Even if you have the best shoes and kit, they aren't that much more expensive that what “joe public” can afford. I find that runners don’t have the excuse, as cyclists do, to ignore you because you haven’t spent 25K on such-n-such bike and such-n-such helmet. In all the years I have been running, I have never experienced as I do when I ride, the raving and jabbering and drooling over shoes and kit, like cyclist do over their toys. At worst a runner will discuss a brand of HRM or the merits of minimalist shoes, but that’s about it. Runners can’t afford the snobbery, because it doesn’t exist. Cycling requires more concentration than running and I think most cyclist don’t even notice anything that isn’t also on 2 wheels or looks like a place for potential disaster. I’m in no way saying that runners don’t have their share of hazards to be aware of, however, the speed at which they navigate a trail/road is not as fleeting as when on a bike. I ran Delta Park/Emmarentia this morning with 2 friends. We plod along and talk so much *** and there is all the time in the world to give salaam/wag a finger/stop for a drink at a tap. I notice often that cyclist are either too busy talking in a group to notice anything else, or they are in tunnel vision about avoiding that tree root/hoping that dog doesn’t eat them. Bordering on sexist, but there were a few young girls that I greeted this morning that couldn’t give a flying **** about me or anyone else because of the riding effort, as they desperately held on to dad and elder brother’s wheel. Cyclist ride because it is a challenge, Runners run because they like to be adventurous fools. I ride because I want to clean that hill before I puke. I ride because I don’t know where that trail will take me. I ride because "downhill" is awesome!!! I ride though mud because packing in at 30km makes me feel like a kid. The truth is, most of the time I probably don’t notice or have the lungs to mutter a “hello” at anyone else I see. Don’t get me wrong; I find running infinitely harder. I feel like a lumbering idiot whenever I run, but my style of running means I run slow, I run far (sometimes) and I stop often and talk to people. I run because it hurts like a mother f*****. I run because I can have beer and talk **** along the way. Maybe it’s an excuse. Maybe it’s an unconscious reinforcement about something. Running satisfies a different need. Whatever it is, running is just more social. That’s my experience anyway. Cyclists are not pack animals. It seems a contradiction as most cyclists ride in a pack/bunch, but what I mean is, most cyclists don’t belong to any club or feel a “belonging”. If you look at average cyclists, they are out on a route that they do every so often because that’s all they know and that’s all they care to know about it. They do it because their mates or their family will do it. They don’t belong to a club and they don’t plan the next 3 months worth of races in advance. Runners, I find on average, all belong to a club, and they have (at very least) races until end of February memorised and entered. Running is so accessible that it lends itself to a feeling of community and sociability. It lends itself to the sit and chat about anything along the way. It means that you can, as a given, be out running today and know that most other runners will be training for Dischem or Jonson Crane. So you smile and wave and chat to any of them. That feeling of community then means that runners can salaam/greet anyone else exercising that they meet (other runners, cyclists, that girl with the horse, the old couple with the dogs). I don’t think cyclists get that that at all, so they don’t make the effort. Or more accurately, they don’t know how. Cyclist are confusing. A runner out at 6am on any given day is probably training for some or other road race/event in the next month. Cyclists, well, who the heck knows. Just because you’re arse deep in mud along the Spruit on a Sunday, doesn’t tell me that you’re actually more of a roadie and your next big race is such-n-such on 16th Feb. How the hell should I know? There is less of a connection and bravery in asking or making eye contact amongst cyclist because of this (total assumption on my part). Cyclist are invisible. Go to any shopping centre or whatever and you’ll see a runner a mile away. Even the most unassuming runner. They will be wearing the electric banana “Run Jozi” shirt or some with the blue Comrades shirt from last year. It’s so easy to just say in passing as you wait in PnP to that person “how’s the training going?”…..and off the conversation goes. I’m guessing that unless that same person was wearing clipless shoes or a helmet, you would have no idea or want to ask anyone about their cycling training. Runners talk. Cyclists don’t. In reality, I think the trick is not to care. It doesn’t really matter if people salaam/greet back. I don’t think that the majority of people out there deliberately ignore you/other cyclists. I think, as ridiculous as it will sound. Most people are just trying to survive our roads and trails. Take a mental high 5 from everyone you pass and life will be AWESOMER!!!
  18. My, Mountain Goat-Whiskeytown Racer. Born,1995. Pure Tange Prestige/XTR retro goodness.
  19. Park Too Help to dial it in properly http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-help/front-derailleur-adjustments
  20. I've always used the Hammer Perpetuem. http://www.hammernutrition.com/products/perpetuem.pp.html It's also Kosher/Halal if that matters to you?
  21. I did indeed and I'm very happy that she's gone to a new home. Ha-ha! I'm sure you're girlfriend will adore you even more now. :-)
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