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Posts posted by cadenceblur

  1. 18 minutes ago, Ncayi said:

    Based on my experience of the WP:

    I raced WP league in 2022 and it was definately worth it. Its full gas racing unlike the typical group ride approach at most PPA races. 

    There was Cat 1, 2, 3 and theres is usually not enough numbers for cat 4. I rode cat 3 and yeah it was k**k hard but it acted as launch pad for me to pursue proper training.  Based on your CTCT time you could probably be solid it Cat 2 but if thats too easy you can always mix it up with the big boys in the next race.

    There was about 5-6 races if I remember correctly. Slanghoek, Paarl de Ville, Redhill, Atlantis etc

    Sounds hectic, excuse my ignorance but how do the categories work?

  2. 33 minutes ago, Ncayi said:

    Thank you. I was in &. I last checked my FTP in October last year and it was 282w. Im due for another test but doing it is nasty work.

    Thanks, interesting! 

  3. 30 minutes ago, Ncayi said:

    I weigh 95kg and did 3h6. 

    • Av Power: 224w
    • NP: 268w

    From the start to the top of Edinburgh drive I averaged 280w  and 325w NP in order to keep up with the bunch.


    well done, what group were you in and what's your FTP btw?

  4. 3 minutes ago, DieselnDust said:

    @cadenceblurEverything starts with setting goals that are achievable. Its pointless trying to get a sub 3 when you've just started cycling and need to drop a lot of body weight while also gaining a lot of physical strength on 1 hr per day of available training time. Or maybe you're just trying to raise your ceiling, then that's a different discussion.

    Every goal has to be realistic and backed up with a suitable training and nutrition plan that is sustainable. I've seen quick fixes cause more long term motivational and physical damage whilst allowing that short term goal. That is not worth it in my view. 

    So here's my step by step guide. I won't break it down to sub bullets yet till you can share some information @Phillippe Coetzee


    1. what kind of cyclist are you currently? Weekend warrior on road, mtb, gravel, or combinations
    2. how long have you been cycling?
    3. How many hours do you currently cycle, or spend on other physical activity?
    4. Do you currently or have you in the past participated in any sport at a high level and what was that sport and how recently?
    5. How many hours per week do you work and on which days?
    6. Is this work stressful or do you enjoy it to the point that stress is low?
    7. Is your family supportive of your sport leisure time or do you have to share your leisure time
    8. How much time per week do you have for physical activity alone?
    9. What are your sporting goals?
    10. Do you have any health issues?


    More detail than this would start to delve into personal information that starts to require one on one discussion with disclosure agreements. But with the above and if the moderators don't see any issue with you sharing, we can help guide you and others who are looking to raise their ceiling.


    Step 1:  set your goals

    step2: get your family on board and arrange your life around the time required to achieve the goal

    step3; get help. that may be  coach or someone or bodies who have achieved similar goals and are consistent. One hit wonders won' help, consistency is key because they have been through the highs and lows and are still plugging away.

    step4: start your plan, including getting nutrition going in the right direction. Ride your bike, go to gym. start small and build sustainable love for your activities. We eat an elephant one bite at a time.

    Step5: measure progress. Whether that's just the number of exercises, time on the bike average speed, time improvement over a course, measure, record, measure, record, measure, record, including weight loss. everything that you can.

    step 6; learn the necessary skills: whether road or mtb, there are specific skills to learn. Bike handling is one skill, bunch riding is another, following a wheel in the bunch, braking, balance, cornering etc. are all skills that make or lose time.

    step 7: enter some events even if just to practice skills but also to build your confidence and get your seeding up. Races are also where you get to know other riders and how they behave. This knowledge will help you when the chips are down in key races. You will know who to follow and who to avoid. Its pointless following someone to the front of the bunch just before Edinburgh Drive when yo know they're going to blow half way up.

    There are certain things I don't prescribe because everyone's circumstances are different. I don't advocate clubs although this is a good way to find  a regular riding crew. Often you get advice in clubs that is not very good and sometime you find club that are brilliant. Be discerning here and find a club with a culture and members that aligned with your goals. If you're going to spend time with people make it valuable. Its pointless being a racing snake in a leisure club.

    Power meters are nice to have but not essential at the beginning. When looking for the last 1% then I will say its is essential. At least have a heart rate monitor. These are relative cheap today with many players in the market.


    I've probably missed a few points but the above are points of consideration that should spark some healthy conversation 

    Mr B, perhaps we should have a coffee catch up, as we know each other! I don't think that sub3 will ever materialize, but constany improvement is always a focus for me.

  5. 3 minutes ago, openmind said:

    Interval training and learn how to ride in a bunch. Ride as many other road races as you can to get a seeding that will put you into an actual racing bunch instead of having to do an ITT slalom-ing through the masses. 

    Yesterday I rode a 3:49 with my son starting from group 7E. In 2021 I did a 2:48 starting in the vets racing group. I worked much harder yesterday. 

    ja ney - I am not in that "category" - but feel perhaps I should be a bit doing better at least! I rode in 1E and did 3h29 - which was about 15 minutes slower than I was hoping for 

  6. yes, that fine balance - but reckon for me its also not burning too many matches before Oceanview, I was confident of a PB - but the conditions prevented that as well as perhaps being a bit too overzealous at the start - (as I felt in good shape) - ai - have some work to do I guess!

  7. 1 minute ago, DieselnDust said:



    Its a combination of nutrition, training and mostly recovery from that training

    Would also love to know, I reckon race management as well? or does this just go out of the window when you need to push to keep with the bunch? I definitely feel this is an area that I need help with - despite doing so many tours!

  8. 6 minutes ago, Jaytriathlon said:

    Does anyone know if it is possible to see your start group position? 

    Racetec used to have that feature. 

    overall a great day out, just those sketchy road works “cones” along ocean view, saw a few people taken out by the sandbags in the big groups, 

    Would also like to know 

  9. 43 minutes ago, Vaultboy said:

    Got a cut in my rear tyre on my shakedown ride. Plugged it....had to use the biggest plug in my kit. Should I ride with a plugged tyre, or use the mtb tomorrow? I don't have a spare tyre, although I have tubes. I haven't ridden a plugged tyre for a whole 100km before. 

    I assume you mean the normal worm plugs? 
    no experience using them on road bike but I’ve ridden with one on my MTB for ages, if it holds pressure and it’s secure shouldn’t be a problem?

  10. 36 minutes ago, DieselnDust said:

    I collects my number this evening. 

    expo was quite nice with some real bargains on hand. Omnico had a huge stall and offering some helmet models on close out deals below cost. 

    the cabal stand has some proper beauties as does the stall with the welded steel hippie bikes. Some beauts. 

    it feels like it’s getting smaller and smaller year on year, possibly a sign of the economic times.

    i picked up some new numbers holders for the back of my race jersey. Really cool and functional. Will report back on it tomorrow after I fit and fiddle.


    Talk to me about the helmets, missed this and might go back if decent !

  11. No dog in this fight , as I don’t start with the racing snakes, maybe one day….
    but the “organizing” of earlier starts really irks me, especially if it’s people that will literally only start with the earlier group and then just get caught anyway!

  12. 56 minutes ago, DieselnDust said:

    Is there anyone on the group that does 3d printing of seat post fitted garmin varia mounts?


    There is someone selling them on the hub, CNC'ed units - they look great.

    Can't recall the account details at present though

    Found this, but there was someone else




  13. 2 hours ago, 'Dale said:


    I was warming up to meet my training group this morning and was inside the yellow shoulder on the way to Cape Town stadium. Then the TV channel switched and I was flung somewhere and, getting up, I couldn’t see the car. The rear view mirror and fender guard left behind on the scene was off a Renault Kwid, not many of them around.

     I am privileged to have an excellent health care network around me and hope to fully recover - very eina right leg, fractured ribs and scrapes and bruises, fortunately my spine and brain intact.

    I am a lucky man. Please send healing vibes, Peoples.💛


    Damnit, so sorry to hear, I hope that you make a full recovery and that the POS responsible is found. Will update the individual who informed me, he was very worried about you. 

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