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Everything posted by Ferret69

  1. Yep, I'm toying with the idea of Kaapsehoop as my final Marathon for the year.. Will be my last "fastish" marathon before Comrades 2017.. everything in the new year will just be run at Long Run pace.. Then I have Lesotho Ultra Trail 50km at the end of November... and then a good 4 weeks chill before the hard work starts again 1 January...
  2. That's an awesome addition, But you would think a Medical Aid would rather Team up with Reputable Running Shops, like Sweat Shop or something, with staff that know what they are doing and can recommend shoes that fit each persons pronation/Supination/Injuries etc. This would bring them less Physio/Bio claims going forward. SW staff have no clue and pretty much advise the Nimbus too all and sundry.. If you are going to give people free shoes at least make sure they are the correct shoe for the person... Just my 2c worth.. but maybe I'm just a bit bitter as SW don't stock the Running shoes I wear
  3. Thanks Stretch... Yep, Pretty good day at the Office Probably went out a Bit quick going through halfway in 79.51 but that first 21kms is proper fast.. Had a Little sudden unplanned Portaloo visit at 27kms and found it hard to get back into a rhythm after that. But its a 4min PB from Kaapse and 5mins quicker than CT last year so I cant complain.. On the whole an awesome day and awesome race again.... Will already be pencilling it in for 2017... Well done to everyone else who ran PBs, their first marathon or just got around the 42kms... Even the 10k for that matter....
  4. (wind dependent) That's the problem with CT... its soo wind dependent, guess we will only really know come 7am next Sunday
  5. Speed is the Key to everything... Even right Up to Comrades I kept 2 speeds sessions a week . This July I even Upped that to 3 Intensity sessions a week, with a Tuesday Track, Thursday TT and Saturday Parkrun.. I only dropped it back to the 2 in August to try and get my weekly mileage back up to deal with a marathon. So many people think that to run Long and slow (Comrades) you need to train Long and slow. The faster the top end pace gets over say a 8km TT , the easier, and faster the Endurance pace becomes...
  6. Yep, ill be in CT next week.. and Yes should be able to submit it as my A qualifier for Oceans and Comrades if all Goes well.. I don't run any fast Marathons pre Comrades January to race day so I will do CT and Kaapse Hoop as my Sub3s and submit whichever is best. Had a Decent last 11 weeks since coming back from Comrades rest and had delusions of grandeur of chasing 2h39, but have had a couple of niggles the last 2 weeks. Ran 2h47 at CT last year and Speed wise I'm in better shape now, problem is I haven't run past 25kms since Comrades in a single run (done a few 25km am and 5km Tempo pm Sundays) so the distance may catch up to me after 32kms.. But ill say I'm going for Sub2h45 and a PB (currently 2h46.50), closer to 2h40 if conditions are good and its goes completely to plan.. will go out at 3.50per km and take it from there.. So there, now I've said it, I have to commit to it...
  7. Yep I think Boston is US$250 for 2017 but much of a muchness, but with Flights and Accom im sure you will get to that 30k mark pretty quickly Ill put that on the Bucket List for 2018, I like the fact that entries open slowly on based of Qualifying time vs Minimum Qualifying Standard per Age Group.. Then if you are 20mins quicker than the age based Minimum Qualifier you pretty much guaranteed an entry
  8. The Secretary at my Running Club has a side Business that takes tours to a lot of the Big City marathons. London with Flights and 3 Days 4* hotel accom, and all the xtra Little bells and whistles like a SA Running Vest, Bag, someone to look after your stuff while running, pre race route tour etc was just under R29k Its more the fact that its a guaranteed entry, no raising charity money or waiting lists.. Was Gonna do New York Marathon with them in November but that entry alone is 12k.
  9. Just Pulled the Trigger on Oceans and Comrades... and Booked accom for both.. But first Point of call, Cape Town Marathon in 2 weeks, and then Kaapsehoop and Lesotho Ultra Trail 50km. Also sorted an Entry for London Marathon 2017 so going to be a busy year... (8 days after Oceans )
  10. Not Normal Indeed... Week 13 of my 16 weeks to Cape Town Marathon sneaked me one 100km week.. Now we can start tapering again.. Also did Wanderers, good challenging course and always well organised.. 2 Days to Entries opening again.... Feels like we have just got to Kingsmead only a few weeks ago..
  11. Yep, ill be there Best Race of the Year... Cant Wait
  12. There is also the attached Asics Marathon Training programs that are Brilliant, they have pacing as well, but are based in Miles, so you will just have to make a little Conversion Chart for Pace/Distance to kms. (I have made one if anyone wants it) Myself and 3 mates all used the sub3 guide last year and all took between 10 and 20 mins off our marathon Pbs.. We followed the 3hr programme but took all Fridays off as a Full rest day Attached the 3hr and 4hr, there are others online if needed ASICS_TRAININGPLANS_Sub 3.00.pdf ASICS_TRAININGPLANS_Sub 4.00.pdf
  13. No Problem I spoke to Lindsay Parry at a Comrades talk in early Jan and he suggested no More than 3 Marathons and 2 Ultras So I did Johnson Crane 42km in Late January, Deloitte 42km in Late Feb, Two Oceans in March, the 60km Route Tester on the Comrades Route in Late April and the Slowmag Marathon a week later (but very slowly as time on the legs). All other weekends in March and April that I didn't have a "race" I did long double up 55-60kms weekends usually divided into a 25km Saturday and 30-35km Sunday.
  14. Not a bad Idea but the 100th will be 2025, which if I go straight through from now will leave me with 13.... Cant see Missing 3 years if I decide to keep going.. Think it will be a case of When I stop ill be done, whether that be 5 , 10 or 13.. So many other really cool events in SA from Trails to Mountain Bikes etc etc.. and Comrades is a 6 Months 1 race commitment.. Doing my 2nd Lesotho Ultra Trail 50km in November, which is an awesome weekend, so I can see Trail being the future.. Wouldn't mind another bash somewhere along the line at a sub10 Ironman or even another EPIC if I happen to win the Lotto...
  15. Ill take a picture of just the actual Medal tonight and post it morrow... But the BR is still prettier in my opinion.
  16. Haha I was just responding ... pic now added Also Kinda agree the 90th 2015 Bill Rowan Medal was very pretty, but something about the tiny little Comrades medal makes it more real.. Building all my Colours nicely now with a Bronze, 2 x Rowans and Silver Up Silver Next Year... then I'm on 5.... and the big call to Stop their or Go for 10...
  17. Stretch Is Spot on with the 3 Points Above Build a Comfortable base through January and Feb without ever increasing week on week by more than 10%. March and April bring in the Speed and the Hills... the 8km TT Times are just as important as the Marathons. Personally - Don't "race" further than 21kms in the Comrades Year, get your optimal qualifier done in the previous Sep/Oct/November... racing a hard marathon can take up to 4 weeks out of the legs... not something you want to lose in Feb/March or April. I ran two 2h46 Marathons last September and November, but didn't go faster than 3h16 on any of my 3 marathons this year.. Taper properly in May, Miles are no longer important but keep the speed work.. Don't taper too fast or stop completely, you will get lazy... drop 10-15% a week until the final 2 weeks.. This is just what worked for me, and made my race this year a lot less painful and a lot more controlled than my previous 3.
  18. Thanks ScottC and congrats Stretch on your great run..
  19. Me, Haha Went 22, 46, and now another 62 mins Faster for my 7h01.56... And I'm pretty Clean.... But you are probably right, sad to say, that's was an Unbelievable run out of the blue
  20. We can only Hope Plan is all the 3s at halfway , 3h33 Pace chart is built around a 7h12... That's Plan B Plan A would be too run a Negative Split, Plan C is to hang on for Silver.. Planning for Comrades is soo hard to do compared to a Marathon.. all the best laid plans can go pear shaped very early (35kms which in a marathon is nearing the end). But the Mileage is done, 2150kms this week, hit all my Speed Goals for the year so far.... so now I just need a Perfect Day on the road.. Good Luck to everyone out there... Gonna be such an Awesome day, I cant wait now
  21. I agree with Myles Unless its changed since I started my Team, and going forward you have to double join.. But, I am on 3 others peoples Teams that none of them are on my Team...
  22. Hey Stretch.... the countdown is well and truly on.. To be honest I just cant wait, super excited and just want to get there now.. Also had a few bouts of the Sniffs here and there, but pumping the vitamin c and daily vitamins and Meds as I go to stay on Track.. Hit the 2000km mark YTD Tuesday so still well on track to hit 2150kms by race day, with a nice last 2 weeks taper (probably around 55/25) Back to the Speed, TTs and intervals this month to get sharp again... will do my last Hill repeat session tonight, a Decent Tempo RAC 10km Sunday, Track next Tuesday and 1 final 5Km TT next Saturday and we pretty much done.. I see you running some quick session stretch, glad to see you back in full swing.. Good luck to all for this last 17 day push ...
  23. Attached a Pretty Decent Comrades "Down Run" Pacing plan I was sent.. After running the Route Tester Sunday I believe this is pretty accurate and takes Fatigue and the Down Run Course into account.. Comrades 2014 Pace Plans.zip
  24. I would think if anything the Noakes one would be more accurate At least that takes into account your Speed all the way from 8km to a Marathon and the Mileage you will be putting in for the 5 months pre race.. If I use the Noakes one based on my 2015 Pbs and Mileage it would have given me a 8.02 and I ran 8.03... so pretty dam close And 2013 it would have given me 8h41 and I did 8h46 Not sure if this table is the same though based on the Up or Down run? looks to be just any 90km race.
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