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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Wayne Schell. Should have seen him riding around on either an Ibis Ripley or a Mojo 3 in baby blue. He's always on Tygerberg. Lately he's been testing more bikes for his youtjoop channel. Really lekker oke, and blitzvinnig when he wants to be.
  2. because acceleration on a flat road does not equate to the conditions on the trail. Watch the vid - you'll see what I mean.
  3. Sorry Hairy, badly worded on my part. I meant that when it comes to deregulated e-bikes, those monsters that you posted earlier and those which do not require pedal input to engage the motor, we agree that they should not be on trails, and they should not be classified as e-mtb's. Where we differ is whether that approach of banning them should extend to those which are regulated, do require pedal input and do not have a throttle (like a standard Levo) IE You see them as the same thing: Motorised bicycles. We (the ones who really don't care about their presence) see a delineation. One is okay, one is not. Re the oke at the top of Conties. That's a straw man argument. There are PLENTY flippin fit riders who will make it to the top of the mast without a problem, yet not attempt the black route as they do not have the skill for it. Will being on an e-mtb change that? I doubt it very much.
  4. You're not talking e-bikes. You're talking electric motos. Different thing entirely. E-MTB's do NOT have the ability to automatically make someone faster on the way down. They DO allow people to get to the top a little faster and fresher. You're conflating terms here, Hairy... We're all in agreement that if they do not have restrictions on power, do not require pedalling input to initiate the motor and / or have a throttle control, that they do NOT satify the criteria to be categorised as an e-bike. But that's not the argument here. We're talking about PROPER e-bikes. Not those behemoths that you posted earlier. Those have way too much power and WILL be able to wheelspin on the trails. But - the big thing is that they will not automagically imbue the rider with technical skills - if they're slow on the way down on a normal MTB, they'll be slow on the way down on one of those things. They'll still skrik for drops, gaps, off camber corners and many other trail features.
  5. The use of a throttle to control output, and the lack of a requirement to be pedalling in order to engage the motor assistance.
  6. Their panel is FAR better for the loss of that twatmonkey
  7. Not much you can do about it I'm afraid
  8. It's been a few days since an update on Barry Mccallum - but no news has been good news. It's been two weeks since the incident. "The Incident". I don't know how else to describe it. Accident. **** up. The worst of luck. I wake up most days and for a few minutes I forget. Then it hits me and I put myself in his bed, a tube down my throat, my back shorn of all its functioning skin, the healing to come, the changed life. It hits hard. But then I get news and it's better news and it lifts me. Barry is stable. He has had his dressings changed again, and they will be planning the colostomy op for this week, hopefully. It all depends on his platelets and whether they come up to the acceptable level. My mum said she that in a moment of near consciousness, she said Barry acknowledged her when she said his name. He is still being ventilated, but my mum says he seems to be breathing by himself. Conor Mccallum saw him earlier today to say goodbye as he is flying to England tonight after his passport finally arrived in SA. It was important for him to see his dad. There was, and there is, a very real chance he would not make it. Today it looks better, he seems strong. Conor and Breandan will be watching every day with all of us.
  9. and you wanna know the best thing? You can get a full pork belly, cut it into 2" wide strips and hang one piece at a time. Put the remainder in the fridge or freezer, and bring a new one out every week or so... Endless supply...
  10. It's a small step from there, to pancetta and many other wonderful things.
  11. only if you're leaving it in a place with high moisture. If you get one of those dehydrators (mellerware etc) then it doesn't matter when you make it. The fan ensures that the proper humidity is achieved.
  12. No additional cost at this point. Not until they start wheelspinning out of corners. IMO the back brake brigade does far more damage to the trails than an e-bike with a responsible rider.
  13. What makes you think you're still not working on an e-Mtb? You may be able to go faster up the hills, and do more distance in the same time, but you've still got to pedal the thing. For example - the Levo will only ever MATCH what you're putting into the pedalling. 100% assistance is just that - it matches what you put out. That's on the max setting. And it's 250w assistance. Take it from the people who ride the things - they still make you work!
  14. Yeah but I wouldn't consider one as an additional bike. I'm not in the world of being able to drop ~ 80k on a whim. If I were in the position of buying a new bike, I have to be honest and say that one of the Levos would be on my shortlist. I'd be silly to dismiss it out of hand. BUT. I wouldn't buy it just to get another lap...
  15. I believe that that point is when you no longer have to pedal in order to sustain the drive from the motor. As long as you have to pedal in order for the motor to assist, then it's an assistive device. If you just have to pedal once and then it continues until you cancel it, then it's not. If you have a throttle to control motor drive, it's not.
  16. according to one of the okes I ride with sometimes (Wayne Schell of Ride Rate Review on youtube) it's an absolute hoot. Instead of doing one or 2 contermanskloof mast laps in a typical ride, he'd be doing min 3. And getting better DH times 'cos he's fresher. Not much fresher, 'cos you still have to pedal, but fresh enough to make it a little better And no, the motor won't really kick in on the downhills unless you're coming out of a corner and even then it's not really that much assistance over the one or 2 pedal strokes you'd make normally to get you up to 25kph. Agreed that the throttle controlled ones shoudln't be allowed. They're E-Moto's. Not emtb's.
  17. Forekaster for sure. HR2 is a great tyre as well but caters more towards teh gravity side of the market. FWIW I'd take the Forekaster over the Ikon & Ardent. 2.35 width. Exo casing. 3c compound.
  18. Okay then not that. EXO casing is far superior to non exo.
  19. Kevin is here in CT at the moment. Rode Chappies yesterday.
  20. It'd be between 2 & 3 depending on whether the Ardent is the 2.2 or 2.4 version. If 2.4, then that. If the smaller one, then go for the Ikon 2.4.
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