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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Speaking of which - you wanna buy a road bike?!
  2. Yeah. All I need is brakes, rotors, chain, bars, stem & tires. Getting her a 780mm Boobar next week. Drool...
  3. Dude - that's not cool. Not cool at all! After all that hard ork and what happens? Some 4rse-lick thinks he's more important than the rest of us and deserves to ride a (very clearly) closed trail. Ignorance, in this situation, CANNOT be claimed. Oh - and PorS - I'm trying to gather up the courage to tell the Mrs. about the purchase. I can see some precious metal, foliage & a new set of squash shoes in my future!
  4. Awe.Some.Ness. I need to be outta there by 4pm sharp. Wife has booked a dinner reservation at 5 in town. One cannot say no to 1/2 price sushi & cocktails, can one?! BTW - PorS - you'll be able to see the "new" steed tomorrow...
  5. Think about it this way, Dawid - 1 more week off the MTB = 10 times more impact resistance on the good 'ol collarbone. I'm sure you don't want to come off at 2kph, rest against a tree at a funny angle and have it snap all over again (or even worse with the titanium, have it work free a little bit and cause more damage!) Keep strong mate, and feel free to order us around like the Gestapo official that you secretly want to be!
  6. For ridiculous deals on new bikes, check out My Link they have very good prices on new FS bikes. Not the latest models, but new nevertheless.
  7. That is actually quite cool... I like it.
  8. Cool. It just came across that way, mate. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers or create an argument. And I get your point re general law... missed that one. And remember, I said I agreed with you regarding the necessity of ALL to obey the law, even the enforcers...
  9. Oh - and the law regarding preventing you from speeding is not the same one as the law that stipulates that the equipment must be properly maintained and used, and the user must be fully certified to use said equipment. That law relates to the prosecution side of things, when it comes to enforcement of the fines and, later on, conviction, of the speeding driver. The law that dictates that you may not speed is separate from that. And should be adhered to at all times. Your argument is also self-contradictory. You don't advocate breaking the law, but WHEN YOU DO, you will argue that their equipment is not legal. If you did not break the law, you would not NEED to worry about whether their equipment was legal or not.
  10. Exactly. So stop speeding, and stop worrying about having to argue the point in a court of law. Or being charged with assault if the argument gets heated between you and the officer etc etc.
  11. No, they're not. But instead of trying to get out of the fine that you've been written, try staying under the speed limits and obeying the rules of the road. Whilst I agree that the cops themselves need to obey the law, thus be certified to use as well as maintain the units, we as the public can't sit back and say "well, you can't stop me, because your equipment is illegal and you're not licensed to use it, so I'll carry on speeding thank you very much."
  12. Dude... totally wrong end to approach this from. "Erm, occifer, I was, like, speeding and all but that thing you have there can't legally tell you I've been speeding or be held up in court because it's illegal. So, like, my illegal and your illegal, like, cancel each other, like, out, bro. So it's quitsies." Grow the F*** up, Racer, and stick to the rules. I know someone who was fined for not indicating when she changed lanes. My old man was up in arms about it, and all irritated because "they should be doing something more than pulling peopl eover for not indicating" but you know what? It should be fined. Just because we see everyone else doing it, it doesn't make it right. If you get caught, cough up.
  13. And the Prize for Cheesiest Puns of the Day goes to...... (drumroll) CAPRICORN! In an uncontested bout of extreme corniness, he obliterated ALL the competition, being the only one to have actually entered! Good find though, Cap. Still a sweet looking machine.
  14. Not bovvered. Or, in other terms... MyCiti Computer says noooooo.
  15. yay! awesome job, guys... look forward to seeing what you've done while I've been away!
  16. Okay - good = grippy as feck, but bombproof. So far, my Weirwolf has proved to be that tyre. Grippy as feck. Hasn't cased it yet. Love that tyre!
  17. Oh. My. ****. Dude - seriously. Take a fkn chill pill, for g0d's sake. What have we said, time and again. What have I said, time and again. Work was done on Faerie Garden. Maintenance & erosion control. Blockage of that divert that YOU rode, and you admit this yourself, because you couldn't negotiate a 5cm deep puddle, or the 10cm high roots that lighties on their 20" MTB's can negotiate with ease. Shame. Work was done on the bottom end of Vasbyt. Clearing alien vegetation. Erosion control. Clearing all the mud that had gathered after the rains. Creating water channels. Taking away that nasty barbed wire fence, and putting in a berm so that the transition through the corner was smoother, and more entertaining. Massive root removal. Work was done on the divert on Vasbyt, where you are supposed to ride up instead of riding up the top berm & rooted section which is DH only. This section (the divert) was unrideable for the majority of riders in Tokai. Therefore, it needed to be re-cut and enhanced in order to make it a viable divert. Work was done on the DH section - just 150m (at most) worth of divert / new trail. How the F*** do you presume that we (the volunteers) work ONLY on DH track? FFS bro - get rid of that big-arse chip on your shoulder, and HELP us one time. Otherwise, STFU and stop posting inflammatory remarks, designed to irritate the few people who actually CONTRIBUTE to the upkeep of Tokai as an MTB destination. For F*** sake - Grow the **** up.
  18. Weirwolf is a VERy good tire. Will have to order it from CRC though, as the agents don't bring them in anymore.
  19. Anywho. Off to bed I go. Lots to do tomorrow! And still a speech to write. Feck.
  20. So that's who you are! Jiminy himself. Shoulda known. Short, full of beans, and.... Okay, I'll stop now.
  21. Much like what you would do to a digeri-doo?
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