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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. at least they were easily "acsissable" for the rescue car... Har. Har. Har.
  2. Have to concur. Donkey has an active sense of humour and his classes are often based on current bike events; eg the DC, etc. And there's often a round-up of bike calendar events. And of course there is the music trivia which just keeps the interest level up. OK, that is probably enough sucking up, but if you are a cyclist looking to do some spinning and you are in Cape Town then Donkey's classes are probably for you. Agreed. His classes are awesome, and are conducted in a way that makes you WANT to work hard... Plus, he uses them for his own League training as well... so you know he's looking after your training as well. Definitely one of the best spinning instructors i've had a session with.
  3. exactly right there...it only affects those who had to "save" to buy things, not those who only need to travel one less time to the Comores in order to afford the bike... It's a very interesting dynamic... bottom line: if you could afford that high ticket bike before, you can afford it now. No problem. If you were saving to get towards that R8,000 Merida, chances are that you're feeling the pinch and have put it off for a while...
  4. Hmmm... generally personal preference, but tere is a lot of weight behind the more "accepted" brands, that have been there "forever". I think you'll get a lot more business from a word of mouth basis, and from people just trying things out for the first time, while having a look at value etc...
  5. no, it's them. Don't know who "them" are, but they're clearly having an effect on the postability (its a new word - i claim it) on the Hub
  6. Congrats - may you and your mud mucker pal have many joyous fly-in-the-teeth km's together.
  7. YOu say that now, dude... wait until 3 days in... You'll tune in, and zone out - just like all the other times...
  8. Yeah, a mate of mine shaves his arms... looks helluva funny when it grown back! So, what's the verdict? If you shave, get everything bar the kop? and if you don't - just trim?
  9. i grease my headset on a daily basis.... Don't know about you...
  10. is that doctor buddy of yours a cyclist? if not - his opinion in this area doesn't count...
  11. feels good - and i can attest to being easier to pick off the scab, and less pain on the crashing side of things... much less painful to scrape the scab off the leg (shaven) than the arm (non-shaven) Plus, it just feels good... colder in winter, but good...
  12. LOL! I get them too - but i just laugh at them trying to tell me all about the threat of disability and death and the consequences thereof. Yet they insist that, even though i AM working for a rather large life insurance & investment company, and have got ten times the amount of qualifications and exams that they do, that they know better than me and INSIST that i still need that R100,000 cover for R250 per month... HAHA!!! And if all else fails, i just tell them "no, Mr X is dead. I'm just using his phone"
  13. Tiesto: Adagio for Strings Infected Mushroom: kakachaw System of a Down: Jump (pogo pogo pogo) Linkin Park: Bleed it Out
  14. Brilliant word for CS... And a cr4p weekend for you, by the sounds of things... but glad things worked out in the end... Insurance? Warranty?
  15. you see he has his finger on the front brake... (or is that the rear?)
  16. fair enough - but in the circumstances, taking both accounts into, erm, account - i think the action was warranted (at the time when ppl were fearing for their lives) YOu, as a person looking after their own lives, look for the fastest way out of the situation. SP - with the time on your fiets, getting under the truck, that was self preservation, clear and simple. Do the best you can do to get out of the situation. You probably weren't in a position to remove keys from said Audi, were you? Whereas these okes were. you were probably going at speed, whereas the guys here were moving slowly, if not standing still at the time. And he probably saw removing the keys as the one action that would guarantee his safety, as well as the safety of his companions. As you did with your decision to get under the truck. How can people pass judgement on a case where they have no idea of the extenuating circumstances? The desire for self preservation is a strong thing. You do things that are best for THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT. In passing judgement, you're only adding fuel to the fire. What matters here is that there are 2 opposing stories, both of which are getting national coverage (just in different media types) - and that is not helping our plight. Forgive my tirade, but people need to catch a wake-up. Drivers need to realise that their vehicles are exponentially heavier than us and our equipment, and must act accordingly. Saying that, we should as well. In the cases where this doesn't happen, don't pass judgement on someone who was trying to save his/her life by doing one or another thing. Which didn't harm ANYONE, might I add. Ask yourself the question: would you not do absolutely anything in your power to continue living? I know i would kill to save MY life, that's how important it is to me...
  17. at that point, I'm pretty much sayin "I'm cool" shortly followed by "Oh FAAAAAAARK!!!"
  18. Gotta admit, that ride is my fave apart from the Argus. Really disappointed i missed it this year, but with flights the price they are nowadays...
  19. yes... more cycling! Or, if that don't work... ride a recumbent... (wait, did i just say that?) Yes. It is an addiction. And i can't get over it....
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