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Posts posted by M L

  1. Depends which version of the Deores was on there to begin with, bro. If the current / last 2 years, then you're right as they have the same internals, just without the adjustment and servo wave stuff. 


    But the current Deores / SLX / XT are a HUGE improvement to the previous versions with the non blingy type master cylinder. 

    Jis those Deore M596's kook

  2. Lots of tire threads already but here's my input.


    Reliability and longevity but heavyish: crossmark rear, ikon front

    Expensive, lightish and reliable but not as long lasting: racing Ralph snakeskin front and rear


    My favourite combo: racing Ralph snakeskin front and non snakeskin rear both 2.25

    Light, cheap, reliable enough but not as long lasting.


    All those combos have enough grip for xc style riding.

  3. ...and why does everyone say, "I upgraded to a 29er"?


    It's not an upgrade, it just has different size wheels.It's the bike design and componentry that matters.


    It's like saying I "upgraded" from an Audi A4 with 16" wheels to a Corolla with 18" wheels.

    Wanna upgrade to my corolla and I take your A4?



    I had no issue up the hills this past weekend and my bike is set up as 1X10 with a 34 front blade and 11/36

    Ja but your an animal.


    Volume of 2.25 racing Ralph's are perfect for our conditions.


    Would like something fat on a rigid though.



    Great idea for fully rigid bikes.

    There is also no need to use the wider rims, I am running a 3.0 tyre on a standard 29'er rim.

    Also if you running 1x10 you will struggle more on a bigger tire. Maybe not much but it will be noticeable.

  6. What do you have now?


    Would upgrade my shifters to something like XTR or XX/X0 (depending on which you prefer). Get the clutch type RD. Brakes to shimano (keep them if you already have shimano). Get some ice-tech rotors.


    Would much rather spend money on nice wheels and a carbon handlebar than upgrading a complete groupset.


    SLX groupo with the clutch system is everything and more 95% of riders need.

  7. In the same spot.


    WTB i19 - rims are a bit narrow for 'n paar vet tekke

    AM classic - same price as crest/arch on hope combo

    Crest/arch - too commercial and those hubs just scream "I like to be heard"

    Velocity - didn't know about them Eldron. Any reviews?

    Novatec - good value but how are those hubs?

    Easton EA70XC - pretty bling but not sure about reliability...?


    Input please guys!


    Did they not make money out of the sale of said bike....if yes they are the first line and if its a good lbs, the buck should stop with them...since the lbs will say its the agent's responsibility, the agent will blame the brand....


    With vetseun here....

    Way too many LBS or any shop for that matter who love stocking and selling but when problems arise they just pull up their shoulders and refer you to the distributors.


    What's the use of the middle man then? They like taking their 20-30% profit, then they should man up and step to the plate. Least they can do is supply the customer with a demo bike.

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