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Posts posted by M L

  1. I see its a new venue . Hope they manage to come up with a more interesting route as well.


    Will probably skip this year though, done enough zig-zagging through the same vineyards the last 2 years.

    Haha, well can't really be less interesting can it?..

  2. What does protein before the race help?


    Usually eat the regular breakfast (Pronutro/future life/oats/mieliepap) maybe have a fruit with that.


    During: peanut butter sarmie/baby potatoes/nuts/raisins


    Post race, replenish the carbs, amino acids, salts etc you lost during the race. Like future life with extra whey/chicken wrap/lasagna etc.

  3. I've had issues with Hope Mini Mono's before - gave them away in fact.

    But I would fit Hope brakes again.


    I've been a formula convert for a while now, and they pretty awesome brakes, but expensive.


    All things being equal I reckon the best value / performance brakes are Shimano Deore.

    Son has them on his bike and I've had zero issues, and they are powerful stoppers.



    (Sorry - this is like a red flag to a bull - I couldn't help myself!)


    So you're asking the poster to keep his opinions to himself - you're anti anti religious posts? And now I'm being anti anti anti religious posts. And if you reply, you're anti anti anti anti religious posts.


    Somehow, I don't think the internet is a place for you...

    Was a kind request. Anyway..

  5. Guys quick question... I'm running ust crossmarks on my bike. It's now time to replace the mrs tires on her 29er but she doesn't ride her bike often enough to warrant 600 bucks for a new ust tire ( she's running tubes ). What non ust tires can be run tubeless and how do I do it? Sorry for the hijack but it is topic related...

    Most of them. But due to their thin sidewalks they are sketchy around corners and are prone to cuts.


    If she has tubes then it's ok, but tubeless You have to watch out what you buy as she might ride it off the rim on the front (think racing Ralph in non snake skin).



  6. Personal choice, what works for others may not for you...

    Phenom gel and Gobi kill me, probably good if you got lots of padding under your sitbones either naturally or with chamois or whatever they call those padded girly pants :P


    WTB Pure V race is the one for me, substantial plush padding for my skinny ass works really well.



    Phenom gives too little padding for my skinny ass, henge works a treat.

  7. I did, but after the 5, 6, 7 or so person that went past and ignored me, I had to make a decision. I needed to get into work asap, so was stuck between a rock and a hard place. At the same time, I'm sitting on the side of the road bike upside down, you would think someone would also ask.

    Pffft, roadies :ph34r:

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