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Posts posted by M L

  1. Really? I think there should be a by-law prohibiting people like you from owning anything Ti. It's bad for the element's rep.

    Think you missed his hidden message...must be difficult wit mob justice and all that.

    Just do it, cons the 26er die hard's gonna tell u it's a marketing thing, the huge tractors wheels etc.... Scott good but work u way up to a real machine Lynskey! Once u got titanium there's now coming back.

  2. Bwahahaha. Indeed.


    I fitted PRO grips last night and they're hexagonal not round - took me 5 minutes to make all the lines along the grip exactly straight. The PRO end caps have arrows on them and they both point EXACTLY forward ;-)


    Don't get me started on brake/gear lever angle and distance from end of bar...

    ahhhh, yeah i'm that guy.


    Brake cables correct length

    headset top cap 90 degrees with top tube (mine has writing on)

    brake pads may not touch the rotors

    bike must be washed at least once a week

    Skewers must be angled so that it compliments the frame and mininmizes airflow resistance

    When done with a ride the rear derailleur must be all the way down, same with front (if I have gears there).

  3. My GF is shorter than you, just swapped to 29er a few months ago and she is super happy and hasn't had any of the problems that people suggested she would have.


    Other than the stand over height being a bit high, she's very happy. And TBH it feels like her climbing has improved, and her technical ability too.

    That's good to know. What is she riding?

  4. It's 90mm. Heavy angle though so the distance from the steerer to the bar is shorter, probably closer to 70/80mm.


    Run a 70mm 6deg on the PYGA.


    90mm on the SS - I generally like a longer stem on the SS for some 'room to move' when standing, grinding the pedals.

    Thanks, think I should give 90mm a bash.

  5. I'm sure many others have done this but first time for me...


    I always thought it wouldn't work - always fiigured the air would escape and not move the grip.... Boy was I wrong.


    Jammed the air gun under the inside of the grip then squeezed around the nozzle with my forefinger and thumb to create some pressure. It took less than a minute to get both off.


    Sweet - another use for my compressor.


    I used 5 bar.


    I still put the grips on with hair spray - it allows me time to get the grip exactly how I want it. I have hectic OCD so the end of the grip must be EXACTLY flush with the end of the bar and the thicker section of the grips must be EXACTLY where my hand goes. Can't really do that with air...

    And don't forget the end caps must be 100% level.

  6. Yip - I've experienced it on my medium EMD. The top cup of my headset is fairly wide though so that makes things worse. Neg 25deg stem solved the problem.

    Have wanted to ask you, how long is your stem? Thinking of going 10-20mm shorter. Currently 100m but feel too stretched out.

  7. Yip - I've experienced it on my medium EMD. The top cup of my headset is fairly wide though so that makes things worse. Neg 25deg stem solved the problem.

    You saw the carbon air 9 in the classifieds? As ek maar net geld gehad het :unsure:

  8. Better geometries have greatly improved handling and sizing options. Most manufacturers are getting chain stays to 440mm or less, improving handling.


    I know one of the issues with shorter riders on 29rs is getting the handle bars down lower then the seat. The small frames slope quite a bit often resulting in the stem (top of the head tube) being quite high, requiring a very negative degree stem to get the bars back down.


    I don't have any actual experience with this sizing issue - just what I've read.

    +1, also read that issue.


    There was a cool emd XS build in mtbr with this issue.

  9. ok so I have a question that may or may not have been asked before (and I am not going to search just because it is Friday :ph34r: )


    why do "they" say that short people struggle on 29ers? is the geo to cramped due to the bigger wheels whilst still allowing the rider to reach the bars? Back in the old days 29ers had issues with turning. That has long since been resolved with the off-set forks etc. Perhaps the issue for shorter riders was, in them old days, that the 29ers struggled to turn, and that plus a short legged resulted in the issue. Perhaps the whole 29er-is-not-for-short-people thing has long since been resolved? rumors will always go on, like when people tell me 29ers cant take a turn, and I end up laughing in their faces at the next race about that statement.

    Don't think it's so much a geo thing as a weight and cost thing.


    On 29ers under R15000 you usually get a bike that weighs much more than a 26er worth 10k. And when you are 1.6m tall you are going to waste your money trying to hop on the 29er bandwagon and think you will enjoy your bike more, or it will be faster. Unless you are Emily Batty with a moer expensive 29er I would much rather capitalize on the cheap components of the 26er market.


    EDIT: sorry, ryan, no idea why I quoted your reply.

  10. Changing your eating habits has very little to do with motivation. It's a decision you make and have to agree to. If you need motivation to even start eating healthy then you are set up to fail.


    Make the choice that you want to live a healthy lifestyle and then you just do it. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy desserts though. Eating nothing is also not an option.


    If you really want to lose weight start eating healthier and get a second sport, something like jogging (the pro's call it running). It takes much less time than cycling and is much better for losing fat.

  11. Lekkers bud :thumbup:


    This specific topic is so overly discussed that I almost hate any question relating to it....its really a non event the whole wheelsize thing. FRIB...that is all

    "upgrading" to a 29er and the tire advice threads are getting really old now.

  12. I'm thinking about upgrading my mtb.I've been looking at the Scott Scale 920 or 910.

    My current mtb (also Scott scale) has 26" wheels. I'm quite small (1.58m), might the 29" wheels be a problem for me?

    Pro's and cons of 29"wheels and any suggestions on what to buy?

    If I were in your shoes I would keep my 26" scott and upgrade it. How old is it and which components does it have?


    You are not tall and should benefit from the lighter weight of 26 bikes and wheels and once you ride a 29er with heavy wheels I think you will think twice about your purchase.


    Get a a nice wheelset and something here and there and then ignore the slow guys on their 29ers cause the sun doesn't shine out of a 29er's arse.

  13. Hmmm... I REALLY like that ros9... (I already have an emd9 :ph34r: ).

    +1, almost got a wet dream about one last night. The blue one turns me on big time.


    If I had an emd 1x10 and singlespeed ros I would be a very happy chappy.

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