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Everything posted by TNT1

  1. Those untreated shin injuries must have slowed your guys down.
  2. https://www.thebalanceeveryday.com/why-have-skill-testing-questions-for-sweepstakes-896839
  3. Sure, but they show enough live of what I wanted to watch, and their highlights packages are well put together. Plus when that's done, you can watch all their other content which keeps the Chinese happy.
  4. I knew a guy who had a cannondale with this finish on it. Worst thing I have ever seen. You just looked at it and it had fingerprints on it. Honestly, you simply could not keep that bike clean.]
  5. How did it "pop" out? Anyway, the correct fix here is a roll of duct tape.
  6. Yeah, I didn't think I was crossing a line when I started that one. The other remark I made on the non-cycling Olympic thread, I knew was way off the mark, and I got a note from the headmaster about that one.
  7. I can't believe you lot are still thrashing this non-event.
  8. He says the chain is jumping on the chainring though. A worn cassette would make it skip on the cassette.
  9. I think I actually have my old man's skinsuit he used in the 1980 olympics somewhere. I'll use that.
  10. We should do a comparison between those, and me with clip on tri-bars from 1993 and a skinsuit even older than that.
  11. I was basing it on whatever Mr Price gave De Bod vs a proper skinsuit like his trade team, would use...
  12. It makes a huge difference. Over a course like today's, the latest skinsuit technology is probably worth around 30 seconds.
  13. What? Those don't exist in cycling. This is a proper sport not like these other piffling things at the olympics. Participation in cycling at the olympics is based on the number of UCI points a country has. You get UCI points from all the UCI sanctioned races in the calendar.
  14. Dunno. SASCOC took 185 athletes to Tokyo, but can only give an estimate total number of athletes and support staff, and they gave that as 303. Given that there are large teams in that athlete's number, who don't need a support person for each member of the team, it seems fair to assume there are enough places to give at least a person for road and a person for track. I also assume of course there are a lot of hangers on in that number just along for the holiday in Japan, right?
  15. I told you it wasn't mick jagger's day.
  16. He's not on a good year. At least he hasn't fallen. Yet.
  17. Yeah, we'll see by the end just how far off the winning time Evnepoel is then, cause this is not Mick Jagger's day.
  18. That seems like an arbitrary and pointlessly excessive barrier to entry for the sport.
  19. use one to hold a spare tjoob and plugs and gas bomb and use one to hold your bottle.
  20. Yeah, cause JHB is freezing all day everyday lately.
  21. Yeah, that would be the simplest solution.
  22. And women want equal prize money. Pffftttt.
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