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Everything posted by TAAHIRWP

  1. Hi Guys i know this has nothing to do with Import duties, but i was wondering if any of you might know where the thread is which discusses bringing a bike down from Josie to CT. Cycle lab and the local post office was mentioned. i would appreciate it very much if you could post the link to the specific thread here.. thanks
  2. ...i wouldn't know the first thing about what to do... lol. But yes, i do understand what your saying and where your coming from.
  3. It just sounds like you guys in KZN are getting way more scope to enduro events than us down here in CT.. :( So very sad...
  4. May u be granted a speedy recovery Abbas IA... And may we all be protected by Allah (swt) when on the road or in the mountain.
  5. Yep you are right Super_mil, i was just wondering what the users of the gear i mentioned has to say about it. pro's, cons, verdict etc.
  6. Anyone in South Africa purchase the IXS trail helmet or flow knee pads yet?
  7. Only if you going to do it flowta ,
  8. Agree.. this was the case.
  9. yeah, but the venue is not being posted...
  10. Shot Nigel, thanks for setting the record straight.. Def. my biggest misconception for 2013 up till now "DH guys ride DH - this does not mean they are all nuts and jump off cliffs - or have to hit big gaps etc."
  11. K awesome! now to get serious about whether or not im going to do the event.
  12. okay understood, but... being that the event is hosted by the "WP downhill" guys, do you think i should feel a bit intimidated to attempt the event? Cz if its going to be trail bikes on DH lines, then i freakn hope there will be bailout/ B-line / chicken run options.
  13. Hey Nigel, do you perhaps know what is the diff between Enduro events and Gravity Enduro events? i witnessed the one enduro i did here in CT was focused on both wheels being grounded. Would the same apply to a Gravity Enduro event, or would it be more DH orientated with drops and jumps?
  14. just some FYI the Trek Remedy 7 i saw was around R27k and the Remedy 8 for R30k, (i got the prices from the Bicycle.co.za buyers guide) ...
  15. +1 for Western Cape!! i saw this thread in the "latest forum posts" section on the home page and got so excited.... oh well, i'll just continue to rack up my training km..
  16. this incident is very scary. To think a small fall like that could end up so hectically. Looks like the end of the handlebar got caught in his pelvic area. am i right?
  17. <p> Thanks CPT armpies mayham,Really enjoying snake trail- I find it testing my ability to gear shift and descend rocky sectionsMamba- tests my nerve to try n find flow and get more airBoomslang- has a few off camber sections with roots . I keep my breath when I go over it anticipating my front wheel/tyre to slip.. All in all its a great run.With a loop It will be very awesome to session, summer sun not so forgiving thoughBut great work on the trails.. Hope to show my face at a build day when I am able to..
  18. Is there any shorter way to get up to the start of mamba when I've finished boomslang? I know boomslang is loop-able, I found the ascending single track. But is there a quicker way to get to the start of mamba without having to go jeeptrack? I don't mind steepness.
  19. Congrats on your final results bru, i think the kewl thing is that you have an awesome bike, and you KNOW how to RIDE it...
  20. Action cycles - check Bridge cycles - check
  21. will be in CT soon, i'll give them a shout. thanks Hairy.
  22. No worries NicoBoshoffI banged my head very hard about 4 months ago. Landed headfirst doing jumps. I was like 5meters away from where I crashed, bike was another 5m further. So my confidence went down the drain. Started working on my ability and i am now able to flow much better than before the incident and my confidence is even higher than before. So I guess its just the fear of falling hard on my head again, and that I have a family to support that's motivated me to research protective gear.Oh, and yes... "Fools rush in" trying to keep it under control. So far so good, hope I'll be able to keep it up. My wallet only allows me to be a dreamer at the mo.
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