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Everything posted by WrightJnr

  1. Not anymore... Becoming more the norm to take data as well. Data being used as leverage. https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-warning-now-attacks-are-stealing-data-as-well-as-encrypting-it/
  2. WrightJnr


    My nerves are shot!! #BB33 3 laps to go...
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8608745/Simon-Cowell-hospitalized-surgery-broken-falling-electric-bike-Malibu.html Looks like Celeb Simon Cowell has broken his back while riding his new e-bike.
  4. I think he had gone off the boil even before that. Side Note: Most “extreme” athletes (cycling sprinters, MotoGP riders, F1 Champions etc.) are typically single and child free in their prime as well as younger. The story that goes the older you get the wiser you become is true, add to that maybe a spouse and a kid or two in your life and suddenly that gap you used to go for instinctively you hesitate, even for that split second. The result is you finish second. A lot of top extreme athletes have remained single and focused throughout their careers. Yes, there are the exceptions but they are few and far between. We used to joke in the paddock about it, you see so and so get married and then family starts, within 2-3 years, they either mid field or stopped all together. And no, there’s nothing wrong with that, just the stages of life.
  5. Already purchased and sprayed it Astana blue !!
  6. https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-warning-now-attacks-are-stealing-data-as-well-as-encrypting-it/ Ransomware warning: Now attacks are stealing data as well as encrypting it
  7. Completed mine a month or two back. And with the new rules SARS slipped into next years rules I’m very happy I did. Busy working with my FA at the moment on the withdrawal and reinvestment.
  8. WrightJnr

    Formula 1...

    Hehehehe. Very true. But 7 times champ MS proved you could stay classy. And 9 times Moto champ VR keeps the style perfectly in check. Personally, LH has the looks and body to do as he pleases. The fit clean cut would suit him better than a gangsta rapper GQ model he goes for. (Totally my opinion!!)
  9. We can agree to disagree but my view is simple. If my personal data has been compromised, I deserve to know. And just as easily as the crypto ransom cannot be traced so then can the sale of the personal database to a 3rd party. Does all this mean I’m throwing Garmin out with the bath water, no. Damn, I’ve just dropped my biggest purchase yet on a 1030 Plus 3 days ago. I love their hardware. But for me, the way they have chosen to deal with this outage I don’t agree with. Side Note: I really cannot afford for my riding data to shared in case my work finds out I’ve been smashing centuries on the days I’ve been calling in sick ........
  10. I do have an issue. If my personal data has been compromised, including that I use Garmin Pay and have credit card details at risk. I deserve the chance to update passwords and notify my bank.
  11. Backlog and Queued items amongst other synchronization issues would be my guess. Millions of users, even more data coming in and then all the 3rd party API sites to sync with. I would suspect that Garmin are opening the taps slowing and bringing up services one at a time as the resource overhead in the data center must be unreal. At the same time they trying to patch the open wound of an attack to prevent further attach.
  12. WrightJnr


    I feel bad that he can’t ride. Not about someone standing in for him. Apologies if that wasn’t clear.
  13. WrightJnr


    Feel bad for Marc. He’s such a racer like all of them.
  14. Battery in my power meter went flat once. I freewheeled to a stop. Got off and called an Uber to get me home.
  15. WrightJnr


    He did a proper job on that guys.
  16. I do get what you saying however I’ve paid for a service and chosen said service because I believed that a giant like Garmin would have resilience. Maybe if they had come clean people would have been a little more understanding? Remember all they officially said was “down for maintenance”. And based on that reason I’m not surprised people threw their toys. Believe me, 80% if not more of the Garmin owners I know and discussed with them had no idea about the ransomware. More worrying is that this took our their avionics business. Knowing that those critical systems are housed in the same containers as my weight from last week scares the hell out of me!
  17. Yeah, that’s what I was meaning. Pretty sure they couldn’t care less for my resting heart rate. But the fact that I can’t access my data in order to fine tune my water consumption for the day is a BIG problem.
  18. Really bad news if they paid. This will excite cybercrime and once they know there is way more than just a statement to be made we will see bigger and more frequent attacks. Buckle up people, your data has never been so valuable!!
  19. WrightJnr


    Back too soon! And now he’s really shagged it. Unfortunately to my earlier point, racing doctors are NOT the same as your family GP you’ve had for years who really cares about you. Either you clear them to race or they’ll find a doctor who will!! The show must go on!! Really sad about this and hope he can return 100% strong and mobile.
  20. WrightJnr

    Formula 1...

    Verstapen said in interview after the race they pitted him so he could push for fastest lap on new rubber and pick up the bonus point. So they weren’t bringing him in out of concern.
  21. Buy a Park Tool stand (when you find one in CT) and doesn’t need to be the pro version. Then, when you pass away of old age you can hand it down to your great grandchild who in turn can get a lifetimes of happy use from it .....
  22. Wow! Wout was impressive.
  23. Lucky Eurosport 2 for me ...
  24. WrightJnr

    Formula 1...

    This is what being Vegan does to you. I can’t be associated with that!
  25. Thought it was a trick picture. Until I finally saw the chain...
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