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Everything posted by WrightJnr

  1. Knipex. Just lovely. All my pliers, cutters, “handle” tools are them. Lifetime of tools those.
  2. It’s never as easy as it bloody looks!! Hate all these homemakers clips on social media, watch and go damn!!! I’m gonna try that, then try, fail and throw the **** in the bin. Feel like a failure and sulk the rest of the day.
  3. My IDT does NOT play nice with 11-speed 105 cassette and my wife’s 10-speed XT MTB hooked up. I’ve resorted to leaving her bike in one gear and running some pre-sorted workouts created in ERG mode. Not ideal but she’s not interested in Zwift gaming etc.
  4. I think Radar is most useful in loud wind, saying cruising down a decent where we typically use a little more road than usual and also need a longer time/space to react. No need trying to hear the car behind you, of course though if you in “full aero tuck” and doing same speed of the car it doesn’t give you any warning.
  5. All depends on how hard the rides are during the week. My 500 TSS a week is anything between 6-9 hours. The higher your IF the less time it takes.
  6. I’m not convinced they were ever running at a loss. They’ve been selling the data they’ve been collecting to municipalities and city planners since day 1 as well as anyone else willing to pay to get millions of activity (and until recently personal data) insights. Same as Google. Google Maps is “free”. But all they are doing is simple crowd sourcing. Using the public to actively map out the entire world, updating daily the changes and getting ready to have the entire globe mapped to the meter so they can role out autonomous vehicles that know every inch of the roads... As far as Strava changes go. I’ve been a fully paid Premium Member since 2015 and will continue to do so. They’ve changed the social landscape of exercise.
  7. I’m confused. I’ve read OP post a few times now. He mentions Dual Sus and Road bike. What? That it? Only two bikes? What a noob. Hes YEARS away from needing to worry...
  8. I absolutely love my Power2Max NG on my new Scott Spark. Great reliable PM. Enjoy!!
  9. Depends on what protocol the hub transmits. Need to be either ANT+ or Bluetooth. If just ANT+ then you will need PC with ANT+ adaptor or a Android phone that has ANT+ Will then work on Zwift but of course you will need to adjust resistance manually.
  10. WrightJnr

    Formula 1...

    My dad used to be a keen photographer back then. Would basically take pics and sell them to to drivers/riders and cover his development costs. I’ve looked at those pics so many times and asked him, where “exactly” were you standing or lying when you took that pic? To get the answer, on the side of the track, on the kerb, under the catch fence. Just crazy times. When men were men and sheep were scared.
  11. I calculate it as follows. 0.7 Happy Days!! 0.8 Ok, we working now... 0.9 Jirre!! 1.0 Is that vomit in my mouth?
  12. Correct, we live in the 21st century. ;-)
  13. I had a Honda Civic VTEC on order when they first came out. 6 months delivery, only a month in we had the grand old Rand Show (when it was still lekker) I purchased Alpine deck, 6 disc changer, monster cables and amp and a carpeted box for the boot, oh and some new pioneer 6X9’s which fitted into the existing speaker holders so no cutting the backboard. Those were the LONGEST 5 months of my life!!
  14. Probably a 2.5” receiver and not that crappy ball hitch thing they chose in SA.
  15. Very popular here in Dubai. And from what I’ve seen pretty handy in the dunes. Endless mods to customize too.
  16. Sorry, I don’t agree. I’ve got XO and XT. There ain’t 2 years difference!
  17. If you want to get 5 years out your next purchase then go for the 6 now.
  18. You can’t buy talent like that. That hand speed!!
  19. What a magical little (well not that little) dongle. Transformed my Zwift sessions after endless Bluetooth dropouts...
  20. #53 in the kart. My old man sitting on the armco next to me. Probably telling me “just give it 100% and I’ll be happy no matter the result”. Turns out over the years my 100% went from the back of the field to mixing it up mid field to ultimately MSA National colours. And he never asked for more or less. I’m grateful for my pops and that he’s still around for my kids. I’m around his age in the picture now. This picture reminded me to up my parenting game, standards have been set high!!
  21. Don’t be soft. Go straight to the DeepHeat. You’ll tingle plenty!
  22. That’s exactly what TrainerRoad have introduced. Group Workouts. Flippin cool. I’ve still got a few 30 day free trails if anyone is looking to test out. (absolutely nothing in it for me I promise, just as a subscriber I get a coupon every few months)
  23. “Four Horseman” I believe.
  24. When in need and I’m out of the proper stuff I’ve had good success with plain old Zambuk. In fact used to always ride with a small tub. Could use it for lip-ice as well. Just no double dipping ;-)
  25. I quite enjoy it. Some do video and audio. Some just audio. The ZOOM (or any other conference type solution) works well because people can join/drop off as they like. So sometimes everyone joins beginning of ride and chats, then drop off. Then join again later etc. But each to their own, we have a few people who always ride along but never connect to the call.
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