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Suidwes Boytjie

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Posts posted by Suidwes Boytjie

  1. Okay, I proabably should've read a bit more before commenting. With accommodation and food it's actually not badly priced at all.

    I tend to agree in a way, but then for us from down here in the Cape it's quite a drive to get there (read fuel cost here) so then a 1 day event becomes quite an expensive weekend away. Specially if you're husband and wife both riding.

    But with that said, i would really love to do this event. It really looks lekker.

  2. Take the CSA  bitching and moaning to the proper thread.


    I was a bit disappointed with the 2 water tables I stopped at. I didn't see much to eat and the coke/water/powerade/game wasn't cold. Maybe I just missed the good stuff?

    I have to agree... Water tables was terrible. I have done a few races and seriously, they could have done better.

  3. Don't have too much detail but I understand it was a minor heart attack, oke spent the rest of the weekend in ICU and will probably be released today. Hopefully he will make a full recovery.

    Jeez... Seems like this happens more and more these days. Glad he's ok. 

  4. Jeez that was tough and loads of fun!! Aimed for 06h30min on my first attempt. Managed 05h48min in the end, stopped at all the waterpoints, took in the scenery, picked up a free Scott helmet. Quite happy with that time, but I realized a few things..I should NOT have been seeded in Batch A, and being 110kg and doing all this climbing just doesn't work together! I cramped up badly from 57km onwards, got a flat down Prince Alfreds. Chain got really really squeaky at one point. If the guy that stopped to give me his lube by chance reads this, please contact me, I want to repay you for your help! I'll definitely be back next year, but I'll aim for 20kg lighter and a sub 5hours time! I saw the paramedics tend to the guy having a heart attack(He looks like a young fit guy), do anybody know if he is okay? That kinda scared me..after that I even took it a bit easier. 

    WHAT??? Where was that?

  5. Anyone know what happened to the guy that was loaded into the ambulance just after the 2nd water point just as the decent started?

    Really hope the guy is ok and that it's nothing serious.

  6. Are you guys planning on making a wider version of the bar?  I really love it, but it's a bit too narrow compared to what I'm used to.


    assume you mean the Endurance MTB handlebar? ( we also do Gravel Handlebars in 42 and 44cm widths before the drops and flare ) 


    the MTB handlebar is purely for Stage Racing and Marathon Bikes - and 720mm is still the most popular - we have no plans to open another mould to make wider bars as apart from the cost the demand is just not there to justify new tooling and moulds. 


    guys like Nino still running even narrower bars ... 

    Would also got one if they had a wide option available...  :( but i understand their reasoning. 

  7. And if a geelslang or mamba bites you, get into the shade of a tree. You are going too die anyway. The shade of the tree will help to prevent swelling so that your relatives can get you into a coffin. :devil:

    Way back in Namibia we had an old oom that always told us... "if ever a geelslang bites you, look for the shade of a big tree and go and lay down under the shade. Meat rot slower in shade that out in direct sunlight"


    Needless to say that back then as kids we we're scared shitless of geelslange

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