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Everything posted by AlanD

  1. Agree. you just moving the water around really and when it rains the garden gets water and the pool start to fill. That is why I think a jojo is prime so you have water when there is no rain for a while saving on using the municipal water. I too have no money at the moment...had a few priorities...new MTB tyres...lol
  2. Urrrmm...never thought of it making the pool dirty. Good point that cos then you spent more money on chemicals and running the pool longer to get it clean again which cancels out the saving.
  3. Got some good things here and will be doing the following...or rather adding to the list of things to do: 1) Geyser timer, blanket and pipe insulation - Aiming for the end of this month 2) Privacy by adding something on top of the brick wall. I saw a house that had palisade fence on top of the wall (security) and then wooden slabs in between the gaps of the fencing for privacy. It looked awesome and would like to do that - need costing and maybe look at this later in the year. 3) Oil Lapa - Linseed oil/Woodoc 30/35 - In the next month or two. Right, with the water restrictions, what do you do for water conservation. immediately a jojo tank comes to mind but rather pricey for me at this point. Re-directing down pipes to other areas of the house and to top up the pool. I saw this pic and thought it would be a cheap workaround:
  4. With such a burly front tyre, I think the RR is a good option and of course the side knobs are massive just like the MM to help with grip in the corners. I think it will work most nicely.
  5. They arrived today....Good grief, didn't realize how Burly the MM is...those knobs are massive...luckily I went with fast rolling tyre on the rear. Somehow I don't think I am going to have any issues with grip and cornering...
  6. So much easier at the back and the routing can be done neater. I route the cable under the bb, piggy backed on the rear RD cable and up into the FD cable guide thingy. Worked out lekker
  7. What i did was tape the hole as well as i could to prevent debris getting in there. You can buy grommets to try fit in the hole. So far i have not had any issues with it. Can send you a pic of how i taped it up if you like
  8. Lekker ride with Pikey in the Souf. He needed some medical attention cos he couldn't keep up with my blistering pace...hahahah
  9. I have drilledbmy 26er frame for Stealth routing and it worked like a charm. https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/161454-drilling-frame-for-stealth-routing/?fromsearch=1
  10. Lol..pretty, yes...seriaaas...not so much...just had to have them...dont know why...but i had to
  11. Just doing some googling and cam across some negatives of Linseed Oil: 1) Sometimes linseed oil can take forever to dry... or stays sticky or doesn't dry at all!! 2) No UV (ultraviolet) light resistance... 3) Linseed oil is mildew food... 4) Linseed oil does not harden sufficiently 5) Difficult to remove from wood... Is this a concern? Worried about the UV protection it's the lapa poles which is obviously outside. The Woodoc 30 looks like a good option
  12. Nothing like having multiple opinions to make the decision easy on what to go for... .
  13. This is what I am going to buy for my New bike (Trance Advanced): Front: Schwalbe Magic Mary Evo Snakeskin TrailStar TL 27,5 x 2,35" Rear: Schwalbe Rock Razor Snakeskin PaceStar TLR 27.5 x 2.35" I think this will be awesome. Agree?
  14. Seems to be a divide between the oil and Sealant. I am non the wiser as my wood knowledge is limited. Just want to revive the lapa poles without using the wrong stuff.
  15. Ok right. The poles are faded at the bottom and we get a lot of ants around then poles that annoy me immensely with their piles of sand they extract. Can't Seem to get rid of them. So can I just use Linseed oil or mix it with Turps as V12Man suggested? What does the Turps Do?
  16. Yes, would think this falls under the common sense umbrella.
  17. Had to google that..haha..thanks.
  18. The linseed is available at the likes of Builders I gather? A cloth? Would a paint brush work? Domestic engineer.....lol...is that what they are called now?
  19. Thought I would ask here as it is wood related: What can I use to treat my lapa wooden poles? Some have started to look rather bare (the coating seems to have gone, not sure how else to say it) at the bottom. I know of Creosote but that stuff is pungent and not good for the skin. I have little children so don't want them touch or licking the poles with that stuff...lol Do I need to sand them first (please say no) and then apply or can I just apply? Thanks
  20. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. This third chap was so adamant on the stem and asked for banking details and then quiet. Not a word out of him after a few messages to him. I mean really, why? I am sure there are guys that just do this for fun.
  21. So im in a stuggle now: i had a guy interested in something i was selling and asked if i could keep it for him for a few days. I said yes. He then came back to be amd said its not the right size stem for him. Fine, no issues. I offered it to the second chap who showed interest. At the same time i had another chap wanting it urgently so told him he is third in line. The second guy in line did not respond in almost two days so offered to the third chap. We exhanged details amd he said he would pay as we agreed. Then chap two came back to me saying he is still interested sobyold him in offered to chap three as i did not hear from him and we was ok with that. Now chao three has gone quiet after two messages to him asking when he will make payment but no response. What now? Do i go back to chap two and look like a fool? Why do they do this to me?
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