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Everything posted by Cassie

  1. By the way - if there are up country folk that wish to perhaps make a donation...I'll find out about banking details...just let me know.
  2. Fantastic!! @Hairy - you've beat me to the post... I, for one will be there! I do not know Vissie in a personal capacity, but have always marvelled at his passion for MTB...he's started trails there in the 90's already. C'mon folk ...let's forget about all the ugly media hype surrounfding our sport of cycling and LETS GET BACK TO BASICS!! I.e. go and enjoy our riding and show our appreciation for a fellow MTB enthusiast!! See you at Oak Valley on the 16th...
  3. Your'e the man!! I'll read this for interest sake...But it's much easier to just buy the correct Wt oil fromthe start..and concentrate on the job at hand i.e servicing the fork!! Much appreciated for the info...
  4. And how about mixing two types of weight oil (say (10wt & 5wt) to get to soemthing in-between? I think this topic was covered many moons ago...but i'm sure Lefty / Droo will have a good answer??
  5. My saddle starts creaking every other week...I located it to the seatpost..so I regularly take it off and clean...squeak is immediately silent...
  6. You might be surprised to find it may actually be 1000km's...(If not too much mud is involved)...I've had that and is yet to repalce the drive train...still waiting for the dreaded "suck"...
  7. Cassie


    Go with the weather forecasts!!
  8. I'm in the market for a pair of bib's...should I go have a look?
  9. What tyou expect...me to read all 1000 pages??? Can someone please give a synopsis of this here pages??? 50 words or less...
  10. @slowby...you should know...zero heart rate!! One has to be brain dead to do those type of rides... :whistling:
  11. Hi all The club's website host just (like in last 2 days) migrated over to RSA web...and lo & behold...they got a crash right after that!! Please contact our membership guru..Charles (charles@charlesnesbitt.com) and he will sort you out! Welcome to the club... Will be nice to ride with you guys...
  12. To give the dogs a fair chase...??? else, they stand no chance of EVER catching a postman!!
  13. That equates to good value for your money!! (compared to if you do it in sub 3hr...)
  14. Cassie


    I lost count around 15 of how many balls were dropped...
  15. Tumbles, Tumbles...that will fall under the bestiality act... :eek:
  16. No...it's only when an opportunist takes a video clip and post it world-wide....
  17. Touche....Bra Juliaass just got off from a speeding offence.... :cursing:
  18. NOT the number of cyclists..but rather the WAY they ride...3/4 abreast...
  19. I hear you...but how on earth does a motorist apply the 1.5m rule in a street like that one in Camps bay?? Especially on a Sunday AM with 20 0000 cyclist bunching up all over the place?? Virtually impossible...I'm almost not too surprized that it came to conflict...too many cars and too many cyclist together in a fairly narrow space...
  20. Just imagaine the behaviour of this group when they are actualy out on racing day??? Swear at everyone who is in their way / does not cover to side fast enough... probably ride 4+ breast... the list can go on... Maybe it's time an example is set...c'mon Argus organisers...ban them from the race and make a media splash!! That will redeem some lost goodwill between cyclist and other road users!
  21. Do the right thing and provide the police with information...let them take the matter further...
  22. Cassie


    I knew the Bulls will not loose 3 in a row....that was almost a certainty!!
  23. Cassie

    Argus MTB

    Dude!! you should be organising races!! :thumbup: I like the way you are thinking...that goodie bag would have cost zeros Rands to put together!! But it is propvol REAL value items!! Man, what a great idea...
  24. The obscuring of signs this time of year is always a problem (overgrown by vines)..especially if one uses the vineyard poles...we have a similar problem with the Wannabee trails in vineyards...
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