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Everything posted by Cassie

  1. Now THIS i'll believe...probabaly the best explanation thus far...
  2. I for one would be VERY interested in this experiment's outcome... Where is JB when you need him???
  3. Nail ==> head... I'll put my money on the fact that those rims were in fact NOT "brand new" ...as sold by hubber...?? :eek:
  4. so why would they also burn at Cape Point then? If there is this conspiracy theory... I think it is just part of their bigger plans re: burn strategy
  5. I'm not even a Botanist / Ecologisat and I understand this and reasons offered...why the debate?? Fynbos NEEDS burning!! The frequency is the important factor...
  6. Die REF het gekroek!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Same happened to me! (a while back, though) i took picks of the cracked hub - still posted here on the Hub......mine lasted longer than yours...but still... Seems to be a XT issue...
  8. +1 Also called the "Ghetto conversion" google it!!
  9. Sorry gen, you'll have to bleed out!! There's NO chance of me ripping any cycling shirt for a bleed wound...ha ha ha
  10. Maybe add a bar fridge...to keep all those blood replacement products nice and fresh and nearby.. :ph34r: ooops...thsought it was a LA fred...
  11. Apparently not Shimano...if they look like this, they are Giant Tracker hubs made by Formula...(i've been told). Also open cusp bearings...
  12. MTB'er on the left...inside yellow line... Roadie on right...outside yellow line...facing a potential rock in the face... Wonder who DARWIN WILL SMILE UPON???
  13. What if I put it to you...."would you buy a fake diamond IF you know it's a fake..bla bla bla..."
  14. wow! how much will one of these babies set you back?? Mega dollars, i supose?
  15. yes, a agree with the solution to the problem. Lately i had some random skip (mostly on front ring, under some torgue) and found it to be my quicklink that was starting to show wear...replaced it and problem went away!
  16. @Droo, i want to check (& change) my dust seal oil in a Manitou fork lowers...anything different that i need to know from a Fox fork? (since this is from my "old bike" I intend to keep the dust wiper seal intact, unless they are poor condition 9which i think they are not!)...i just want to change the damper oil and clean the dust foam wipers and put them back in... Manitou air absolute fork...
  17. @Dolphi...contact @Flou here on the hub - he is also in Stellenbosch....we did his Fox fork oil seal service/lower oil change...all in the time it took me to drink a beer( Thanks Flou!)... It was quite simplistic in the end...
  18. Cassie


    AND I drank my bathwater... :thumbdown: Thanks to the Cheetas, i made a silly bet with my laaitie that I'll give up beer for 3 months if they draw with the Chiefs...Now I'm crying!! AS for Stormers...a management change is not going to help much... I;m afraid... There is that old saying of "can't polish a turd..." We simply do not have the talent, with the guys who has left for greener paychecks and those who are injured... Wer'e basically fielding a 3rd team in some positions!
  19. Check the beading of the tyre...ther may be a kink or something like thta in the beading where it seats to the rim...
  20. shape one from a piece of wire!! easy peasy...
  21. I suggest - that out of respect ... the name "widow maker" should perhaps be removed and/or changed to something less offensive? just an outsider perspective...{it's a pretty cool name and very apt...}
  22. Cassie


    I've been toying with that exact same idea for some time now...(alpine style MTB'ing)....problem is (one of them)...do you want to ride with a R10k bow exposed to branches and wear/tear?
  23. Better get that "I put it to you..." guy... someone is going to get it!!
  24. Must have perfect power control to be able to do that no handed wheelie...AND note... this is not on smooth tar...its rugged terrain!! = RESPECT!!
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