During lockdown last year we had a few incidents in our suburb of fence jumpers and all of them broke into cars parked outside garages or took gas bottles visible form the road etc. The guy across from me doesn't have a garage anymore(it's now a flat) and all his cars park in his front yard and his lightie left a laptop in the car and they smashed the window and took it. So one of the local security companies sent a message saying these type of incidents are on the rise during lockdown and these guys just take the path of least resistance so as bad as it sounds you just need to have a bit more than your neighbor and they will just go next door(but targeted premeditated robberies it doesn't matter what you got).
So as soon as we were allowed out of our houses I went off to Nemtek and bought everything needed(think it cost me like R12k). I installed it all myself according to the law requirements. I don't have a COC but I would need one if I sell my house. Colleague of mine recently sold his house, he never had a COC as he had also done it himself. He called an electrician, the guy asked him to whatsapp pictures of certain things. Electrician asked him to change a few things(he had to add 1 extra earth spike and put one earth wire in trunking). He did that and sent the guy pictures. The electrician sent an invoice for R1100, it was paid and the next day the COC was in his post box.
I have it for basically a year now, have had to fix a wire twice(first time the stupid flashing light thing they sold me to let you know there is power was arcing and it melted the wire and the 2nd time was my fault when I was trimming the tree on my pavement and a branch swung down and fell on the fence) but I bought a big roll of the stainless wire so have plenty to do repairs. The alarm has gone off 3 times. A bird fried itself as well as a lizard(the bird must have hit live and earth and the lizard was on the live and then earthed himself to the pole) and then a branch from a shrub thing in the neighbors garden which he now keeps trimmed.
I am not worried about something going wrong or the system shocking someone unnecessarily as I may not be a qualified electrician but I know how this stuff works so there is nothing wrong with my work. I have also done the job probably better than some "qualified" installers. For eg All my lugs onto the earth spikes are soldered and shrink sleeved whereas I am pretty sure most guys don't do that.
All I need to do now is hook it up to my alarm system as it is currently separate and I or my security company don't know if it goes off if I am not at home. I wanted to let the system run and sort any potential niggles before I have the guys at my house every few days due to a branch setting it off.
Also, some sort of remote activating/deactivating device would be nice. The unit sits in my garage and if it goes off in the middle of the night I will have to go outside as my garage is not part of my house. I am not sure if you get anything like that, still need to find out.