Ive personally only ever used Multisport watches for the ~10yrs i've been into my cycling. I recently bought a new bike which looks way to race'y to strap my garmin fenix too (actually the aero bars wouldn't allow me to anyway) so decided to take advantage of the garmin outfront mount it comes standard with and invest in a dedicated cycle computer. I hadn't yet used my device booster with vitality, so decided to use the benefit to acquire a Garmin Edge 530. Over a 4 week period of use, i definitely saw the benefit in having a dedicated computer, so the 530 was definitely a great experience for me, not ever having had something like this, but what disappointed me mostly? (This is almost everything unfortunately TL:DR i've already sold the unit to a fellow hubber). The Screen - the use of small fonts, loads of white space and a really poor contrast ratio. I think garmins push to offer a colour screen has led to a compromise of a number of very logical basic needs for a cycle computer - including easy reading. They've even defaulted to leaving the backlight on almost permanently to help the situation, which it sort of does, but at the compromise of battery life. The Gimmics - Climb Pro, MTB Flow and Grit, Jump Dynamics, impact Detection the list goes on - but let me argue this in a separate thread if the feedback warrants it, but all totally useless and doesn't work as well as you'd expect. Garmin is Going Google on us .. Ease of Setup - OMW - i couldn't believe how fideally it is to setup screens without the use of a touch screen. Get ready to fidget - ALOT! Whats worse is that the screens are fairly static - if you choose 7 fields, thats how its going to stay unless you've got a separate page for the regular access data. Course - I cant believe how hard it is to upload a course shared through Strava or GPX to the device, and you better know how to start a course from its fidelly menu's as once you've started the ride, you cannot jump to the course for navigation afterwards. Dependancy on Garmin Express - Garmin devices are not tether free, you must connect it to a laptop when you buy it to get the Africa Topographic map loaded and the initial Firmware update installed. It took me a while to figure out why i wasn't seeing the street level maps that come free with the device (Region specific only - if you travel to the EU or US, you need to buy the other maps). Route Discovery - Segment explorer is totally useless, you cant navigate to the start of segments in an area you are simply looking for a route to ride in, for road you can draw a route and its auto route feature does work, but for MTB, you better do your research before riding an area you don't know. The Trails network pre-installed with the Africa TopoGraphic maps is also extremely limited to the well known trails.There are other irritations about the device that i wont dip into, for instance auto-upload needed me to use the "upload Ride" feature a number of times. Im not convinced the device can upload to my WiFi without the phone involved, i was probably doing something wrong. The impact detection goes off all the time, heavy braking, riding trails with rock gardens etc, the jump sensor is way to sensitive, and records jumps for the simplest little bumps, the MTB grit and flow makes no practical sense for during and post ride assessment. in the end the computer is now in another hubbers hands, i wish him the best, but i can honestly say that for R6k, i'm super disappointed at what the Best-of-Garmin has surmounted to. To the point of this thread, i'm now the proud owner of a Wahoo Elemnt Bolt - after a couple of rides i can only tell you that this device is a dream - it does what its designed to do extremely well and just works - whats best? I can actually read the data during a ride! If i was to write all my thoughts down, i would mirror 101% what this author said about it here.